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  1. Sep 2020
    1. They want to see you apply and use in your writing the concepts you've read about. This is called text-based writing. Though different from a multiple-choice exam, academic writing also requires you to demonstrate your learning. So whatever writing assignment you receive, inspect it closely for what concepts it asks you to bring into your writing.

      The main points of this section . Good to know . It’s about what you read in the complex textbook that you have been assigned.

    2. In addition to reading attentively, you’ll need to think critically as you read: separating fact from opinion, recognizing biases and assumptions, and making inferences. Inferences are how we, as readers, connect the dots: an inference is a belief (or statement) about something unknown made on the basis of something known. You smell smoke; you infer fire. Inferences are conclusions or interpretations that we arrive at, based upon the known factors we discover from our reading.

      This is the main idea of this section which is reading critically

    3. unfamiliar

      It’s unfamiliar topic to write about in college which is different from high school level.

    4. You’ll need to know how to find information in the library, especially what is available from online databases that contain scholarly articles. Researching is also a process, so you’ll need to learn how to focus and direct a research project and how to keep track of all your source information.

      This is the main idea of this part which is research process and document your research and so on . It’s good points here

    5. synthesizing

      Combine something especially chemical , also combine sentences together . Or combine number together

    6. gauge

      Value , measure and so on

    7. polished

      Shiny , masterful , expert