334 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. On the top right of the calendar, click the sync button.

      totally changed. plus CSS

    2. Synchronize your external calendar

      Title changed, styling added / changed, screenshot added. CSS sync button added

    1. You can email your invoice by clicking on   

      screenshot button added

    2. After generating your invoice, you can download the document as a Word, PDF or  XML file by clicking on 

      reworded, screenshot button added

    3. To be invoiced subfolder

      styling and new terminology

    4. Click on edit edit 

      new step

    5. Generate your invoices

      Lots of CSS and some styling fixed

    1. Follow the steps to link your Stripe account to your Rentman account: Go to your Rentman account. Go to settings Configuration module > Financial > Payment methods. Set Online payments to "Stripe" (Mollie only for payments in euro). Enter the secret API key.  Save

      This all updated to match Mollie article styling

    2. Online payment (Stripe)

      In this article: title updated and "Link your Rentman account to Stripe" styling updated to match Mollie article

    1. Optional

      One of these "options" (default payment) was removed

    2. After entering this information your Rentman account is connected to your Mollie account.

      moved this up to above "optional"

    3. dragging and dropping it into your template.

      extended drag to dragging

    4. Online payments to "Mollie".


    5.  settings Configuration module > Financial > Payment methods.


    6. Euro

      unbolded, the rest unbolded I will simply highlight

    7. Online payment (Mollie)

      In this article: lots of non-module bolding removed, some CSS added, one screenshot updated, and some wording changed

    1. Click on Add quotation or Add invoice to generate a new document. Click on more_vert of a previously generated to document to edit an existing quote or invoice.

      Added CSS and made it clear how to add vs. edit a previously generated invoice

    2. navigating to Financial > Financial > Terms and Conditions for Documents.

      changed in improved interface

    3. You can choose various invoicing moments in the Conditions section before you generate an invoice

      specified spot in improved interface

    4. specify the amount in the Conditions section on the bottom-right.

      different spot in improved interface

    5. tax scheme

      change in terminology

    6. manually


    7. ItemX

      added space


      replace all screenshots

    9. we cover the financial overview section.

      changed slightly

    1. QR codes in Rentman are limited by length - maximum 25 characters - and only work with alphanumeric characters: A-Z, 0-9, [Space], $ % * - . / : (commas not included).

      Changed 15/05/2020

    1. After creating a document, you can save it and and attach it to the project by clicking on save "Save to item". In this way you can keep all the documents regarding a project in the same place. Your document is now saved in "Files" in the General tab of the project.


    2. Save

      Deleted entire "Regenerate your document" section

    3. Subject


    4. Advanced


    5. If you use subprojects, you can select which subprojects should be shown on this document. By default, all subprojects are shown on all documents that you generate. If a subproject doesn't appear in this list, please make sure that the subproject is not hidden on financial documents.


    6. Selected


    7. You can add a personal message for the recipient on each document that you send. Type your text, or save time by using a personal text template.


    1. If this is not the cause of the error, check this list of possible mistakes.

      screenshot added above

    2. In the field, "Duplicate Rows", choose the option Update items to values in the import file.

      Information added

    3. In the relevant module of Rentman, click on the more_vertbutton and choose "Import".

      Plus new screenshot below

    1. You

      screenshot added

    2. The "Warehouse stock" bar will reflect this reduction in available stock.

      added in place of a screenshot

    3. 2 units

      make sure this matches screenshot

    4. Save


    5. Reserved for project"


    6. Concert

      make sure this name matches the screenshot

    7. 2 of our item.

      number updated

    8. In

      screenshot updated

    9. Select 

      screenshot added

    10. Reserve equipmen

      css removed

    11. Equipment


    12. In the topmost section of the timeline, a time period can be selected by clicking on "Period" in the top right of the timeline and adjusted with the < > + - buttons in the top left.                                  If the period of time (or selection of equipment) is larger than what is shown, it is possible to scroll through the dates horizontally (or through the equipment vertically). Finally, this top section also contains the lock button. This allows you to pin the timeline open so that you can continue to view the timeline as you work.  

      changed and screenshots added

    13. default


    14. If the status of your project is Pending, equipment will not be automatically reserved for this project.

      Moved this down to a section where it makes more sense

    15. This topmost bar


    16. For a full list of color code meanings, click on the "Legend" button in the upper right of the timeline. From the top to bottom, the bars in the equipment timeline are:

      added and rephrased

    17. When hovering over any color coded bar, a note will appear, showing you more in-depth details about the equipment.


    18. Subrentals: If you subrented this item, this will show in the equipment timeline as a blue bar.


    19. Projects: The projects line shows you all projects on which you have planned the specific equipment within the respective time frame.  The brown bar is the current open project; the gray bars of various shades and outlines are other projects which the equipment has been planned on. The number in the bar signals the quantity of planned equipment for that project.

      Added information about the brown bar and updated information about gray bars

    20. This bar shows you how much of the equipment you have available in your warehouse stock (excluding any subrentals). If equipment is reserved for a project, this number will decrease.


    21. Subrentals

      corrected grammar

    22. Here is what every line in the equipment timeline shows:


    23. When you have planned more quantity in your projects than what you have in stock


    24. The timeline in the Equipment tab of your projects displays inventory data of the selected articles.

      last sentence now first

    25. Also equipment movements in the Warehouse module can affect availability.


    1. (Optional) Click save 'Save to item' to connect this tag to its equipment

      new line, CSS

    2. Download the file by clicking the download icon 

      download icon is a screenshot

    3. Choose a template, a letterhead, which serial numbers to include, and if you want to add a personal text.

      new line

    4. In

      Merged single and multiple into one section

    5. select 

      added screenshot

    6. category Configuration module > Customer communication > Letterhead

      icon added

    7. Download

      GIF above deleted

    8. Click


    9. To assign a code to the serial numbers of that item, open now the Serial numbers tab.

      Style change

    10. ave


    11. Click


    12. To assign a code to the serial numbers of that item, open now the Serial numbers tab.

      Style change

    1. Choose Update equipment data.

      Wording changed

    2. Select  all equipment items, and click more_vert

      Screenshot and CSS added. Wording changed

    3. Open a contact in the ,

      Used a screenshot, as there was no CSS icon

    4. category Equipment module

      added CSS icon

    5. Go to Configuration > Financial > Discount groups. Click + Add discount group, enter a name, and save your changes.

      Changed wording, added CSS

    1. Select  the original equipment item, click more_vert, and choose Archive.

      Check box and vertical dots (CSS)

    2. Select  a piece of equipment in the Equipment module, click more_vert, and choose Duplicate.

      Check box and vertical dots (CSS)

    1. You can choose to display a note on/in one or all of the following: Details sidebar Warehouse Calendar (My Schedule - crew members will see it in their personal schedule) Quotations Contracts Other documents (packing slips, callsheets) Edit a note, and select the desired display locations.

      update text and replace screenshot

    1. Filter by tag

      Deleted screenshots, texbox, and explanation (one and all)

    2. Add a tag

      Deleted screenshots and text box about what you can do in widgets

    3. Click Save


    4. Don't forget to press enter before you click Save. Otherwise, your tag will not be added.

      "press enter", CSS Save

    5. Choose an existing tag to apply, search for an existing tag to apply, or type in a new tag to apply and press enter.


    6. Click on 

      Click on (screenshot)

    1. 3 screenshots in the middle aren't ready in Rii

    2. UPDATE - Project Status

      Change screenshots and shown vs. situation column

    3. Once - Per day view Project Status Situation Shown Cancelled Cancelled Faded Text Application Concept Pending Unconfirmed Blue Text Confirmed Prepped On Location Returned Confirmed Black Text

      Update shown column

    4. Screenshots are the main change

    1. You are now ready to fill in information in the General tab of your project.

      Used to be number 4

    2. UPDATE - Add a new project or duplicate an existing one

      Video still needs to be changed

    3. Select the new start date. A new tab with the project will pop up.

      New content

    4. Select  the project you want to duplicate. Click  and choose Duplicate.

      Checkbox and more actions screenshots

    5. Click Select


    6. Scroll down on the right side of the screen to preview more information about the project (like Time schedule or Equipment/Functions groups).

      New content

    7. Click + Add project

      CSS add project

    1. <span class="wysiwyg-color-blue">+ Add Equipment</span><span class="wysiwyg-color-black"></span>

      Blue button CSS

    2. These notations are a little messy because I made these notations on the original article, my apologies.

      Watch out for the QR code section that was deleted at the bottom. Check annotations and orphans.

      Have fun changing the CSS :)

    3. Payment


    4. Data


    5. note the subrental price

      add the price they charge

    6. Click the Widgets  button to open widgets.

      Click the [details button screenshot] button to open the right sidebar.

    7. select your item that has a shortage.

      hover over the item that has a shortage

    8. Equipment


    9. In the Data tab, in the Type field select 'Sale'

      In the Type field of the Data tab, select 'Sale'

    10. Add

      Change CSS

    11. In the Data tab, you supply basic information about your equipment

      "along with QR codes." (add link)

    12. Periodic inspections


    13. Save


    14. rental shop

      and webshop

    15. QR code Read our article about setting up QR codes and barcodes for more information.

      This entire tab has been moved to DATA, should probably be linked there too

    16. Rental shop


    17. New inspection for this equipment


    18. Edit periodic inspections


    19. Subrent price

      Subrental cost

    20. Add


    21. +


    22. choose


    23. widget list

      right sidebar

    24. widgets

      the right sidebar

    25. Alternative equipment item


    26. In the Equipment module, double-click an existing item, case or kit to edit it.

      change font to make it uniform

    1. Email documents to your clients

      CSS to make this consistent with other H1 headers

    2. Warnings are useful to make vital information stand out. When adding or editing a contact, go to the Data tab and add a message to the Warning field. When you add this contact to a project the message will show up automatically.

      Replace screenshot

    1. in their respective fields.

      corrected information

    2. Click on + Add payment term or double-click on an existing payment term to edit it.


    3. Click on + Add invoice moment or double-click on an existing invoice moment to edit it.


  2. Apr 2020