3,424 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. removed

      took off

    2. suppose

      supposing (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    3. supposin

      supposing (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    4. bunk


    5. edged

      moved a little bit slowly

    6. demanded

      ask in a rude way that says you NEED it NOW

    7. grew

      changed to become

    8. centered

      focused on the middle

    9. collar

      for putting around the neck:

    10. booby hatch

      jail / prison for crazy people

    11. bored

      making a focused look, like to make a hole in him

    12. boring

      making a focused look, like to make a hole in him

    13. cried

      yelled, said in a surprised way

    14. apprehension

      not sure, worried

    15. wrinkled

      lines on your face when you are old

    16. wrinkles

      lines on your face when you are old

    17. struggled

      try hard to do something difficult

    18. observed

      noticed, talked about an idea

    19. torture

    20. lighted

      became light

    21. pleasure


    22. doubt

      not sure

    23. s’pose

      suppose (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    24. s’pose

      suppose (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    25. victory


    26. private

      personal, just for you

    27. pressed forward

      pushed ahead

    28. heard of him no more.”

      talked to him ever again in the future

    29. demanded

      ask in a rude way that says you NEED it NOW

    30. supposin

      supposing (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    31. s’pose

      suppose (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    32. S’pose

      suppose (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    33. S’pose

      suppose (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    34. S’pose

      suppose (imagine, think about the thing that is possible)

    35. persuasive

      good to make someone believe you, agree with you

    36. paused

      waited for a moment

    37. screwy


    38. pounded


    39. increased

      went up

    40. settin


    41. nigger

      very bad word for black person

    42. busted-back

      broken back

    43. nigger

      very bad word for black person

    44. leaned

      moved his body

    45. knows what he’s about

      he is a smart guy

    46. pups’ll

      pups (baby dogs) will

    47. blabbin

      talking with no control

    48. pet

      touch again and again in a nice soft way

    49. pups

      baby dogs

    50. nigger

      very bad word for black person

    51. ranch


    52. colored man

      black man

    53. colored family

      black family

    54. ten acres

      size of the farm

    55. ranch


    56. old man


    57. negro

      old word for black man

    58. southern

      from the south of the USA

    59. bunk


    60. edge


    61. leaned

      moved his body

    62. palm

      this part of his hand

    63. palmed

      hand on the left shows the palm:

    64. deep

      far down

    65. leaned

      moved his body

    66. ever


    67. chin

    68. ast


    69. barrel

    70. hunched

    71. Set


    72. settled

      get into a good position or place

    73. fatta

      fat of the land (extra things that the land can make)

    74. sight

      what you can see

    75. outta

      out of

    76. blame

      say "it is your fault, your responsibility" for something bad

    77. nuts


    78. grass

    79. tend

      take care of

    80. wedge

      old thing to divide wood by hitting it:

    81. nuts


    82. Figuring


    83. adjusted

      changed to go in a different place

    84. sharpening his pencil

    85. figuring


    86. set


    87. defeated

      won, got victory

    88. disarming

      makes you feel more trust, not suspicious

    89. scowl

      make an angry face. like this:

    90. wonder

      think, ask a question, imagine

    91. old lady


    92. nest

      place where animals sleep

    93. pet

      touch something again and again, in a nice soft way

    94. pup

      baby dog

    95. skinner

      horse driver

    96. bucker

      person who moves the heavy bags of this:

    97. skinner

      driver of the horses

    98. complained

      say something about what you don't like

    99. stared

      looked a long time

    100. adjusted

      changed to go in a different place

    101. spectacles

      old style glasses:

    102. gold-rimmed spectacles

      old style glasses:

    103. reached

      moved his arms to get something

    104. stared

      looked for a long time

    105. set


    106. helplessly

      feels like you have no control, can't do anything

    107. flapped

      move like bird wings

    108. stink

      smell very bad

    109. stink

      smell very bad

    110. bunk house

      house for everybody sleeping all in one room

    111. right

      right like "something you can do" (like human rights)

    112. puppy

      baby dog

    113. fawning

      exaggerating a nice feeling to show you like someone

    114. gulped

      made a sound like drinking water

    115. right

      right like "something you can do" (like human rights)

    116. right

      right like "something you can do" (like human rights)

    117. sharply

      like a knife

    118. attempt


    119. helplessly

      feels like you have no control, can't do anything

    120. stiffened

      change to be stiff (rigid), not flexible, not easy to move

    121. raising

      moving up

    122. muscles

    123. opening

      open area (of the door area)

    124. shoulders

    125. nearly


    126. Noiselessly

      with no sound

    127. shivered

      shake (sometime because cold, or scared)

    128. flexed

      pushed muscles

    129. reached

      moved his arms to get something

    130. rub

      moved hands again and again on something, while also pushing

    131. rubbed

      moved hands again and again on something, while also pushing

    132. liniment

      medicine for pain, to put on the skin:

    133. bottle of liniment

      medicine for pain, to put on the skin:

    134. poured

      this action, with liquid:

    135. drops

      small piece of liquid:

    136. spine

    137. jeans

      pants like this:

    138. bunk


    139. meager

      not enough

    140. threw

      throw (in past)

    141. globe

      shape like this

    142. trace chain

      chain that comes after the horse -- here is a chain:

    143. rattle

      sound like something hard hitting something hard a lot of times

    144. hay

    145. champing

      teeth opening and closing

    146. teeth

    147. stirring


    148. led

      lead (in past) -- goes

    149. lighter

      color more white

    150. tightened

      pushed together closer. not loose. like the pants on the right:

    151. thin


    152. deep

      far down

    153. lined

      has many

    154. lean

      has muscles, not fat

    155. intensity

      very strong

    156. glitter

      make very small lights when moving

    157. depth

      (like deep) - far down -

    158. crooked

      not straight

    159. bent

      not straight

    160. demanded

      ask in a rude way that says you NEED it NOW

    161. aloof

      stays separate from other people

    162. neat


    163. fairly


    164. swept

      cleaned with this:

    165. nail

    166. bunk


    167. shelf

    168. battered

      almost broken

    169. civil code

      laws of the state

    170. mauled


    171. tattered

      fabric or material that is broken like this:

    172. shotgun

    173. single-barreled

      only one area for the bullets to go, like this:

    174. alarm clock

    175. rubber boots

      plastic shoes like this:

    176. pairs

      anything that comes together in twos

    177. possessed

      had (owned)

    178. possessions

      any things that are yours (you own them)

    179. possessions

      any things that are yours (you own them)

    180. accumulated

      got more and more, slowly, over a long time

    181. permanent

      stay forever

    182. cripple

      can't walk normally

    183. stable PAGE 67 buck

      person who has the job of feeding the horses and taking care of them:

    184. stable buck

      person who has the job of feeding the horses and taking care of them:

    185. personal

      things that are private, not to share with others

    186. scattered

      not organized, in many places

    187. sticking


    188. edge


    189. paint brush

    190. drippy

      little parts going down like this:

    191. can

    192. cans