6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
    1. The two strands of the double helix run in anti-parallel (i.e. opposite) directions, with the 5’ end of one strand adjacent to the 3’ end of the other strand. The double helix has a right-handed twist, (rather than the left-handed twist that is often represented incorrectly in popular media).

      I though something seemed different with this one and the popular version showed in movies and shows. It is interesting to see what the real double-helix looks like.

    2. Adenine and guanine are classified as purines. The primary structure of a purine is two carbon-nitrogen rings. Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are classified as pyrimidines which have a single carbon-nitrogen ring as their primary structure (Figure\PageIndex{1}). Each of these basic carbon-nitrogen rings has different functional groups attached to it. In molecular biology shorthand, the nitrogenous bases are simply known by their symbols A, T, G, C, and U. DNA contains A, T, G, and C whereas RNA contains A, U, G, and C.

      These section right here helped identify the idea around ATGC&U. I liked how it describes the structure of purines to give an image to the word.

  2. Nov 2020
    1. However, only the queens generate significantly more of the short isoform. The difference in the abundance of the short isoform produced correlates with the differential methylation of CpGs in queens and workers found in the region involved in producing the additional exon in the short isoform

      Reading this I was thinking back on how isoform are more than one working protein that are not identical when it comes to amino acids sequence. This due to RNA from same gene that had different eons removed.

    2. Eggs are often laid by the queen directly into the cups, in which case she presumably has made a decision that this particular egg should be raised into a queen. However, workers also move eggs from regular worker cells into these queen cups, and queen larvae and pupae are frequently destroyed by workers [4]. Thus, workers can substantially interfere with royal destiny

      Reading this I was thinking about how crazy it is that the linage of a colony goes either one of two ways which are both opposite. A queen could choose or a worker could of just randomly placed an egg.

  3. Sep 2020
    1. Mitosis is divided into a series of phases—prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase—that result in the division of the cell nucleus (Figure\PageIndex{2}). Karyokinesis is also called mitosis.

      Memorizing the order PPMAT through me off in Chem 1. This chart that follows in the text helps alot though putting picture infront of you so you don't have to rely on the text.

    1. DNA topoisomerases are, therefore, essential in the unwinding, replication, and rewinding of the circular, supercoiled bacterial DNA. In order for the long molecule of DNA to fit within the bacterium, the DNA must be supercoiled. However, this supercoiled DNA must be uncoiled and relaxed in order for DNA polymerase to bind for DNA replication and RNA polymerase to bind for transcription of the DNA.

      First look at the supercoiled I didn't understand how it had to unwind and how that occur. Though after some reasearch it is a bit clear. Still confusing to me though.