4 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2023
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As described in the Double Bracket Note Link Syntax help article, you can specify a tag hierarchy when you're creating a new note by prefacing the note title with its hierarchy. For example [[recipes/pizza/BBQ Hawaiian Pizza]] will show as:
Create a new note with tag hierarchy
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search for group: untagged,taskLists to see a list of all of your notes that are untagged and have tasks inside them
group: untagged, taskLists
to filter notes with untagged tasks
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
The other potentially useful suggestion is to insert your task into a New Note, and then later search for `group:untagged`, which will give you a list of all notes that haven't yet had a tag applied
Use group untagged to filter no tag notes
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In Amplenote, Templates are just ordinary notes that you can apply using the special [[= syntax:
Use templates in amplenote