- Jan 2023
example.com example.com
There are several “types” of Hypothesis annotations: Annotations
It is not consistent to distinguish different types of annotations (e.g., using "Annotation" as the general term) and at the same time to call a specific type with the same name. It mixes the general with the specific use.
I propose to use the term "Annotation" as the general term for all different kind of annotations. For the digital equivalent of a marginal note I would use "Marginal Note" as another name. (Just "Note" is not enough as it can't be differentiated from "Page Note".)
- Apr 2022
benmarwick.github.io benmarwick.github.io
The AAUP recently published a report on best practices for peer review.
The link does not work. Did you mean Best Practices for Peer Review?
- Jun 2021
jrnold.github.io jrnold.github.io
ggplot(data = diamonds) + geom_bar(aes(x = cut, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..), fill = color))
from ?after_stat
after_stat() replaces the old approaches of using either stat() or surrounding the variable names with ...
so the (new) solution would be:
ggplot(data = diamonds) + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = cut, y = after_stat(count / max(count)), fill = color))
- Sep 2017
peter.baumgartner.name peter.baumgartner.name
Dokumentation als auch der Quelltext des Programms in einer gemeinsamen Datei
Das ist für reproduzierbare Forschung sehr wichtig!