122 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2015
    1. fighting a very public battle over the place of retrograde, hateful views within a community driven by a shallow ideal of what free speech should be

      Remember Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist, and his television broadcasts that "took on" Senator Joseph McCarthy and his "trials by hearsay" rather than fact?

    1. Randian individual.

      The archetype of the Randian hero is the creative individualist. Though Rand rejected the notion that individuals have duty towards one another, her heroes are marked by an essential generosity, for the reason that they act out of compassion and empathy rather than guilt. Rand's fiction displays a self-consciously Promethean sense of life, declaring through her characters the heroic value of self-assertion in the face of the established order.

    2. Generally speaking, as employment has moved from manufacturing to service, work has become contingent, “casualized,” “adjunctified.” It has become femininized.


    3. Since 2010, the top five fastest growing occupations have been in the service sector, and four of these jobs have a median wage of $21,000 a year or less.

      A whole lot of people making not much money. No wonder the gap between the haves and haves not, continues to widen as such a rapid pace!

    4. At the same time as the drop in manufacturing, the US economy has seen an explosion in jobs in the service sector, which now amounts to 84% of employment in the country.

      That is a huge number, I had no idea!

    5. We want education to run more like a business; we want education to run more like a machine.

      Is there room for "personalized" instruction in the educational "business model". What are the trade-off, what do we give up / lose in the process of running education more like a machine?

    6. Much of the history of education technology, indeed the history of education itself, in the twentieth century onward involves this push for “efficiency.”

      Or is "efficiency" code for budget constraints / finding ways to save money on education and redirect funds elsewhere?

  2. Jul 2015
    1. National Assessment of Education Progress...look this up.

    2. Linda Nguyen, Director of Civic Engagement for the Alliance for Children and Families, told us in a stakeholder interview, “I don’t know if there’s a lack of [sources for political information]. It’s more about who can you trust? Who are the trusted sources and how are we supporting those trusted sources?”
    3. Youth will need digital media literacy skills to critically engage with all the information (and misinformation) they can now find online, to seek out a range of perspectives, and to be thoughtful about the content they circulate and create.42

      Y Annotate

    4. Youth will need digital media literacy skills to critically engage with all the information (and misinformation) they can now find online, to seek out a range of perspectives, and to be thoughtful about the content they circulate and create.
    5. We see great value in connecting social media with the civics curriculum so that the attributes of digital interaction—spontaneity, access, and assertion of political voice—are guided by the deliberative principles of formal instruction.
    6. Second, youth engagement in participatory politics is more equitably distributed by race and income than are youth voting or adult participation

      A means to bridge the race / income gap

    7. Drawing on social media, youth can be actively engaged in consuming, circulating, discussing, curating, and producing civic and political content.

      Supports an H annotation app for engaging youth in discussions on civic and political content.

    8. Actions might include writing or commenting on a blog about a social issue or circulating information or perspectives via social media.

      H "sweet spot"!!

    9. 4. A powerful role for social media

      Challenge #4

    10. 3. An increasingly diverse youth population

      Challenge #3

    11. high-quality civic education is sometimes found to provide the greatest benefits to least advantaged students.18

      Argument for creating a program that bridges the gap for low income / minority students

    12. Civic education cannot be just a matter of teaching and persuading young people to participate in the existing system; it must acknowledge deep-seated and understandable critiques of politics.
    13. 2. Growing inequality of civic opportunities

      Challenge #2

    14. 1. Deep polarization and ideological conflict

      Challenges of today's youth: First trend.

    15. oung people do not automatically acquire the skills, knowledge, motivations, and values necessary to contribute to the republic; they must be educated and encouraged.
    16. Research for the Commission was funded by the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, W.T. Grant Foundation, the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, the Spencer Foundation and the Youth Engagement Fund.

      Funding organizations that supported this research. McCormick and Spencer look like possible options for funding like kind research / programs.

    17. Strengthen standards and curricula for digital media literacy and coordinate digital media literacy and civic education.
    18. Emphasize youth conducting community research and producing local journalism, with the twin goals of enhancing students’ communications skills and making a contribution to the community in light of the severe gap in professional reporting.

      Linking journalism and writing with youth civic awareness.

    19. Implement state standards for civics that focus on developing advanced civic skills, such as deliberation and collaboration, rather than memorizing facts.

      Along the lines of "deep learning" to more effectively engage students in developing advanced "civics skills".

    20. Our research, like many other studies, finds that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are far less likely to be informed and to vote.

      This is a possible theme for a 1 pager...finding solutions to engaging young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in the civic awareness process.

    1. One of my favorite things on the Internet is a site called Listen to Wikipedia, which produces a soothing aleatory succession of chimes and sonorous strings, each of which stands for a Wikipedia edit being made in real-time.

      If you have not checked out Listen to Wikipedia, you should!

    1. Levy, D.M. (1997) "I read the news today oh boy".

      Check out this article and share with JD.

    2. ComMentor is an architecture that supports general annotation services along these lines


    3. CoNoter [2] and NCSA's HyperNews [6] are examples of annotation tools based on a model of annotation as public or work group commentary

      Reminder to check these annotation tools out.

    1. although personal annotations with content (e.g. notes) occur infrequently on paper they are far more likely to form the basis of on-line commentary.
    2. Out of a total of 602 annotations,

      Is this a statistically significant sample size; not seeing the p values.

    3. In addition to holding on-line discussions in WebAnn

      What is WebAnn?

    1. What the police don’t have is much of a money trail, adding credence to the hackers’ claim that they were coerced.

      It's called "Cash"...

    2. kul left for Turkey, too. He recently posted a Facebook picture of himself on a jet ski.

      Of course.

    3. There was only one condition of the release: Van De Moere had to give Okul an intensive training session on Linux, the operating system on which Metasploit, the hacking software, is based.


    4. The night before the meeting, they practiced quick-drawing the Tasers in front of a mirror.

      Like I said, you can't make this up!

    5. he “man with the mustache”

      Seriously? You can't make this stuff up.

    6. Adibelli came to the attention of Dutch authorities in the fall of 2011, when his apartment in Rotterdam was burglarized

      That's ironic, for sure.

    7. Building pwnies isn’t itself a crime; anyone can buy a version on the Internet. As long as they were only supplying a device and not operating it for whatever scheme Adibelli and Okul had in mind, the pair concluded they wouldn’t be breaking the law.

      Very interesting ethical conclusion to draw. If I manufacture weapons but don't pull the trigger, no harm no foul kind of logic.

    8. By the time they understood what they were involved in, they were already implicated.

      I wonder...

    9. Maertens had another gig, occasionally giving classes on hacking techniques to clients that included the Belgian government’s computer crime squad.

      That's ironic!

    10. Pronounced pony, the name is a play on the hacker slang of “pwning,” or owning, someone else’s device.

      Never heard of this terminology before.

    11. allegedly shows how mobsters and hackers teamed up to commit sophisticated crime, manipulating global logistical and transportation networks for huge gain.

      Anyone seen "Breaking Bad"?

    12. As the minutes ticked by, Van De Moere could hardly believe what he was doing. He didn’t think of himself as a criminal

      An Interesting sociological study perhaps...understanding ones perceptions of what constitutes "crime" -- high tech vs. low tech...

    1. Q: So how do you see science publishing developing over the next 10 years?

      Note - this interview took place in 2005, so ten years out is Now!

    2. "OK, we will turn the current model upside down and offer the research articles free to readers and charge for services to authors. We will take their papers, mark them up, find referees to review them, and generally act as an intermediary." Of course, the charges are not really to authors personally, but rather to the funders of the research or the institutions where the authors work. We soon realized that such a business model could be very effective.

      Commercial business model where the data is open source.

    3. Makes sense to me.

    4. Org's mission is to be an incubator for innovation.

    5. Q: A classic case of listening to your customers and providing what they needed


    6. with the arrival of the Web I became very interested in the idea of developing a community for biologists. So we sold the Current Opinion medical journals to Thomson but kept the biology ones and, in 1996, launched BioMedNet. The aim was to create an online publisher built around a community.

      Building community -- value proposition.

    7. We started Medi-Cine with very little money by getting early commissions from pharmaceutical companies for educational films for doctors. When we started Gower, we went to visit drug companies, told them we were going to make a fantastic book, and showed them a few sample pages. We then sold the books to them a chapter at a time, asking them to pay one-third in advance for each chapter. So the whole thing was virtually self-financing. In time it also became very successful.

      Self funded.

    8. Convinced that all research must ultimately be freely available on the Web, Tracz has become a powerful advocate for open access. He was a key player in the development of PubMed Central, NIH's free literature repository, and, in 1998, he founded the first open access publisher, BioMed Central.

      Vitek Tracz would be an interesting individual to talk to.

    1. “We believe that we are trying to change science publishing to science services.”

      Their value proposition...providing "science services".

    2. users can see the names of people who recommend an F1000Prime article and why they did so.”

      An example of building community and adoption organically.

    3. Faculty who contribute to F1000 are unpaid, explains Tracz, but they gain access to the top literature in their fields as well as to F1000 and “over time membership became quite a prestigious thing to have…and they do it because they think it’s a benefit to the community.”

      F1000 Business Model.

    4. he and other scientists decided to create something similar for the Internet age, going about it by finding the top faculty in the world in “big subjects”—cardiology, cell biology, immunology, for example—and asking each one to name the top ten categories in the relevant subject area and the ten best experts in those areas.

      Deciding which "sandbox" to play in, based on input from the experts in the field (e.g. Focus on Big Subjects); a great way to hone in on a value proposition.

  3. Jun 2015
    1. established trus


    2. more important is establishing a culture that is conducive to broad collaboration and sharing.

      More on how to drive adoption.

    3. social technology is not part of their “day jobs,” employees will not participate for long

      Barrier to adoption - there has to be an intrinsic reason for annotating that drives adoption .

    4. it was often the case that users discovered other valuable functions for these technologies


    5. it was often the case that users discovered other valuable functions for these technologies.

      More on what drives adoption

    6. e found that in successful organizations, role-modeling and vocal support of leaders also were important catalysts

      Thoughts for adoption.

    7. how does a particular organization create a self-reinforcing cycle of adoption?

      That is the question for H to ponder

    8. E-learning. Social networking technology has sprouted numerous e-learning options. Today’s students can have teacher-led, self-study, and blended instruction (classroom and online). In classrooms around the world, teachers post assignments on community portals and create opportunities for collaborative learning, unhindered by time zones or geographic proximity.

      Education value prop

    9. Fundraising 2012/How Wikimedia revenue grows,” last modified May 30, 2012

      Need to check out this source

    10. Two-thirds of the value creation opportunity afforded by social technologies lies in improving communications and collaboration within and across enterprises.

      Value Proposition

    11. value creation. The most fundamental is to endow social interactions with the speed, scale, and economics of the Internet. Social technologies also provide a means for any participant to publish, share, and consume content within a group.

      Value Proposition


    1. The key social media channels that have been considered for this report are Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook and y ouTube.

      This report focuses exclusively on Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, and excludes information on patient support websites, and physician networks.

    2. Social media creates highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. 9

      Right in H's "sweet spot"!

    3. In the U.S., interest in specific diseases receives the greatest amount of attention in social media relating to healthcare,


    4. Use of social networking sites has grown from 8% of all adults online in 2005, to 67% in late 2012 and up to 72% of U.S. adults online in May 2013. 1

      This is a strong statistic that social networking sites are being embraced across the healthcare value chain. Where does H want to play?

    5. owever, in general, the industry needs to become less risk averse to new engagements with stakeholders to remain relevant in the overall healthcare discussion.

      Potential barrier to entry.

    6. Mid-sized, specialized and consumer care companies are leading the change from uni-directional broadcasting of information to an engaging and relationship-orientated online conversation.

      Who are they?


    1. Of healthcare companies (providers, insurers, pharma companies, and online consumer communities -- communities had the largest membership and interaction.

    2. Serno citation

    3. PatientsLikeMe citation.

    4. PatientsLikeMe citation.


    1. The things we invest in have to actually work.”

      Again, sustainability is key.

    2. Ultimately, the decision to move forward with a deal takes into account the social impact of an investment and its economic viability.

      Is it sustainable.

    3. Though the foundation’s biggest area of focus has been in health care, it has used program-related investments in other areas, like education, agriculture and financial services for the poor.

      Note there could be an opportunity in the Education vertical as well as it relates to leveling the playing field across economic strata.

    4. they have direct access to Mr. Gates, who looks over every deal.

      BG reviews these investment opportunities directly

    5. Julie Sunderland, who heads the program-related investments, which is run independently of the foundation’s $43.5 billion endowment.

      Note the contact.

    6. the Gates Foundation’s investment interests are primarily in the private sector.

      So these are commercial enterprises.

    7. The foundation, which has distributed billions of dollars in grants to improve health and living conditions in developing countries, is increasingly expanding its tool kit, using some of its capital to invest directly in companies that could help advance its goals

      Found this article after searching the Gates Foundation Grants DB for healthcare related grants for POC (patient online community) projects. Looks like the Foundation is focused on 3rd World Country healthcare related issues, but perhaps BG might be interested in a direct investment of H? Food for thought.

    1. Value Proposition - turn social conversation into insights...

    2. Check out Sermo, a community of 130,000 doctors, that share information.

    3. PatientsLikeMe reference.

    4. Reference to PatientsLikeMe

    5. Online community OneRecovery - check out

    6. Caring Bridge, Daily Strength and BabyCenter -- check out "healthcare social communities".

    1. Principle #4 (example of how changing societal views and influence the law).

    2. oncept of individual autonomy

      Principle #1

    3. oncept of individual autonomy.

      Principle #1

    4. the right to marry is fundamental because it supports a two-person union unlike any other in its importance to th e committed individuals.

      Principle #2

    5. it safeguards children and families and thus draws meaning from related rights of childrearing, procreation, and education.

      Principle #3

    6. Changed understandings of marriage are characteristic of a Nation where new dimensions of freedom become apparent to new generations

      It will be interesting to see how this ruling will impact other 14th Amendment decisions by the Supreme Court going forward in time ... "new dimensions of freedom become apparent to new generations".

    1. "The fundamental liberties protected by the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process clause extend to certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices defining personal opinions and beliefs," a summary of the opinion stated.

      The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

    2. The first time, in June 2013, the high court struck down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), allowing the US government to recognize same-sex marriages in states where they were already legal.

      What were the reasons that DOMA was struck down in June, 2013, and today's ruling was passed? Compare and contrast.

    3. The Supreme Court has just ruled that gay marriage is legal nationwide,

      A landmark decision!

    1. In 2009, the new CIO of Microsoft, Tony Scott, argued that the phrase "dogfooding" was unappealing and should be replaced by "icecreaming", with the aim of developing products as "ice cream that our customers want to consume."[30

      Ok, there's another way to label the process.

    2. In 2007, the CIO of Pegasystems said that she uses the alternate phrase "drinking our own champagne".

      That sounds much more appealing! But fundamentally the same concept.

      Perhaps we should come up with our own term.

    3. Forcing those who design products to actually use and rely on them is often thought to improve quality and usability, but software developers may be blind to usability and may have knowledge to make software work that an end user will lack.

      This is why I think it is important for full participation, regardless of your own role in the organization, as we all bring different skill sets, areas of focus, interests, and so forth.

    4. In 1988, Microsoft manager Paul Maritz sent Brian Valentine, test manager for Microsoft LAN Manager, an email titled "Eating our own Dogfood", challenging him to increase internal usage of the company's product.


    5. in the 1970s television advertisements for Alpo dog food, Lorne Greene pointed out that he fed Alpo to his own dogs.

      Origins of the term...

      Remember this? I do!

    6. The risks of public dogfooding, specifically that a company may have difficulties using its own products, may reduce the frequency of publicized dogfooding

      Nothing ventured, nothing gained, in my opinion.

    7. employees to test their company's products in real-life scenarios,[3][5] which gives management a sense of how the product might be used

      Great use cases can come out of "dogfooding", that one might not have thought of without the use of "dogfooding". It also gives employees, with differrent skill sets and interests, and opportunity to round out the view of possible use cases.

    8. InfoWorld commented that this needs to be transparent and honest:

      Agreed. Sincerity and trust are nobel goals to shoot for.

    9. dogfooding can act as a kind of testimonial advertising

      A vehicle for increasing adoption.

    10. Dogfooding can be a way for a company to demonstrate confidence in its own products.

      In my humble opinion, it is important to demonstrate that the company and it's employees "walk the walk", and "talk the talk"...

    11. Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, is a slang term used to reference a scenario in which a company uses its own product to validate the quality and capabilities of the product.[1]

      Never heard the term "dogfooding" before, but believe this concept to be essential for innovative technology companies to get a clearer idea of what, exactly, their product does, features that work well, and others not so much, so they can more clearly articulate the value proposition for their users.

    1. most teachers lack the curriculum and instructional support they feel they need to teach the standards effectively.

      Pain point.

    2. States are also concerned about whether they have the technological infrastructure needed to administer the computer-based assessments

      Another pain point.

    3. Many state officials believe that the value of the information they receive from the consortia assessments is worth the additional investment, but some are concerned about spending more than they currently do for testing;

      Another pain point.

    4. The assessments are still a work in progress, and it is unclear what they will look like when they are unveiled in the 2014–15 school year.

      Opportunity for H?

    5. Business leaders also remain strong supporters of the CCSS.

      Could there be a HNW individual who cares about solving the pain points associated with implementing Common Core Standards? Just a thought...

    6. Because so many states will be using the same standards for the first time, nonprofit organizations, membership groups, and private vendors have larger markets than ever before for their products and are working to produce the best materials. For example, Student Achievement Partners, a New York City–based organization created by the lead writers of the CCSS, has received an $18 million grant from the GE Foundation to create tools for teachers and provide support for them in using the tools.

      Significant market size / opportunity.

    7. Cost- e ffective Assessments Some of the most important challenges involve the assessments that are now being developed to measure student performance against the standards.

      Significant pain point to be solved.


    1. Could the GE Foundation be another possible source of funding for the Education Vertical. Need to check it out.

      Also JD points out that Student Achievement Partners might be a viable partner.

    1. 1. N EW D ESIGNS : I NNOVATION IN C LASSROOM , S CHOOL , C OLLEGE , AND S YSTEM D ESIGN This program seeks innovative designs that use people, time, money, and technology differently in secondary and higher education.

      Possible fit (innovate designs that use technology...) Will do a deep dive on Carnegie Funding in this program area to see if they fund technology companies).