5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
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In terms of the City Of Cape Town’s developmental approach,
Test note
drive.google.com drive.google.comview1
“Boundary wall sign”
Wall sign note
drive.google.com drive.google.comview3
other words, the appropriate policyintent, for the most part, exists. Weprovide a set of recommendations forhow the DST can facilitate alignmentand coordination across national policy:(1) Coordinate across the ninedepartments to extend, deepen andalign the focus of existing policyinstruments in o
A third one annotating
y goals and instruments alignedwith the Department of Science andTechnology’s (DST) goal to promotescience, technology and innovation(STI)-enabled inclusive developmentthrough a national IID st
Another annotation
innovation policy for
testing hpothesis