20 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. What does it mean if there's a hole there's a goal? Proverb. any hole's a goal. (UK, vulgar) Any receptive sex partner (or orifice) is acceptable.

      any hole's a goal - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  2. Jan 2023
    1. https://www.wabash.edu/news/story/11846

      “Some WLAIP students came from backgrounds that weren’t necessarily closed-minded, but lacked diversity. They had never been around a gay person before or lived in communities with people of color,” Rivera says. “So, when they saw that I was just a normal person, I wasn’t living out these stereotypes of what they had pictured a gay, Black man to be, they were confused and questioned a lot.

  3. Apr 2022
    1. cycle through groups using a shortcut (for example, "n"), or even ability to assign shortcuts to specific groups, so you can fluidly move through them

    2. Imagine that i'm browsing for the Group "judys journal club" so i will search sites for that group like as a session job ofor that group/workspace. i need to change my default group every time i swap tabs?

      Also, is there a way to set a default group on a web page? For instance, if I set up a page with H embedded and want, by default, all members of my group to be commenting in our private group.

      Hide replies (1)

      jeremydean Nov 4, 2015 This kind of customization is definitely in the long term road map. Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. Nov 2021
    1. Denver University (Sex-related fact: Yikes! The school has already reported seven rapes this year alone)University of Colorado, Denver (Sex-related fact: It's also forcing students to attend a class aimed at sexual assault prevention)


  5. Sep 2021
    1. When I create a table in Word, why is it that when I right click a table and choose to delete cells, no matter if I "shift left" or "shift up", the table always starts deleting from the bottom/right cell?


  6. Aug 2021
    1. To me (some kind of a chauvinist) you sound like a bitter woman full of prejudices towards men, perhaps caused by previous experiences with less than desirable men.You are just using the meter you built to protect yourselves to judge an entire category.Plenty (and with plenty I mean plenty) of women maneuver their partner like a dog because he needs to feel wanted and does everything for "his queen". You are just looking at one side of the equation, with some tinges of biased Feminist view.Also, by applying the same standard you are applying to men in that content, only women willing to do their share of house chores should be desirable, which is false (especially in richer households).


    2. it has everything to do with what you want out of your relationship, and i think women have always been more willing to bend to be desirable for their partner than men have for theirs.


    3. i’ve seen a lot of couples where she’s very obviously put effort into her clothes, makeup, jewelry, and accessoriesIn public, where other people can see them. She dresses like a bum at home, where it's only him who can see her. Hmm.


    4. i don’t think it’s obvious at all. it’s honestly easy to believe that men don’t realize they want to be wanted. few men make an active effort to be desirable.have you ever noted the way a man dresses when he’s out with his girlfriend? i’ve seen a lot of couples where she’s very obviously put effort into her clothes, makeup, jewelry, and accessories… and he’s wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts. as a bisexual woman, she’s desirable. all he does is exist.i’m not saying this is always the case, but it’s something several friends (male and female) have noted and laughed about over the years.


    5. And yet, we still get multiple studies like that focusing on women every year. We have entire courseworks dedicated to it, in fact.The end result is that solutions are overwhelmingly focusing on women's mental well-being, often at the expense of another gender being collectivelly seen as unrepentant oppressors.And if anyone dares to say 'hey we have this issue too' they immediately get ridiculed, shunned and silenced.


    6. Is it? “People like to be liked” is so obvious, I don’t see the point of this study. Maybe it’s worthwhile if it’s done quickly and cheaply, like a surveymonkey poll or something, but this used up a lot of time for a lot of expert researchers, feels like a waste to me.


    7. There was once a popular Quora question in a literary forum where a woman asked how she could better understand the motivations of men.The overwhelming answer was “men feel very lonely most of the time”.


    8. I’ve been married 18 years and not once, and I’m not being dramatic here, not once has she paid me a compliment. A couple of years ago I decided to do something different and grew a beard, a couple of weeks in and she told me I look ugly with it, so I shaved it off. Nothing. I thought in the least she would give a smile of approval. It’s really quite pathetic sometimes how low you will go to try and get a lift.Edit: I’ve tried numerous times to talk about things. It’s hard to explain but she doesn’t engage in conversation. I’ll talk, she’ll say nothing, nothing changes. I think I’ve learnt to accept it but then I see posts like this come up and it gets me a little sad. I want that complimentary, fun and loving relationship buy, well not every relationship is going to be a romcom. I’ll keep trying on my end.Edit: No, I’m not. There’s reasons why I haven’t left which I won’t delve into here. But I would like to take this opportunity to offer some advice to you as a 21 year old person (and maybe talking to my 21 year old self). Go with your instincts, do not delay your decision thinking it will get better. I hate myself that I didn’t go with my instincts and have to live with that for, probably the remainder of my days. Don’t be like meEdit: I’ll add a little more just to answer my reasoning why I feel stuck here. 12 years ago I suffered an injury and am now in a wheelchair. They took my drivers license off me, we moved to the sticks, her family are here, mine are not, I’m not working anymore due to mobility and pain issues and hardly leave the house because of that. If I put my conspiracy theory hat on for a little I can’t help but feel that maybe she prefers me like this. I’ll stop now because I could moan for hours. there’s so many details to everyone’s relationships that could be dissected by everyone else if the ball keeps rolling. I get down at times but on the whole I’ve made peace with what it is. Thanks for reading. Edit: Grammar Edit: Just to confirm, I’m not a fat person. I was fit and even though I haven’t exercised since my injury (except for a hand bike to work my heart a little) I think I’m in ok condition. A little middle aged gut, but nothing that you wouldn’t expect from a regular 40 odd year old.


    9. Its not necessarily a lack of physical attraction, but the idea that women tend to believe men don’t need to compliments or validation that their partner finds them attractive. I don’t think my ex once in four years ever gave me a blatant compliment out of the blue. My current gf compliments me constantly, and I am still uncomfortable on how to respond, but my self-esteem and body dysmorphia issues have been so much better.


    10. Most of the comments you are seeing are from people in long term relationships, or people that have gotten out of long term relationships that fizzle.It is incredibly easy to go from the initial euphoria of a new relationship, the excitement of the first few years where everything is new, then end up in . . . the rut.Get up, get dressed, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch a tv show (or more work/school), peck on the cheek, good night honey.Wash, rinse, repeat, for decades.It is super easy to fall into that. Real easy to take a partner for granted. You have to constantly remind each other that you are still dating, even after 20 years.


  7. Jul 2021
    1. "The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest [number] of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing."[9]


  8. Mar 2021
    1. Something changed in Utah: Salt Lake City and Summit Park both moved by double-digit percentages toward the Democratic presidential candidate. Was it

      omg stupid Mitt Romney is Mormon... Trump is anti-Mormon

  9. Feb 2021
    1. Her post-firing complaints in an Poynter interview speak to that as well, and that goes to the heart of conservative self-victimization and willful misunderstanding of the First Amendment. Schaefer Riley's right to free speech does not guarantee or secure her employment with a publication. (Still, I fully expect her to be making guest appearances on conservative media outlets in short order, gesturing to her new academic stigmata, all the while alleging that she was nailed to the cross of political correctness. I value her freedom to do just that.)

      no mention of free speech