36 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
    1. One way to create a dictionary is to start with the empty dictionary and add key-value pairs. The empty dictionary is denoted {}


    2. mapping type


    1. Cloning Lists

      克隆列表用切片 b = a【:】

    2. a new list


    3. If we want to modify a list and also keep a copy of the original, we need to be able to make a copy of the list itself, not just the reference. This process is sometimes called cloning,


    1. Changes made with one alias affect the other

      a = 1 b = a 这时候 a b = 1

      b = 2 print(a) a = 2


    2. Because the same list has two different names, a and b, we say that it is aliased


    3. Aliasing

      别名 把a 赋值给b 这样a b 引用同一个object

    1. a and b have the same value but do not refer to the same object.

      list:a和b有相同的值,但不引用相同的对象 string : 是同一个object

    2. The is operator will return true if the two references are to the same object


    3. Objects and References


    1. We can even insert elements into a list by squeezing them into an empty slice at the desired location


    2. We can also remove elements from a list by assigning the empty list to them.

      可以用【】来remove list里面的元素

    3. assignment with the slice operator


    4. Lists are Mutable


    1. In Python, every object has a unique identification tag


      每个object 在堆内存里都有一个id 空间

    2. it refers to a completely new list

      create one new list 就像 new string 一样,以前的list和string 还在

    3. Concatenation and Repetition

      list用 + 连接2个或多个list 用* 使list重复出现

    1. [56, 57, "dog"],


    2. in and not in

      in and not in 判断给的object是否在 list里面 in : true not in : false

    3. List Membership


    1. alist[2][0])

      print(alist[2] [0]) 先取index = 2 “cat“” 再 取cat 的第一位

    2. Accessing Elements

      访问元素 负索引值将从右侧而不是从左侧定位项。

    3. The expression inside the brackets specifies the index.


    1. Lists are similar to strings, which are ordered collections of characters, except that the elements of a list can have any type and for any one list, the items can be of different types.
