4 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Combining insights from the four fields gives us a rich and complex understanding of specific issues such as gender, inequality, race, and the environment. Let’s take a look at each subfield and then examine how the subfields combine in the study of racial categories and relations.

      Relating back to what a classmate said in 1.1 its interesting to see unpredictable gender roles in past societies. They highlighted that they found it interesting that women were included in hunting specifically. I think it will be interesting to learn about other roles that may contrast what I thought would be the case.

    1. which way is better, the American way or the Ghanaian way? Anthropologists understand that neither way is better and that each addresses a need within a particular culture.

      interesting cross-cultural comparison and how dressing styles are a large part of location. I also found the emphasis on Friday dressing style intriguing.

    2. Anthropology is the study of humanity guided by a distinctive narrative and set of commitments.

      important definition

    1. She collects urine and feces to analyze hormone levels, intestinal parasites, and DNA. She wants to understand how primates compete as individuals and groups for access to various foods in their environment.

      This way of collecting data and charting discoveries makes me believe that this was an observational study which would make sense. If she was intervening or collecting data of these primates in captivity, there would be confounding variables. Or if she was luring them to her with food that would be a variable that would impact the competition aspect of the study.