8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. CRM

      Customer relations management: "CRM higher education technology enables institutions to manage relationships with all of their customers (including students, alumni, faculty, staff, and corporate partners) and connect insights from those interactions in a unified view. " https://www.salesforce.org/resources/article/crm-higher-education/#:~:text=First%2C%20let's%20define%20what%20CRM,interactions%20in%20a%20unified%20view.

    2. Student centred and customer centred

      How do you feel about the student as customer? How does this map onto the issues raised in this course?

  2. Nov 2023
    1. I do not care to comprehend them or understand them in any way.  I wish instead to experience them and use them and become them.)


  3. Jan 2023
    1. it draws on the students' previous knowledge of their own language in a variety of relevant sociocultural contexts

      This is a lovely observation and strikes me as important consideration for all literacy learners!

    1. Are you familiar with the four resources model?

      I would be curious to know if this is something you have studied or make use of in your contexts!

  4. Dec 2022
    1. she would be stunned by the differences in my/our practice.

      Would this 2010 Joyce be stunned by the 2023 school library? What has changed in the last 10 plus years?

    1. their blind dedication to Google

      so many of us are dedicated to Google simply out of habit and a lack of knowledge about alternatives.