11 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. men are created equal.

      Would it have been harder to say everyone is created equal instead of just men?

    2. for whites only.

      signed that stated "white only" discriminated African Americans at such a young age to the point where it affected their life entirely. In school there were signs above bathrooms, classes, drinking fountains. There were seperate churches, neighborhoods, stores, and bathroooms

    3. police brutality

      Police brutality is something that is still happening, however, before the civil rights movement, the violence was unthinkable.

    4. we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.

      Marching ahead and not turning back is a forceful way of people knowing that a person is no backing down but instead they are in it for the long run and wont be silenced

    5. physical violence

      This was a key thing with Martin Luther King JR in how they did not turn to violence which made the movement so memorable because they made a change. Going into this movement, the way of "fighting" was through protest but not physical

  2. Aug 2022
    1. the gender wage gap.

      gender wage gap has been around forever, it doesn't matter if a male is less qualified, the male will still get the job over a woman who has more experience. Woman have to fight harder for everything with is also an example of man privilege.

    2. own privilege and gotten a similar result?

      When talking about privilege, it is important that both sides have an open mind and can understand the ways that they have privilege and the other person doesn't. Because every singe person has some sort of privilege whether they are aware of it or not.

    3. bust your a*s to feed your family?”

      Relating to this as people look at me and automatically think that it was my privilege that is getting me through 4 years of college without any debt, but in reality I have been working since I was 16 and have saved almost everything and that it isn't due to my skin color.

    4. identity privilege?

      Identity privilege is important for everyone to realize. regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, class/wealth, ability, or citizen status, that everyone benefits one way or another form their privilege and to be able to recognized that and to be okay with the privilege but also not to fault someone else for their privilege.

    1. intent of our action

      I think that this also goes with bias, on how we might not even know what we are saying or that what we are saying is hurting another person until it is brought to our attention.

    1. However, just because a work is not as literary as another does not mean it cannot be enjoyed. Just like a stick figure or cartoon character might be perfectly fine if intended for a particular audience or purpose, readers can still enjoy People Magazine even though it is not of the same literary quality as Hamlet.

      Literature can be in any form and people can see literature differently and get different things out of certain literature. With that being said an example is written within the literature comparing people magazine to a stick figure. Both are expressions of literature and can be enjoyed.