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  1. Aug 2023
    1. Identify and manage misunderstandings.

      This has become more prevelant in out lives now that most of us communicate a lot through text messages. You can't see/feel the emotion behind the message so things can be taken the wrong way. It is so easy to be offended when the message is read wrong. Even through texting you can clarify what the sender was trying to communicate and to learn the context.

    1. . Researchers have identified many tactics that people typically use in compliance-gaining communication

      Most of these tactics, i hate to say that I have used when parenting my children. After reading about these tactics it makes sense that everyone uses these tactics in their personal or professional lives. In my parenting, loss of privileges and grounding works best with my teenagers. Altruism works with my littles because Mother knows best. Also giving my kids compliments and encouragement to get a task done helps their self-esteem.

    2. Poor listening skills were shown to contribute significantly to failure in a person’s first year of college

      I never thought about how communication can help with poor listening skills and lack of conciseness when speaking, I would think that communication was just that how to speak to someone. It is interesting to think that if we do not communicate well, it can affect our success.

    1. The interaction model is also less message focused and more interaction focused.

      Texting is very straight to the point and straightforward for the transmission model. But for the interaction model it's about the interaction. Now a days my friends and I have whole conversations through text. WE are great friends that I usually know the emotion that is behind a message. Texting can be hard though without seeing the persons demeanor ofr facial expressions.

    1. Of the forms of communication, intrapersonal communication has received the least amount of formal study.

      I "talk to myself" all the time. I feel like my intrapersonal dialogue with myself helps me stay organized and helps me be calm. It makes sense that intrapersonal communication doesn't have a lot of research on it because everyone's minds are different. I have to run conversations through my head when I am about to make a phone call. I practice what I am going to say.