2,825 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. El experimento de Michelson y Morley fue un acontecimiento trascendental en el camino hacia la relatividad especial

      por que se "empeñan" en "mantener" este error histórico???

    1. CUIDADO! es lo que suele pasar en estas webs!!!

      la informacion no tiene "citaciones", por lo que es muy dificil contrastarla

    2. A pesar de que el premio Nobel de física fue otorgado a Marconi por la invención de la radio en 1909, la prensa publicó que Edison y Tesla compartirían el premio Nobel en 1915. Edison trató de minimizar los logros de Tesla y se negó a recibir el premio en caso de que fuera compartido. Algunas fuentes afirmaron que debido a la envidia de Edison ninguno lo ganó, a pesar de sus grandes contribuciones a la ciencia. ​ Antes, se decía que Tesla podía ser nominado para el premio Nobel de 1912. La nominación se debía posiblemente a sus circuitos sintonizados usando transformadores resonantes de alta tensión y alta frecuencia. La investigación histórica posterior demostró que en esa época el nombre de Tesla no fue considerado para el premio Nobel, aunque alguna prensa sí que habló de ello

      citation needed!!!

    3. la corte suprema de Estados Unidos rechazo en un juicio el reclamo realizado por Guglielmo Marconi y este veredicto toco a Nikola Tesla., a quien se le acredita la invención de la radio. Finalmente, en 1943, la Corte Suprema de los EE..UU., dictaminó que la verdadera patente le pertenecería a Tesla, pero la idea de que Marconi había sido el creador ya estaba instalada

      radio Marconi vs Tesla

    4. debido a su poco conocimiento de la física


    5. Nikola Tesla empezó sus estudios en 1875 en la carrera de Ingeniería Eléctrica en la Universidad de Graz, estudiando el uso de la corriente alterna. Su graduación es esta casa de estudio aún está en entredicho por cuanto algunas fuentes indican que se graduó como Ingeniero sin embargo, la universidad de Graz se pronunció indicando que Nikola Tesla solo estudio entre el segundo y tercer año ya que dejo de asistir a clase

      citation needed

    1. Según leemos en el artículo Beethoven and Indian Philosophy, en un texto escrito, y en realidad copiado porBeethoven, y que es mencionado, incluido y comentado en el libro Beethoven’s Letters with explanatorynotas de Dr. A.C. Kalischer (trans. J.S. Shedlock), 1926

      link needed

    2. Es bien sabido el interés que Beethoven tuvo, en sus últimos años de vida, por los Upanishads, por elBhagavad Gita, y por la filosofía de la India, en general

      yo no lo sabia! en que "circulo" (estudios musicales?) se asume este conocimiento?

    3. Harry Costin

      foto de cintas: identificar las que usaba!; A1=TDK D60 (tengo muchas, sonido regular); A3=SONY D60 (buen sonido); C4=SCOTCH 60 (malas, 1 o 2); A5=SA (de cromo, solo 1); C5=SONY D90 (buen sonido);

    4. Hoy en día hay un resurgir del estoicismo. ¿Por qué atrae el estoicismo?

      recomiendo el Cinismo (Diogenes, el perro)

    5. El estilo de vida al cual estamos acostumbrados busca por encima de todo rendir culto al diosconsumo, buscamos acaparar objetos materiales. Cuando escribo estas líneas, falta un mes para lasfestividades de Navidad y el “Black Friday” acaba de triunfar, a pesar de la pandemia, un año más. Noshan hecho creer que la felicidad está unida a la capacidad de poseer objetos materiales o bien tenerun empleo bien remunerado que nos otorgue prestigio personal para así situarnos en un lugardestacado de la sociedad. Nuestros niños son educados en que se les va a valorar por aquello quetienen y no por lo que son. Esto es materialismo puro


    6. Símbolos mágicos de Egipto


    7. Manuel J. Ruiz Torres

      photo citation???

    1. Según leemos en el artículo «Beethoven and Indian Philosophy»[1], en un texto escrito, y en realidad copiado por Beethoven, y que es mencionado, incluido y comentado en el libro Beethoven’s Letters with explanatory notes by Dr. A.C. Kalischer (trans. J. S. Shedlock), 1926, se muestran dos textos de filosofía de la India que, aunque no especifica de dónde son, es casi evidente que son de los Upanishads y de un himno védico respectivamente, no identificados en esta obra

      "siguiendo la pista": referencia externa link

    1. Beethoven’s Letters with explanatory notes by Dr. A.C. Kalischer, J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., London & Toronto, 1926, pp.393-394

      "fuente original (secundaria)"; now, come back to esfinge

    1. Darle a un hijo una habilidad es mejor que darle mil piezas de oro.Proverbio chinoMe lo contaron y lo olvidé; lo vi y lo entendí; lo hice y lo aprendí.ConfucioSi no quieres que se sepa, no lo hagas.Proverbio chinoCon buenas palabras se puede negociar, pero para engrandecerse se requieren buenas obras.Lao-TseNo pretendas apagar con fuego un incendio, ni remediar con agua una inundación.ConfucioAquello que para la oruga es el fin del mundo, para el resto del mundo se llama mariposa.Lao-TseCuando veáis a un hombre sabio, pensad en igualar sus virtudes. Cuando veáis a un hombre desprovisto de virtud, examinaos vosotros mismos.ConfucioEl agua hace flotar a un barco y también puede hundirlo.Proverbio chinoExígete mucho a ti mismo y espera poco de los demás. Así te ahorrarás disgustos.ConfucioAquel que obtiene una victoria sobre otro hombre es fuerte, pero quien obtiene una victoria sobre sí mismo es poderoso.Lao-TseRecopilado por Elena Sabidó


    1. velocidad que necesitan para mantenerse en equilibrio gravitatorio (300 km/sg)

      ???; citation needed

    2. Los cálculos actuales precisan la densidad de la materia oscura en una masa equivalente a 300 protones por litro

      citation needed

    3. La materia oscura se puede denominar fría o caliente en función de la velocidad con que se mueven las partículas que la componen

      energia cinetica==>temperatura "equivalente";

      ¿cual es el valor "frontera" entre frio y caliente?

    4. Es mejor equivocarse que permanecer inactivo por miedo a que no salga bien

      la "paralisis" del miedo a hacerlo mal; es mejor "moverse" (ver letra de cancion de Bella Bestia)

    5. No voy a sentirme mal si algo no me sale bien,he aprendido a derrapar y a chocar con la pared.

      me gusta esta estrofa!

    6. Lo que me llevará al final serán mis pasos, no el camino, no ves que siempre vas detrás cuando persigues al destino..

      pero...mirarlo asi: brazadas en un rio caudaloso y tortuoso

    7. Antes de que cuente diez

      la recomiendo: buena letra y solo de guitarra!

    1. Peter Murray-Rust (University of Cambridge)


    2. Figure1:TheContentMinepipeline.

      diagrama/flujo del proceso

    3. [L3] http://contentmine.org


      Me lo temia!!! [2021-12-12] ya no existe: redirige a otra web DISTINTA!

    4. commission


    5. Innovative scientists carrying outmining risk their universities being cut off by publishers


    6. there’s huge politico-legal opposition, because thepapers are copyrighted, normally by the publishers


    7. Since facts are uncopyrightable

      facts==>common knowledge!

    8. TheWikidata-enhanced facts will be stored in the public Zenododatabase for all to use


    9. We see Wikidata as the future of much scientific fact,


    10. We’ve spent twoyears creating the code and pipeline and are now starting toprocess open and subscription articles automatically

      Es "tipico": "reinventar" la rueda. MUCHISIMA (destacada) gente, ha "tenido" que hacer por si mismos lo que "necesitaban" porque no "existia" o lo que habia no se amoldaba

      Ejemplos en otros ambitos: ¿por que proliferan DIFERENTES lenguajes de programacion para hacer "lo mismo"???

    11. ContentMine.org [3] to read the whole scientific lit-erature and extract the facts on a daily basis


    12. it’s still possible to recover a vast amount of datawith heuristics such as natural language processing and dia-gram processing

      open tools???

    13. We know of researchers who spend their whole timeturning this back into computable information

      WTF!!! me da la risa, por no llorar!

      ver propuesta

    14. Data is collected from digital instruments,summarised to diagrams and turned into pixels (PNG, JPG)with total loss of data – even from summary diagrams(plots).

      OTRO ejemplo de "esfuerzo" perdido!

    15. Most text isborn digital (Word, TeX) and straightforward to process butturned into PDF

      PDF format NOT-OPEN!!! No se puede "extraer" ni editar la "capa" de texto

      Solucion: 1-"Otro" standard para "registrar" linked-data; 2-PDF u otro para "presentar" a humanos! (lectura visual); 3-los linked-data se pueden "procesar" por programas/bots

    16. Scientists write in narrative text,

      mal!=bad! Hay que cambiar el estilo de comunicacion!

    17. cts (species, diseases, drugs, countries, organi-sations) resulting from about one trillion USD of fundedresearch. But they aren’t properly used – for example theZika outbreak was predicted 30 years ago [1] but in ascanned PDF behind a paywall so was never broadcast.

      conocimiento con copyright!

    18. Scholarly publications, especially science and medicine,have huge amounts of untapped knowledge, but it’s atechnical challenge to extract it and there’s a politicalfight in Europe as to whether we can legally do it

      asi pueden pasar OTROS 20 años!

  2. ercim-news.ercim.eu ercim-news.ercim.eu
    1. As early as 1973, Hewitt et al. [2] pro-posed the (abstract) actor model toaddress the problems of concurrencyand distribution. This model definesentities called actors, which are concur-rent, isolated and solely interact via net-work-transparent message passingbased on unique identifiers.

      def: actor model

  3. ercim-news.ercim.eu ercim-news.ercim.eu
    1. genome data, temperature measurements, stock market prices,population and income statistics

      estos son ejemplos donde se esta aplicando: large amounts of "records" (structured data);

      Pero "mi deseo" es disponer de Linked-Data para el "PROPIO" texto del "conocimiento" o "comunicacion"

    2. References:[1] T. Hey, S. Tansley, K. Tolle, eds.:“The Fourth Paradigm: Data-intensiveScientific Discovery”, MicrosoftResearch 2009.[2] S. Proell, A. Rauber: “Citable byDesign - A Model for Making Data inDynamic Environments Citable”, inDATA 2013, 2013.[3] S. Proell, A. Rauber: “ScalableData Citation in Dynamic LargeDatabases: Model and ReferenceImplementation”, in IEEE BigData2013, 2013.

      and the links? -using GScholar: [2] is "Inbook"

    3. Assigning persistentidentifiers to the query, each dataset canbe uniquely referenced

      IDs para las queries

    4. Our approach is based onversioned and timestamped data, whereall inserts, updates and deletes of recordswithin a dataset are recorded


    5. An experi-ment can only be reproduced and veri-fied if the same subset can be retrievedlater.

      repetir "lo mismo"???

    6. Data used to be condensed into humanreadable form, by aggregating sourcedata into tables and graphs

      pero esto es un resultado "estatico" de los datos brutos que proporciona el autor (productor de los datos). El lector (consumidor) puede querer hacer diferentes "queries"

    7. With theincreasing focus on repeatability andverifyability in the experimental sci-ences, providing access to the under-lying data is becoming essential

      "datos brutos", para que puedan ser "procesados"

    1. Members

      nothing in Spain!!!

    2. assigning persistent identifiers, such as digital object identifiers (DOIs), to data sets

      DOIs for data

  4. ercim-news.ercim.eu ercim-news.ercim.eu
    1. hinders novice users


    2. there is still nosingle point of access for querying the over 200 SPARQL repositories

      [in 2014] en 2021 sigue sin haber!

    3. organizations committing to use itscore principles for exposing and inter-linking Big Data for seamlessexchange, integration, and reuse [2]

      1-tools; 2-standard; 3-"all" using same std

    1. SemanticWeb.org http://www.semanticweb.org/

      2021-12-12; no funciona!

    2. SWoogle: Semantic Web Search. http://swoogle.umbc.edu/

      it was! no funciona en 2021

    3. la Web Semántica no goza de excesiva popularidad entre los creadores de sedes web debido a que no está pensada para seres humanos, sino para agentes o programas que recorran la World Wide Web e infieran nuevos datos

      1-a las webs "comerciales", que se basan en "pescar" mediante la publicidad, no les "importa" que el contenido sea texto plano, porque no es su objetivo; 2-pero si debe importar a las web "academicas", porque su objetivo deberia ser el conocimiento de datos correctos, la educacion y el aprendizaje

    4. SWoogle: Semantic Web Search http://swoogle.umbc.edu/

      2021-12-12: ya no existe! it was!

    5. Haystack del MIT,


    6. Los documentos web se codifican mediante lenguajes de metadatos y ontologías, lenguajes semánticos que aportan representaciones compartidas de conocimiento en forma de conceptos relacionados y reglas de inferencia lógicas

      ...pero no veo que esté "generalizado"

      ¿existe algún "standard"?

      al final, el problema es la "CALIDAD" de los metadatos que "QUIERAN" poner los autores

    7. En los albores de la Web nadie pensó en etiquetar categorías y añadir metadatos, pues la mayor parte del contenido de la Web estaba diseñado para leer

      "escribir" "texto plano" es un esfuerzo sin ganancia.

      Lo tiene que "interpretar" cada "cerebro" humano/IA para "entender" lo que queria decir el autor

      Creo que es "mejor" "TROCEAR" la información en "datos simples" y "relaciones", pero contra un repositorio "centralizado", para evitar "duplicidades" (cada vez que veo una "copia" del texto de wikipedia en otras webs/blogs pienso "que estupidez!")

    8. hay muchas líneas de trabajo abiertas en relación con la Web Semántica, líneas que tienen que ver con los lenguajes semánticos y lenguajes de definición de ontologías, metodologías de desarrollo e integración de ontologías y otros vocabularios de dominios concretos del conocimiento, agentes, tecnologías y servicios web, etc

      ...pero "NADA" para el usuario "final", consumidor de informacion, o investigador

    9. La realidad es que todavía estamos muy lejos de conseguir, incluso, algunos de los planteamientos menos complejos de la Web Semántica

      Yo llevo "esperando" 20 años!

  5. unahistoriacuriosa.wordpress.com unahistoriacuriosa.wordpress.com
    1. «El Tesoro de Priamo» fue encontrado en la fase conocida como Troya II, mientras que el rey Priamo que aparece en la Iliada, habría sido habitante de la fase de Troya VI o VII, que fueron ocupadas cientos de años después

      ok, but citation needed

    1. Alejandro tenía el hábito de inclinar ligeramente la cabeza sobre el hombro derecho, de baja estatura con cutis blanco, cabello ondulado de color castaño claro y ojos heterócromos, el izquierdo marrón y el derecho gris, que no se sabe si eran de nacimiento o por un traumatismo craneal.

      citation needed

    1. contrario a cualquier tipo de erudición e incluso de cultura, siempre prefirió expresarse mediante la acción, el comportamiento y las elecciones concretas, más que mediante textos escritos: a un discípulo de Zenón de Elea que sostenía la inexistencia del movimiento, le respondió poniéndose en pie y echándose a andar.

      citation needed!

    1. aristoteles y alejandro magno

      en este "cuadro" Aristoteles aparece "joven", cuando tendría unos 42-44, y Alejandro unos 13

    2. año 343 a.C

      Aristoteles tendria entre 42-44 años Nacido en año 386/385 a.C

    3. año 343 a.C. cuando Filipo II confió la educación de su vástago de trece años al filósofo más grande de la época: Aristóteles, que se haría cargo de su educación durante tres años

      3 u 8 años? ver

    1. Some contributors suggest using title case only for main titles, such as the title of the book and possibly chapters, but using sentence case for lower level headings

      sugerencia estilo

    2. several major publications use sentence case for titles

      sentence case= First word of a title title case=First Word Of A Title

    3. I vividly remember being taught at school to double space after a full stop and single space after a comma, colon or semi-colon

      no sabia

    1. . The automatically extracted details for references that appeared in my .bib file do not seem to be as complete as those provided by the technique above.

      poor quality

    2. Anonymous29 October 2013 at 20:201. Install Mendeley (It is Free).2. Open it.3. Select all PDF files.4. Drag and drop all the files into Mendeley Interface5. It is done, It will sort all your references.6. You can Export .bib file now and use it in Jabref, Lyx or Latex.

      use Mendeley to create .bib from PDF directory

    3. add the following to netqinf.txt then it should search IEEE Xplore for the title

      cb2bib config for web queries

    4. UPDATE: After a couple of months of getting used to cb2bib and using it to produce a document I'm not really finding the need to use JabRef at all! The 'citer' facility of cb2bib is actually really good.

      cb2bib instead JabRef to citing

    5. JabRef is basically a database management tool for references that stores its database in bibtex format

      .bib fiels "directly".; Zorero uses sqllite database

    6. I settled on JabRef because: it's free, it's open source, it's lightweight, it's cross-platform and it handles bibtex format natively (which is what I need for it to integrate with latex).

      Reason: if use "latex"-->bibtex-->JabRef (native, o compatible=Zotero)

    1. The changed bibtex file and added references will need to be "commited" to the version control repository.

      important: save also the bib in VCS

    2. Click Network query to retrieve all the info about the file from the web

      cb2bib for extract info from pdf; alternative: use Zotero

    3. Add the saved file to my bazaar version control system

      ! for future changes: add comments, bookmarks; use X-PDF Viewer

    4. Search for the document

      step 0: 1-from references from a "source"; 2-browsing into a journal; 3-googling keywords

    5. Download the document

      use Zotero!

    6. Gathering references

      Process steps

    7. but I've found it to also be really good for browsing references and citing whilst writing a document. I changed some of the default setup to help it retrieve data from the net


    1. Unfortunately having reusable sections of content is almost the opposite of having the consistent and coherent narrative that a good thesis (allegedly) requires.

      let's change to wiki structure, instead "linear" text

    2. but I found that my large folder of pdf files all referenced from a bibtex file and managed using cb2bib

      rare! use Zotero!

    3. Version control This was really key for me

      use a VCS!

    1. Several tools exist that will attempt to parse a formatted text bibliography into the BibTeX format. These are somewhat experimental,

      parsing text -> bibtext

    1. APA formatting for papers There are certain formatting rules you must adhere to when writing a paper in APA format. The basic requirements are: Times New Roman 12 pt Double line spacing One-inch (2.54 cm) margins Left-aligned running head with a shortened title and page number In addition to these general rules, there are more specific requirements for formatting the title page, running head, abstract, reference page and headings and subheadings.

      see requirements!

    2. The format differs depending on the source type, but every reference begins in the same way: with the author’s last name and initials, the publication year or date, and the title of the source.

      format depends on type

    1. Most free checkers will only detect directly copied-and-pasted content. If plagiarized content has even been slightly tweaked, these checkers will likely not detect it. “Freemium” checkers appear to be free at first glance, but have a lot of add-ons and features that are paid, making it unlikely that you will get everything you need for free.

      FREE==only copy&paste==identical

    2. In 2006, the Brookings Institute accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of having plagiarized 80% of his economics dissertation from a paper published by the University of Pittsburgh a few decades earlier.


    1. descriptive, evaluative, or reflective. Descriptive annotations: When the assignment is just about gathering and summarizing information, focus on the key arguments and methods of each source. Evaluative annotations: When the assignment is about your evaluation of the sources, you should also assess the validity and effectiveness of these arguments and methods. Reflective annotations: When the assignment is part of a larger research process, you need to consider the relevance and usefulness of the sources to your own research.

      3 types

    2. An annotated bibliography is a list of source references that includes a short descriptive text (an annotation) for each source


    1. Location What you include in the location element depends on the type of source you are citing: Book chapter: Page range of the chapter (e.g. pp. 164–180.) Web page: URL, without “https://” (e.g. www.scribbr.com/mla-style/quick-guide/.) Journal article: DOI, with “https://”—or stable URL, without: (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2018.1560449. or www.jstor.org/stable/43832354.) Physical object or live event: Name of the location and city (e.g. Moscone Center, San Francisco. or The Museum of Modern Art, New York.)


    2. You generally don’t need to include a publisher for the following source types: Websites Journals Newspapers and magazines Platforms like YouTube, Netflix, or JSTOR


    3. Note that “University Press” is abbreviated to “UP” in a Works Cited entry. For example, the University of Minnesota Press becomes “U of Minnesota P”; Oxford University Press becomes “Oxford UP.”


    4. MLA style citations are commonly used by students and academics in the humanities

      MLA style for Humanities

    1. presence of world-renowned quantum physicists and mathematicians:Alain Aspect, professor at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School and Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay;David DiVincenzo, Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Director of the Institute for Quantum Information at RWTH Aachen University, Director of the Institute for Theoretical Nanoelectronics at the Juelich Research Center;Artur Ekert, Professor of Quantum Physics at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford; Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor and Director, Centre of Quantum Technologies at the National University of Singapore;Daniel Estève, Research Director, CEA Saclay, head of Quantronics;Serge Haroche, Professor emeritus at the Collège de France, Nobel laureate in Physics;Cédric Villani, Professor at University of Lyon Claude Bernard, Head of the Henri Poincaré Institute CNRS/UPMC, Fields Medal laureate.


    1. Serge Haroche, profesor emérito del Collège de France, premio Nobel de Física.


    2. El Consejo Asesor Cuántico está formada por físicos cuánticos reconocidos universalmente e incluye a: Alain Aspect, profesor del Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Université Paris-Saclay y de Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris David DiVincenzo, profesor del Alexander von Humboldt, director del Instituto de Información Cuántica de la Universidad RWTH Aachen, director del Instituto de Nanoelectrónica Teórica del Centro de Investigación de Juelich; Artur Ekert, profesor de Física Cuántica en el Instituto Matemático de la Universidad de Oxford y Director Fundador del Centro de Tecnologías Cuánticas en Singapur; Daniel Esteve, Director de Investigación, CEA de Saclay, Responsable de Quantronics; Serge Haroche, profesor emérito en el Collège de France, premio Nobel de Física.


    1. It is worth noting that because our papers are only published online we do not use the standard referencing style of volumes and pages. We have volumes: Volume 3 is 2020, Volume 2 is 2019, and everything before that is Volume 1. Each paper published in a given year is allocated an numerical id which is just an integer.

      online journal

    1. The industry is relying on academics not understanding how cheap things actually are


    2. led to an academic publisher stating that one of the greatest costs of running a journal was registering publications for citation tracking. In fact it costs a maximum of $1 per article (see here)


    3. Incidentally, that image also shows that citations are tracked through the CROSSREF system, in which OJA papers are registered when published and issued with a DOI


    4. SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System which (for the uninitiated) is a Digital Library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 14.0 million records covering publications in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and (of course) the arXiv e-prints. In addition to maintaining its bibliographic corpus, the ADS tracks citations and other information, which means that it is an important tool for evaluating publication impact.

      good info

    1. To further improve our service to the community, we have decided at the Open Journal of Astrophysics that from now on we will speed up this interaction with ADS by depositing information directly at the same time as we lodge it with Crossref. This means that (a) ADS does not have to rely on authors updating the arXiv field and (b) we can give ADS directly information that is not lodged at Crossref.

      Solution: Journal-->ADS+CrossRef

    2. citations from the preprint version are then aggregated on the system with those of the published article, but it can take a while before this process is completed, particularly if an author does not update the journal reference on arXiv

      citations to an arXiv paper

    3. To complicate things further, papers submitted to the arXiv as preprints are indexed on ADS as preprints and only appear as journal articles when they are published

      arXiv-->preprints in ADS

    4. ADS also assigns a unique bibliometric code it generates itself (based on the metadata it obtains from Crossref).

      the BIBCODE

    5. When we publish a paper at the Open Journal of Astrophysics we assign a DOI and deposit it and related metadata to a system called CrossRef which is accessed by ADS to populate bibliographic fields in its own database


    1. We currently provide a form-based interface to the resolver as a prototype system simply for the purpose of allowing publishers to test its capabilities and offer suggestions or criticism.


    2. The resolver processes the input strings by performing the following steps: Reference parsing, i.e. identifying the different tokens listed in reference entry. Reference identification, i.e. using the parsed tokens to generate the unique bibliographic code identifier for the reference. Reference verification, i.e. querying the ADS database to verify the existence of the reference.

      Automatizacion de los 3 pasos 1-parser: like cv2bib->fichero regexps.txt 2-generar BIBCODE 3-consutla si existe

    3. Examples of references that are correctly parsed and identified include

      ejemplos formatos validos

    1. https://adsabs.harvard.edu/doi/DOI

      link por DOI

    2. https://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/bibcode

      link por BIBCODE

    3. The URL abs is available for users to directly access full records in the ADS Abstract Service by bibliographic code (see Building Bibcodes above). abs may be used to link directly to our abstracts from outside of the Abstract Service.

      links to full record

    4. The Reference Resolver allows users and information providers to query the ADS databases to verify the existence and availability of a particular bibliographic reference. The resolver attempts to be as flexible as possible in parsing reference strings and identifying the respective records, so that different citation formats are supported.


    5. To automate the generation of bibcodes from references we provide a Bibliographic Reference Resolver

      generar BIBCODE

    6. To verify that a bibcode is correct, you can use the Bibcode Verification Utility

      verificar BIBCODE

    1. Abstracts that we receive directly from the publishers and the original authors (called "author" abstracts) are instead a faithful and accurate reproduction of text that was published in the paper's abstract (except for math and non-ASCII symbols, of course).

      abstracts from plublisher

    2. Some of the abstracts in the ADS database (most abstracts in the time span 1975-1995) were given to us by the STI program at NASA, which in most cases rewrote the abstracts to avoid infringing the publisher's copyrights, often shortening the author's original abstract. In general, there is no way to be certain whether an abstract which originated from STI has been rewritten or not.

      different abstracts content

    3. The ADS is primarily an abstract service, however when we know that a certain article has been published online, we do provide a link to the fulltext, both in the available items column (as an "E" or "F") as well as at the top of the page displaying the abstract. If we do not provide that link, we do not have any further information.

      links to fulltext

    4. Starting in 2005, we have begun integrating citations obtained from parsing the reference sections of e-prints from the ArXiv.


    5. we strongly encourage the submission of lists of references appearing in a given publication


    6. In addition, references may be incomplete due to our inability to match them with 100% accuracy (e.g. in press, private communications, author errors, some conference series, etc.). Anyone using the citations for analysis of publishing records should keep this in mind.

      References de un item

    7. In October 2007 we gained access to CrossRef's metadata, which includes references from many articles in the physical sciences


    8. In 1999 we started extracting reference lists from the full-text of papers available in the ADS article service or provided to us by the journal publishers

      ADS history

    9. How up-to-date is the Abstract Service? There should not be any significant delay in getting a paper from one of the major journals into our system, which is updated weekly. Records which we receive directly from journal publishers typically go into the system on or before the publication date.

      weekly update

    10. Starting in 2007 we have been able to further complete our coverage of historical records thanks to our access to CrossRef, which collects and makes available metadata records for most of the content produced by Scientific journals.

      ADS uses CrossRef

    1. The ADS FAQ and the ADS BibTeX guide list several options to get the journal macros to work. See also Undefined control sequence BibTex.

      see ADS

    2. In order to use this entry properly the macro \mnras must be defined in your document and it must give the correct replacement text.

      AHA! "\x" son macros!

    3. The ADS database uses custom macros for certain field values. For common journals, a .bib entry downloaded from ADS will not contain journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, or journal = {MNRAS}, instead it will deliver a .bib file with journal = {\mnras},

      ADS==abbreviation for journal!

    4. With ADS the family names are incorrectly braced.


    5. differences between @book and @collection as well as @inbook and @incollection


    6. Rule of thumb: If a given entry is lacking the field names journal and volume, it almost certainly shouldn't be an @article.


    7. Pagina acerca de los ERRORES de SINTAXIS y ESTILO de los "bib entries" generados por las webs

    1. Zotero (Firefox extension)

      anticuado: zotero ahora tiene app standalone!

    2. 80% of the Google Scholar BibTeX have a really bad quality. For me, is the last resource. – epsilone Jan 24 '17 at 8:52

      GS: bad metadata!

    3. In Google Scholar you need to go to "Scholar Preferences" and select the option "Show links to import citations into Bibtex". – Alejandro Dec 10 '10 at 16:19

      GS config

    1. Apart from handling outdated arXiv citations, Rebiber also normalizes citations in a unified way (DBLP-style


    2. We introduce Rebiber, a simple tool in Python to fix them automatically


    1. Checklist

      before submit!

    2. I recommend to always add periods after abbreviated parts of journal names, even if the style you’re currently using doesn’t require periods there (i.e., write journal = {Mol. Biol. Evol.}, not journal = {Mol Biol Evol}). At some point you’ll use the Bibtex entry with a different style file that needs periods, and things will go wrong. Again, Bibtex is better at removing periods than it is at adding them.

      journal abbr: usar puntos;; es mas facil quitar que poner!

    3. In Bibtex’s author field, author names are separated by the key word and. It is a common mistake to use a comma instead

      varios autores: and

    4. I call the first and second law of Bibtex: Nobody really understands Bibtex. All bibliography managers that automatically generate Bibtex entries mess things up. A corollary of the second law is that all Bibtex entries need to be hand-curated to work correctly.1

      2 laws

    5. the most complete description of bibtex’s inner workings is aptly called Tame the BeaST. (This document is well worth the read for anybody using bibtex with some regularity.)


    1. Resist the temptation to double-brace the entire title as a manner of course: {{Title Title with Title}}. This guarantees your title will always be capitalized. But many bib styles downcase all titles, in which case your title will stick out like a sore thumb. Instead, just put your title in single-braces or quotes and let the bib style do the right thing.


    2. Also, make sure, in your BibTeX file, that you properly bracket {} words in titles that must be capitalized, like GPU or PDE, or proper names

      {} para mantener en mayusculas

    3. the capitalization on titles in your bibtex file should match what's on the paper. The bib style should enforce capitalization, not your bibliography—your bib should faithfully represent what's printed on the paper.


    1. HT de Beer 12. November 2014 at 10:04 If I look in the “Scholar Settings”, I see a section headed with “Bibliography manager”. There are two options. By default, the option “Don’t show any citation import links” is selected. Instead, select the option “Show links to import citation into [ ]” and, in the selection box following, select “BibTeX”. Save your changes and reload.

      GScholar config

    1. Jimme 10. May 2015 at 23:01 wget http://search.bibtexsearch.com/search?q=test


    2. My suggestion would be to use the crossref API instead (http://search.crossref.org/help/api).


    3. I am hearing too much about the erroneous/irrelevant information in Google Scholar BibTex codes


    4. Karl Ward 10. June 2014 at 12:04 Karl at CrossRef here. This is a problem with how we are generating bibtex. I’ve been using the Citation Style Language and their bibtex style definition which does not always produce accurate or valid bibtex. I’m now in the process of rewriting our bibtex output to use a different library to produce the bibtex itself. I’m hoping that this will address encoding issues as well as type accuracy.

      crossref staff

    5. Joe 6. June 2014 at 18:22 Hi Ian. If you experience any problems with the BibTex generated by CrossRef could you drop us a line at labs@crossref.org and we’ll try to fix it.

      crossref staff

    6. You can get citations in BibTex format (other styles) from CrossRef at http://search.crossref.org .

      directamente crossref api!

    7. doi2bib. The service retrieves BibTeX entries directly from publishers, through public APIs provided by doi.org and crossref.org.

      doi2bib==interfaz a crossref?

    8. The main drawbacks include the missing digital object identifier (DOI) or URL linking back to the journal website


    9. Google Scholar is doing a reasonable, but not always brilliant job in generating BibTeX entries (see my recent post on the topic and the discussion).

      GS: bad metadata!

    1. There are interfaces for people (to look up small numbers of DOIs): Metadata Search, and Simple Text Query.

      2 ways

    2. Here is a comparison of the metadata retrieval options


    1. upload edited CSV and convert back to JSON

      permite editar y volver a generar el JSON!

    1. Might Zotero soon have a right-click mechanism to fix all-caps author names?


    2. edit the OCR before

      NE: 1-modifying the text within th e PDF? How? 2-editing by hand the pasted text in AnyStyle?

    3. I use AnyStyle frequently but it is only as good as the quality of the original text (OCRed from a pdf)


    1. citeproc.js is the part of Zotero that takes the data in Zotero, and the citation style you pick, and then formats the citations and bibliography the way you need them to.


    1. ShortDOIs are great for sharing a quick link over email or for display on presentation slides, but they shouldn’t be used in publications (eg, this may interfere with citation cross-linking, which relies on matching DOIs)

      Well, don't use them! better the compatible way

    2. I would not be surprised if the service were shut down at some point.

      hahaha. changes for the worse!

    3. You should not use shortDOI in references


    1. “Verify DOIs” tries to connect to publishers’ websites (rather than to doi.org only)


    2. The reason for overly long DOIs are the local provisions to prevent collision of automatically generated DOIs


    3. activate citeproc-js’s Extra parsing function and override the value stored in the DOI field

      how to activate this?

    4. Unfortunately, without Long DOI being saved, there isn’t a way to look it up—the shortdoi.org API doesn’t provide a way to reverse lookup Long DOIs from shortDOIs.


    1. bwiernik June 17, 2018 Although you will still get the best metadata by using the Zotero browser button at the publisher website, Zotero's PDF metadata retrieval has been much improved since January and should now get abstracts and DOIs for most articles.


    2. However, the Retrieve Metadata function relies primarily on Google Scholar's full-text database, which doesn't include DOI information, so this function will rarely yield the best metadata

      HERE! Google Scholar: bad metadata!

    1. Airiti

      [wikipedia]: Airiti Incorporation (Chinese: 華藝數位) headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, is a Chinese e-content provider of Chinese academic e-journals, Taiwanese academic e-journals,

    2. Only some DOI registration agencies support content negotiation, which is what Zotero uses to retrieve metadata.

      how Zotero retrieve?

    1. Adding by DOI will often give better results than, say, importing from Google Scholar or using the “Retrieve Metadata for PDF” function

      3-Retrieve metadata from PDF: it depends on text within the PDF! 4-Google Scholar: bad metadata!

    2. Adding by DOI using the magic wand tool is very fast if you already have the DOI (e.g., if you are copying from a reference list), and it will give very good metadata (though it won’t have abstracts), but it won’t automatically download the PDF.

      2-Add tool: without abstract, without PDF!

    3. The best way to add items to the library is using the Zotero browser button from the item page on the publisher website. This will get the best metadata and often the PDF if available

      1-from publisher page: +download PDF available