2,825 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. In this example, Bigipedia informs us that the DOI is referenced by the article page. Note that because the subject is not a DOI, the metadata must be supplied in the subj key. $ curl "https://bus.eventdata.crossref.org/events" \ --verbose \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Token token=591df7a9-5b32-4f1a-b23c-d54c19adf3fe" \ -X POST \ --data '{"id": "dbba925e-b47c-4732-a27b-0063040c079d", "source_token": "b1bba157-ab5b-4cb8-9ac8-4beb2d6405ff", "subj_id": "http://bigipedia.com/pages/Chianto", "obj_id": "https://doi.org/10.3403/30164641u", "relation_type_id": "references", "source_id": "bigipedia", "license: "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/", "subj": {"title": "Chianto", "issued": "2016-01-02", "URL": "http://bigipedia.com/pages/Chianto"}}'
      • SUBJECT is Page, no DOI
        • metadata in object "subj"
    1. El púlsar binario PSR J0737 como banco de pruebas de la relatividad general Por Francisco R. Villatoro, el 16 diciembre, 2021. Categoría(s): Astronomía • Ciencia • Física • Noticias • Physics • Relatividad • Science ✎ 3

      l púlsar binario PSR J0737 como banco de pruebas de la relatividad general Por Francisco R. Villatoro, el 16 diciembre, 2021. Categoría(s): Astronomía • Ciencia • Física • Noticias • Physics • Relatividad • Science ✎ 3

      Hulse y Taylor recibieron el Premio Nobel de Física en 1993 por su estudio del púlsar binario PSR B1913+16 (el primero que se descubrió en 1974), que observó de forma indirecta la emisión de ondas gravitacionales. Se publica en Physical Review X un análisis similar del púlsar binario PSR J0737−3039A/B, descubierto en 2003. El púlsar binario PSR J0737 es un banco de pruebas único para el estudio de la relatividad general ya que está situado a solo dos mil años luz de la Tierra, ambas estrellas de neutrones se observan como púlsares y su inclinación orbital es muy próxima a 90 °, luego se puede observar cómo el espaciotiempo curvo del plano orbital modifica los pulsos emitidos. Las observaciones durante 16 años de la precesión del periastro siguen la fórmula de la emisión gravitacional cuadripolar de Einstein con un error menor del 0.013 % (el resultado obtenido tras 2.5 años de observaciones tenía un error del 0.05 % y se publicó en 2006 en Science). Sin lugar a dudas un púlsar binario que habrá que seguir durante las próximas décadas para mejorar estas estimaciones.

      Además de probar la fórmula cuadripolar de Einstein, se ha probado el retraso debido al efecto de Shapiro (en un espaciotiempo curvo las señales de radio viajan durante más tiempo y las observamos retrasadas). También se han realizado otras pruebas de la relatividad que hasta ahora no se habían podido realizar con otros púlsares binarios. Por ejemplo, se ha medido la deformación relativista de la órbita (debido al acoplamiento relativista entre el espín (rotación de las estrellas de neutrones) y el momento angular de su órbita). En estas pruebas los resultados tienen mucha mayor incertidumbre, pero en todos los casos son compatibles con las predicciones de la relatividad general de Einstein. Esta teoría, a la que muchos físicos quieren matar cuanto antes, además de muy bella es muy robusta y promete reinar en la física durante muchas décadas.

      El artículo es M. Kramer, I. H. Stairs, …, G. Theureau, «Strong-field Gravity Tests with the Double Pulsar,» Physical Review X 11: 04150 (13 Dec 2021), doi: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041050, arXiv:2112.06795[astro-ph.HE] (13 Dec 2021); más información divulgativa en Lijing Shao, «General Relativity Withstands Double Pulsar’s Scrutiny,» Physics 14: 173 (13 Dec 2021) [web].

      Una manera de destacar la excepcionalidad del púlsar binario PSR J0737 es compararlo con el famoso PSR B1913, que ha sido estudiado durante 35 años. Esta figura muestra la precesión del periastro de la órbita; la diferencia en la densidad de puntos entre 0 y −20 es notable. Así se explica que el nuevo resultado para PSR J0737 tras 16 años tenga un error menor del 0.013 %, cuando para PSR B1913 solo se alcanzó el 0.2 %; por cierto, para las fusiones de agujeros negros observadas por LIGO-Virgo el error típico ronda el 20 %. No le he dicho, pero supongo que sabrás que el periastro de una órbita elíptica es el punto donde la distancia entre ambos cuerpos es mínima; se llama perihelio cuando uno de los cuerpos es el Sol y perigeo cuando es la Tierra. El fenómeno que mide esta figura es análogo a la precesión del perihelio de la órbita de Mercurio, que Einstein usó como guía hacia la formulación correcta de su teoría de la gravitación.


      3 Comentarios Mario dice: 17 diciembre, 2021 a las 5:10 pm Francis Hay una frase que no entiendo, favor revisar: «…,luego sus señales se observa cómo el espaciotiempo curvo del plano orbital modificada la señal que observamos». Atte Mario

      RESPONDER Francisco R. Villatoro dice: 17 diciembre, 2021 a las 9:15 pm Gracias, Mario.

      RESPONDER Mario dice: 19 diciembre, 2021 a las 10:07 pm Francis, entiendo que por el efecto shapiro las señales de radio se ven retrasadas; pero para notar tal retraso tiene que haber una referencia. Cuál es esa referencia?

      RESPONDER Deja un comentario

    1. Evidence Record Creates observations of type landing-page-url for annotates relation types. Creates observations of type plaintext for discusses relation types.
      • SEE
      • In Evidence:
      • "candidates": [ { "type": "landing-page-url",
    2. Discusses: { "license": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/", "obj_id": "https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.earth.32.082503.144359", "source_token": "8075957f-e0da-405f-9eee-7f35519d7c4c", "occurred_at": "2015-05-11T04:03:44Z", "subj_id": "https://hypothes.is/a/qNv_Ei5ZSnWOWO54GXdFPA", "id": "00054d54-7f35-4557-b083-7fa1f028856d", "evidence_record": "https://evidence.eventdata.crossref.org/evidence/20170413-hypothesis-a37bc9bf-1dc0-4c8a-b943-2e14beb4de6f", "terms": "https://doi.org/10.13003/CED-terms-of-use", "action": "add", "subj": { "pid": "https://hypothes.is/a/qNv_Ei5ZSnWOWO54GXdFPA", "json-url": "https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/qNv_Ei5ZSnWOWO54GXdFPA", "url": "https://hyp.is/qNv_Ei5ZSnWOWO54GXdFPA/www.cnn.com/2015/05/05/opinions/sutter-sea-level-climate/#", "type": "annotation", "title": "The various scenarios presented should be specified as being global averages of expected sea level rise. The sea level rise observed locally will vary significantly, due to a lot of different geophysical factors.", "issued": "2015-05-11T04:03:44Z" }, "source_id": "hypothesis", "obj": { "pid": "https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.earth.32.082503.144359", "url": "https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.earth.32.082503.144359" }, "timestamp": "2017-04-13T10:40:18Z", "relation_type_id": "discusses" }
      • URL (Landing) in annotations!
    3. Annotates: { "license": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/", "obj_id": "https://doi.org/10.1007/bfb0105342", "source_token": "8075957f-e0da-405f-9eee-7f35519d7c4c", "occurred_at": "2015-11-04T06:30:10Z", "subj_id": "https://hypothes.is/a/NrIw4KlKTwa7MzbTrMAyjw", "id": "00044ac9-d729-4d3f-a2c8-618bcdf1d252", "evidence_record": "https://evidence.eventdata.crossref.org/evidence/20170412-hypothesis-de560308-e500-4c55-ba28-799d7b272039", "terms": "https://doi.org/10.13003/CED-terms-of-use", "action": "add", "subj": { "pid": "https://hypothes.is/a/NrIw4KlKTwa7MzbTrMAyjw", "json-url": "https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/NrIw4KlKTwa7MzbTrMAyjw", "url": "https://hyp.is/NrIw4KlKTwa7MzbTrMAyjw/arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9803052", "type": "annotation", "title": "[This article](http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9803052) was referenced by [\"Decoherence\"](http://web.mit.edu/redingtn/www/netadv/Xdecoherenc.html) on Sunday, September 25 2005.", "issued": "2015-11-04T06:30:10Z" }, "source_id": "hypothesis", "obj": { "pid": "https://doi.org/10.1007/bfb0105342", "url": "http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9803052" }, "timestamp": "2017-04-12T07:16:20Z", "relation_type_id": "annotates" }
      • An arXiv page (article with DOI) is considered OBJECT (DOI)
      • This example is an AUTO-REFERENCE !!!

      • It is due to the arXiv Agent (?)

    4. looks in the text for links to registered content
      • "DOI:"
    5. It looks for two things: the annotation of registered content (for example Article Landing Pages) and the mentioning of registered content (for example DOIs) in the text of annotations.
      • DOI: in annotation text [OK.verified] in SUBJECT pages
      • Annotations in OBJECT pages (Landing)
    6. The Hypothes.is Agent monitors annotations
      • See examples of Evidences
      • Agent uses "url": "https://hypothes.is/api/search"
      • GUESS: filter by date of annotation? "extra": { "cutoff-date": "2005-04-13T09:08:04.578Z"
    1. Crossref Membership rules #7 state that: You must have your DOIs resolve to a page containing complete bibliographic information for the content with a link to — or information about — getting the full text of the content. Where publishers break these rules, we will alert them.
    2. It's always not one-to-one DOIs can be assigned to books and book chapters, articles and figures. Each Agent will do its job as accurately as possible, with minimal cleaning-up, which could affect interpretation. This means that if someone tweets the DOI for a figure within an article, we will record that figure's DOI. If they tweet the landing page URL for that figure, we will do our best to match it to a DOI. Depending on the method used, and what the publisher landing page tells us, we may match the article's DOI or the figure's DOI. Sometimes two pages may claim to be about the same DOI. This could happen if a publisher runs two different sites about the same content. It's also possible that a landing page has no DOI metadata, so we can't match it to an Event. The reverse is true: sometimes two DOIs point to the same landing page. This can happen by accident. It is rare, but does happen. This has no material effect on the current methods for reporting Events.
      • non-uniqueness: DOI <-> Page Publisher
    3. Matching also varies from publisher to publisher. For some landing page domains we can easily match the DOI. For some we need to do a bit more work. For others, it's impossible.
      • hahaha!
      • I knew it!
    4. We maintain a list of domain names that belong to publishers (see the Artifact page for more information) and track and query for those domains. When we see a URL that could be a landing page, we attempt to match it to a DOI.
      • Landing Page --> publisher(?)
      • ok: maintain a list
    5. Every Agent will attempt to match registered content items in as broad a manner as possible by looking for linked and unlinked DOIs and Article Landing Page URLs.
      • ok: unlinked too!
      • verified with hypothesis annotations! (text DOI:)
    6. They could use a hyperlinked DOI (one you can click), or a plain-text DOI (one you can't click). They could also use the Article Landing Page (the page you get to when you click on a DOI). Every source is different: we tend to see most people using Article Landing Pages on Twitter, but on Wikipedia DOIs are frequently used.
      • link to DOI (doi.org)
      • text "DOI: 10.xxx/xxx"
      • link to "publisher"(?) (http) used in Twitter (I dont use it)
    7. Event Data Agents are on the look out for links to registered content items, but people on the Web use a variety of methods to refer to them.
      • Event-Data Agents: looking for DOIs...
      • People: We are going to make it hard for you
      • Agents + Me: F**k U!
    8. Secondly, some services (such as the above example) apply tracking URL parameters. These do not affect the content, but allow people to track how URLs are shared. Common examples include utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign which are used by Google Analytics. The presence of these URL parameters can be confusing, as they mean that one piece of content can be represented by an infinite number of different URLs.
      • a-ha!
    1. Every Event starts its journey somewhere, usually in an external source. Data from that external source is processed and analyzed
      • How??? (again and again)
    2. the subject of the event, e.g. Wikipedia article on Fish the type of the relation, e.g. "references" the object of the event, e.g. article with DOI 10.5555/12345678
      • relation: subject--relation--object
    3. Every time we notice that there is a new relationship between a piece of registered content and something out in the web, we record that as an individual Event.
      • How??? (again)
    4. Each web source is referred to as a 'data contributor'. The Events, and all original data from the data contributor, are available via an API.
      • Sources
      • "Relations": --> API --> uses
    5. When a relationship is observed
      • How???
    6. a registered content item (that is, content that has been assigned a DOI by Crossref or DataCite)
      • DEF: registered content item == DOI
    7. This data is of interest to a wide range of people: Publishers may want to know how their articles are being shared, authors might want to know when people are talking about their articles, researchers may want to conduct bibliometrics research. And that's just the obvious uses.
      • case uses
    8. The Event Data service captures this activity and acts as a hub for the storage and distribution of this data. The service provides a record of instances where research has been bookmarked, linked, liked, shared, referenced, commented on etc, beyond publisher platforms. For example, when datasets are linked to articles, articles are mentioned on social media or referenced in Wikipedia.
      • "For example, when datasets are linked to articles, articles are mentioned on social media or referenced in Wikipedia."
    1. By default, VS Code is set up to auto-update for macOS and Windows users when we release new updates. If you do not want to get automatic updates, you can set the Update: Mode setting from default to none. To modify the update mode, go to File > Preferences > Settings (macOS: Code > Preferences > Settings), search for update mode and change the setting to none. If you use the JSON editor for your settings, add the following line: "update.mode": "none"
      • Visual Studio Code: no--auto-update.mode
    1. Visual Studio Code, the environment in which Copilot runs
      • Copilot
    2. GitHub Copilot, a coding assistant based on OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-3). Here is Copilot’s tagline: “Your AI pair programmer: get suggestions for whole lines or entire functions right inside your editor.”
      • Copilot!
    3. In addition to facet, other tools based on this library include CopyAnnotations and TagRename
      • SEE
    4. A JavaScript wrapper for the Hypothesis API The HelloWorldAnnotated example uses functions from a library, hlib, to post an annotation to the Hypothesis service.
      • AT LAST!
      • SEE
    5. Meanwhile Steampipe takes a different approach. Given a proliferation of APIs and programming aids for them, let’s help by providing a unifying abstraction: SQL.
      • ok!: SQL as common language
    6. Part of the promise was that every database-backed website could automatically offer basic API access that wouldn’t require API wrappers for everybody’s favorite programming language
      • HERE!
      • re-inventing the wheel over and over!!!
    7. AWS started in March of that year.
      • AWS: started at: 2006-03
    1. // necessary because hlib now uses fetch, which does not allow access to custom headers, // and zotero returns total-results in a custom header
      • !!!
    1. The URL of the search page must start with the same characters as the URL for the single entry pages. For example: http://mywebsite.com/search and http://mywebsite.com/article is good. http://search.mywebsite.com/ and http://mywebsite.com/article is bad.
      • is BAD for RegEx
    2. see

    1. The first thing you need to know is that JavaScript and Java are two totally different languages. If you are trying to learn JavaScript, you cannot follow instructions intended for Java. The best way I've seen this explained is: "Java is to JavaScript as car is to carpet."
      • "Java is to JavaScript as car is to carpet."
    1. Scaffold Download Scaffold Scaffold is what's known as a "Sandbox." Using a sandbox essentially means you can muck around with the code without worrying about really messing anything up, since all the important code is kept hidden. In this guide, all code will be written, tested and retested in Scaffold. The makers of Zotero created Scaffold specifically for writing translators. Once installed, launch Scaffold by navigating to the "Tools" menu in your Firefox window and select "Scaffold."
      • OBSOLETE!
      • Zotero 5.0:Scaffold is integrated
    1. Exporters Exporters also rely on a website providing certain information. In this case, we need a link that allows us to download a citation. For the most part, there are very few export formats. You may have come across them before, labeled as "MARC display" buttons, or a "RefWorks" button. These options are most common in library catalogues and on academic journal databases. This type of translator actually uses two translators, one embedded in the other. This can get quite complicated so we will not cover it in detail in this guide. However, if you do need to write one of these and need a few hints to get started, here are a few (rather technical) pointers. If you do not need to write an exporter please feel free to ignore this section. Use an XPath to grab the link URL of the citation download. Use HTTP get to download the page found at that URL. Call the translator for that type of citation (ie, MARC, Bibtex, etc) to interpret the citation. Save results into Zotero. If you are lost, check one of the many Library Catalogue translators by launching Scaffold and loading the translator code.
      • HERE!
      • "This type of translator actually uses two translators, one embedded in the other"
    2. Metadata Converters These translators take information that a Webmaster has voluntarily embedded in a webpage, known as metadata, and organizes it into the correct Zotero fields. You can think of metadata as invisible ink that only appears if you know how to find it. Obviously the catch here is that the Webmaster must have included this information in the first place. The practice of including metadata is becoming more common, especially in databases. In the past couple of years, how people display metadata has become more standardized. Because of this standardization, Zotero already supports most sites that have it. Some of the most commonly used metadata convensions are: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative unAPI COinS Embedded RDF If you are a website administrator and want your site to automatically be Zotero compliant, it is best to use one of these systems rather than writing a translator; they are standardized and reliable. Let me repeat that. If you are an administrator and can include standardized metadata, stop reading this guide and add the data! If you are not a website administrator, you might make this recommendation to the site in question.
      • "Let me repeat that."
    1. Wikipedia: “The term ‘Web 2.0’ was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999.”
      • DATA
    1. Using this idea, it is easy to include some javascript generated by a server-side process (eg. JSON object). var e = document.createElement("script"); e.src = 'http://myserver.com/servlet/getfeed?url=http://realhowto.blogspot.com'; e.type="text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e);
      • IDEA: probar con hlib
    1. How to get easy-to-read JSON trees with this free Chrome Extension (or Firefox Plugin) Fatos Morina JSON is a very popular file format. Sometimes we may have a JSON object inside a browser tab that we need to read and this can be difficult.We may need to go and search for an online tool that turns it into an easy-to-read format so we can understand it.Now, here is a Chrome and Firefox extension that does the formatting and makes your JSONs instantly pretty inside your browser, without having to perform many unnecessary steps.It comes with support for JSON and JSONP and highlights the syntax so that you can differentiate different attributes and values accordingly. It also comes with the option to collapse nodes, clickable URLs that you can open in new tabs, and you see the raw, unformatted JSON.It works with any JSON page, regardless of the URL you opened. It also works with local files, after you enable it in chrome://extensions. You can inspect the JSON by typing json into the console.You can install the extension by going here for Chrome and here for Firefox and then test it, for example, by visiting this API response.This is what it looks like, before formatting:Now, take a look at the beautiful JSON response you get with JSON Formatter:Here is a pro tip: Hold down CTRL (or CMD on Mac) while collapsing a tree, if you want to collapse all its siblings too.It is an open-source project, so you can view its source code on GitHub.Thanks for reading. Fatos Morina Experienced and passionate Software Engineer, specializing in Machine Learning
      • formatter
    1. CSVturbot/csvv0.1.0Steampipe plugin to query data from CSV files.Software Development
    1. Maybe not at finding resources more quickly or more efficiently. But at constructing actual insight, something which remains lacking in most Google products.
      • more details???
    2. Advocates of Deep/Machine Learning often dismiss the Semantic Web, claiming that algorithms are much better at constructing knowledge from large amounts of data than are these painstaking efforts to encode knowledge
      • SEE [citation needed]
      • EXPLORE
      • ok! "these painstaking efforts to encode knowledge"
    3. Web documents are databases full of facts and assertions that we are ill-equipped to find
      • not designed for Semantic Web!!!
    4. How will we retrofit the web we already have?
      • "parallel" web???
      • bots??? explore and pass
    5. A project called SciBot has given me a glimpse of how that can happen.


    6. The semantic web is, of course, another idea that’s been kicking around forever. In that imagined version of the web, documents encode data structures governed by shared schemas. And those islands of data are linked to form archipelagos that can be traversed not only by people but also by machines. That mostly hasn’t happened because we don’t yet know what those schemas need to be, nor how to create writing tools that enable people to easily express schematized information
      • Semantic Web: an utopia???
      • I have been waiting for it for 20 years, and counting...
      • Instead "plain text": "triplets"; properties and wikidata-Qs
    1. Copy annotation to clipboard Screencast: http://jonudell.net/h/copy_paste_annotation_v1.mp4 Description: Copy the text of the annotation to the clipboard by clicking an icon.
      • I havent got the "copy" icon!!! (only experimental???)
    2. Programming tools

      Does exists an Javascript wrapper for hypothes.is?

    3. Annotation viewing and export Link: https://jonudell.info/h/facet Screencast: https://jonudell.net/h/facet.mp4 Description:  View annotations by user, group, URL, or tag. Export results to HTML, CSV, text, or Markdown.

      "Export" annotations

    4. word javascript didn't found

      • searching for wrappers en javascript...
    1. The Love That Whirls (Diary of a Thinking Heart) (1982) Mercury


    1. gravity on the poles in a bit larger
      • BEWARE!
      • is not "gravity"; it is the RESULTING "acceleration" on the massive (IMPORTANT) object: gravity + rotation
      • BESIDES: there are 2 factors:
        • distance to center: pole < equator
        • rotation: pole=0 < equator
    1. Why did that happen? The schema was wrong. We shouldn't have relied on ids: they are kind of an artifact of the relational model. One way of getting around it is "unnormalizing":
      • ok, el problema es la "relacion" entre "visitas" y "urls", a traves de un "id" (que no es el mismo ENTRE "instalaciones")
      • si cada "url" es un "id" diferente
      • en la tabla "visita" se podria usar "url" como foreign key!!!
    1. sometimes you vaguely recall reading about something or seeing a link, but don't remember where exactly. Was it on stackoverflow? Or in some github issue? Or in a conversation with friend?
      • HERE!
      • therefore I use hypothes.is
      • then, I use the "h" search tool
    2. to be capable of always remembering and instantly recalling information
      • idea: how WE use Google: searching
      • AND filtering with details" and "sensations" to LOCATE the "specific" memory recall

      • The UI "must" search in DIFFERENT "repositories" (local or online)

    3. I don't understand how does it not bother you!
      • it bothers me a lot!
    1. So I am working on a personal project for which I am collecting all the URLs I even visited
      • "ALL"?
      • "interesting"
    1. There are some potential short term benefits: makes you more resilient Something along the lines of #prepping. Realistically though, in modern world, it's nice to be able to run after a bus or up the stairs, but it's quite questionable if running, say, even 5K is useful. makes you appear better physically Nice bonus, but I don't find it as a good value for time spent. feeling better immediately after exercise I used to get that, but it seems that the body adapted and I can't feel endorphine kick anymore. There is some good feeling about yourself having willpower to stick to routine, but I'd rather not have the routine in the first place. feeling better generally (less stressed, better sleep etc) I suppose I'm lucky to feel good anyway, so I don't feel subjective impact of exercise on my well being. Objectively, I tried to find correlations between amount of exercise and sleep, and failed to find any. (I'll write about it in more details later) I absolutely hate it. It's a massive drain of time and willpower. In addition, it comes with all sorts of logistical difficulties: gym outfit, shower, backpack, eating, weather.


      • pros
      • contras (hahaha)
    1. Physics Hamiltonian for the zeros of the Riemann Zeta function (2016) General Relativity and Cosmology: Unsolved Questions and Future Directions (2016) There are no particles, there are only fields (2012) Would Bohr be born if Bohm were born before Born? (2007) The holographic solution - why general relativity must be understood in terms of strings (2004) Measurement of subpicosecond time intervals between two photons by Interference (1987) Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality (1981) More is different (1972) On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox (1964) Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow (1962) There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom (1959) Forms of Relativistic Dynamics (1949) What is life? (1944) Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? (1935) Possible Existence of a Neutron (1932) On the electrodynamics of moving bodies (1905)


    1. In an ideal world, websites would expose metadata appropriately [2], and generic translators would suffice. However, this is often not the case and site-specific translators are still needed

      a FACT!

      • road to "standardization"?;
      • "Final" goal: Semantic Web?
    2. idea to develop a visual editor for Zotero web translators.Zotero web translators are not only used by Zotero, but also by services such as Wikimedia's Citoid [1], which let Wikipedia editors easily add citations by simply proving the URL of the source they want to cite


    1. Specialized Web-based text annotations exist in the context of scientific publication, either for refereeing or post-publication. The on-line journal PLoS ONE, published by the Public Library of Science, has developed its own Web-based system where scientists and the public can comment on published articles. The annotations are displayed as pop-ups with an anchor in the text.

      to @diegodlh

    2. Since 2011, the non-profit Hypothes Is Project[25] has offered the free, open web annotation service Hypothes.is. The service features annotation via a Chrome extension, bookmarklet or proxy server, as well as integration into a LMS or CMS. Both webpages and PDFs can be annotated. Other web-based text annotation systems are collaborative software for distributed text editing and versioning, which also feature annotation and commenting interfaces.


    1. store in a text file for further processing

      y las imagenes?

    2. Yes, I know, it’s not meant for geeks, it’s for normal people who love mouseclicks. I’m still puzzled by how people who develop that stuff use their own product though


      • hay cosas que NO se pueden hacer SIN mouse!!!
    3. First of all, Chromium bookmark adding menu was a bit shit and still is. You get to choose among the five most recently used folders only; if you want anything specific, you have to mouse click all the way through (using Tab on keyboard with my 100+ folders was just not doable). You can’t search when you add bookmark either. Yes, I know, it’s not meant for geeks, it’s for normal people who love mouseclicks. I’m still puzzled by how people who develop that stuff use their own product though.


      • si se crea una tree-structure, luego es "incomodo" moverse, o no se "recuerda" donde estaba;
      • o se mete todo en una "bolsa de basura", XOR no se utilizan los bookmarks!
    1. mixer•last monthIt's a pity you didn't mention Zotero. It's such a great tool for many purposes. Also Calibre now supports highlighting in .djvu and .pdf files. It works well and covers all of my book/research papers related highlighting needs. Check it out!


    1. def format_converted_note(annotation): """Format an annotation so that it translates properly into Zotero note markup.""" annotated_text = extract_exact(annotation) annotation_text = annotation["text"] return """<p style="color: green; text-align: center;">{}</p> <br> <p>{}</p>""".format(annotated_text, annotation_text)

      formato para notas zotero (HTML)

    1. The userID for your Zotero API usage, available here. A developer API key for Zotero, you can make one here. Your Hypothesis username, which should just be the username you use to access the service. Your Hypothesis Developer API key, available here.

      necesita usuarios (zotero y hypothes.is) y API keys de cada uno

    2. This program scans through a Zotero library and checks each URL for Hypothesis annotations. If annotations are found it imports them into the Zotero library as note objects with their associated tags.


    1. Obsidian React Components This is a plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md). It allows you to write and use React components with Jsx inside your Obsidian notes. It is highly recommended that you also install the Editor Syntax Highlight Plugin when using this plugin. Demonstration

      see video! INTERESANTE!

    1. 0.0.1 (2021-08-25) First Release Basic functionality of the plugin implemented

      INTERESANTE: empezo en agosto! 2021-08

    2. WARNING! Don't rename an original pdf or epub file! The plugin is going to lose the connection between annotations and file in that case.


    3. Obsidian Annotator This is a plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md). It allows you to open and annotate PDF and EPUB files. The plugin is based on https://web.hypothes.is/, but modified to store the annotations in a local markdown file instead of on the internet.


    1. netstat -bn does the connection show the localhost address on both sides of the connection?

      sw conecta con loop back

    2. It seems just Firefox is using the loop back address for some reason and that is why it looks like opening a strange connections.

      HERE! se conecta a, pero aparece el nombre! y lleva a confusion!

    1. search_query and id_list logic We have already seen the use of search_query in the quickstart section. The search_query takes a string that represents a search query used to find articles. The construction of search_query is described in the search query construction appendix. The id_list contains a comma-delimited list of arXiv id's. The logic of these two parameters is as follows: If only search_query is given (id_list is blank or not given), then the API will return results for each article that matches the search query. If only id_list is given (search_query is blank or not given), then the API will return results for each article in id_list. If BOTH search_query and id_list are given, then the API will return each article in id_list that matches search_query. This allows the API to act as a results filter. This is summarized in the following table: search_query present id_list present API returns yes no articles that match search_query no yes articles that are in id_list yes yes articles in id_list that also match search_query

      BUSQUEDAS en lista de IDs: usar los 2 parametros: id_list y search_query

    2. 5.2. Details of Atom Results Returned The following table lists each element of the returned Atom results. For a more detailed explanation see Outline of an Atom Feed. element explanation feed elements <title> The title of the feed containing a canonicalized query string. <id> A unique id assigned to this query. <updated> The last time search results for this query were updated. Set to midnight of the current day. <link> A url that will retrieve this feed via a GET request. <opensearch:totalResults> The total number of search results for this query. <opensearch:startIndex> The 0-based index of the first returned result in the total results list. <opensearch:itemsPerPage> The number of results returned. entry elements <title> The title of the article. <id> A url http://arxiv.org/abs/id <published> The date that version 1 of the article was submitted. <updated> The date that the retrieved version of the article was submitted. Same as <published> if the retrieved version is version 1. <summary> The article abstract. <author> One for each author. Has child element <name> containing the author name. <link> Can be up to 3 given url's associated with this article. <category> The arXiv or ACM or MSC category for an article if present. <arxiv:primary_category> The primary arXiv category. <arxiv:comment> The authors comment if present. <arxiv:affiliation> The author's affiliation included as a subelement of <author> if present. <arxiv:journal_ref> A journal reference if present. <arxiv:doi> A url for the resolved DOI to an external resource if present.

      detalle de campos en el resultado

    3. 5.1.1. A Note on Article Versions Each arXiv article has a version associated with it. The first time an article is posted, it is given a version number of 1. When subsequent corrections are made to an article, it is resubmitted, and the version number is incremented. At any time, any version of an article may be retrieved. When using the API, if you want to retrieve the latest version of an article, you may simply enter the arxiv id in the id_list parameter. If you want to retrieve information about a specific version, you can do this by appending vn to the id, where n is the version number you are interested in.

      Esta API permite obtener datos de una version especifica; la API OAI no lo permite!

    4. table lists the field prefixes for all the fields that can be searched. prefix explanation ti Title au Author abs Abstract co Comment jr Journal Reference cat Subject Category rn Report Number id Id (use id_list instead) all All of the above Note: The id_list parameter should be used rather than search_query=id:xxx to properly handle article versions. In addition, note that all: searches in each of the fields simultaneously.

      filter fields (campos de filtro en busquedas)

    5. For each entry, there are up to three <link> elements, distinguished by their rel and title attributes. The table below summarizes what these links refer to rel title refers to always present alternate - abstract page yes related pdf pdf yes related doi resolved doi no For example: <link xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" href="http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ex/0307015v1" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/> <link xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" title="pdf" href="http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ex/0307015v1" rel="related" type="application/pdf"/> <link xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" title="doi" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1529/biophysj.104.047340" rel="related"/>

      3 links: 2 always (abs, pdf), 1 if DOI exists

    1. Item = Article Each article in arXiv is modeled as an Item in the OAI-PMH interface. Only the most recent version of each article is exposed via this interface (some metadata formats include the version history).

      VERY IMPORTANT: OAI solo devuelve datos de "ULTIMA" version; no permite acceder a nivel de version; por eso: CAMBIAR a API /api/

    2. 12 April 2007 The arXiv OAI baseURL changed to http://export.arxiv.org/oai2 from http://arxiv.org/oai2. The old URL will issue a redirect for some time but please update your harvester to use the new baseURL.

      IMPORTANT: cambio de URL; usar "export.arxiv"

    3. Metedata formats Metadata for each item (article) is available in several formats, all formats are supported for all articles. The available formats include: oai_dc - Simple Dublin Core. See example in oai_dc format. arXiv - arXiv specific metadata format which includes author names separated out, category and license information. See example in arXiv format. arXivRaw - arXiv specific metadata format which is very close the internal format stored at arXiv. Includes version history. See example in arXivRaw format. You may request a list of all the metadata formats supported with the ListMetadataFormats verb.

      probar 3 formatos

    1. Projects Using the API The following projects use the arXiv API: OpenWetWare's Mediawiki Installation Sonny Software's Bookends Reference Manager for OSX arXiv Droid - arXiv app for Android Retrieve Bibliographic arXiv Information The snarXiv daily arXiv by categories PaperRater.org - a web-based tool for open review and social reading of scientific publications ArXiv Analytics - a web portal for reading and discussing arXiv eprints Bibcure - keeps bibtex up to date and normalized, and allows you to download all papers inside your bibtex biblio.el - Download BibTeX entries from arXiv and others in Emacs Lib arXiv - arXiv app for iOS devices arxivist.com


    2. Bibcure - keeps bibtex up to date and normalized, and allows you to download all papers inside your bibtex


    1. The primary motivation for removing subject-classification information from the identifier was to decouple these two properties (identification and classification).

      OK, mismo item en diferentes areas

    1. What’s interesting however, is that we can also pass an arbitrary string value (e.g. ”| ” ) to be used as an indentation:

      In Zotero translator: to create note (html), use JSON.stringify(,,"

      ); no indenta, pero respeta saltos de linea

    1. if (!item.notes) continue for (note of item.notes.filter(note => note.note.includes(Zotero.getHiddenPref('note-search.term')))) { Zotero.write(`<h1>${escapeHtml(item.citationKey)}</h1>\n`) Zotero.write(note.note)

      bucle para recorrer notas

    2. function escapeHtml(unsafe) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, '&amp;') .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g, '&gt;') .replace(/"/g, '&quot;') .replace(/'/g, '&#039;');}

      no existe en ZU, crear dentro del Translator

    1. dstillman June 29, 2020 Close Zotero, make a backup of zotero.sqlite in your Zotero data directory, temporarily disable auto-sync in the Sync pane of the preferences (if you're using syncing), and then run this from Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript:var s = new Zotero.Search();s.addCondition('note', 'contains', '&lt;i&gt;');var ids = await s.search();for (let id of ids) { let item = Zotero.Items.get(id); let note = item.getNote(); item.setNote(Zotero.Utilities.unescapeHTML(note)); await item.saveTx();}return ids.length + " item(s) updated";This will convert all notes that have a double-encoded <i>. If there are other notes, you could change it to check for '&lt;b&gt;' for <b> or similar.If you're happy with the results, you can re-enable auto-sync. jmgmbl June 29, 2020 This worked perfectly—thank you so much! I wished I'd asked years ago now.

      TRUCO: (PERO HACIENDO BACKUP): ejecutar JS que modifica

    1. DWL-SDCA: That's not the issue here. All notes in Zotero are HTML already, and copied HTML output (not HTML code) should be properly handled. Their concern is that report view isn't interpreting these particular notes as HTML when it displays them

      me lo "temia", una nota genera codigo HTML

    1. Zotero recommends storing titles in sentence case. Right-clicking on an item’s title, allows you to convert that title to sentence case.

      sentence case

    1. Zotero Item URI Say you want to send a friend a link to an item in your public Zotero library or in a group on zotero.org. Right now this is  a cumbersome process: Go online, search for the item, copy the link from the URL bar… With the “Item URI” Translator, you can simply drag and drop a link to the online version of the item. Setting this up takes three steps Download the file “Item URI.js” from here and place it in the directory “translators” in your Zotero data folder. Restart Firefox/Zotero In the Zotero Preferences go to the “Export” and set the Default Output Format to “Item URI” (this will be towards the bottom of the list) You can now take advantage of Zotero’s quick copy functionality and drag&drop links from the item in your client right into an email or a blogpost. You can also use the shortcut for “Copy Selected Items –  ctrl+alt+c on Linux/Windows, cmd+shift+c on Mac – to copy the URI to you clipboard. It will look something like this: http://zotero.org/users/76252/items/UUKSSZVK

      see translator: URI.js

    1. The redirection is functionally equivalent to the way the DOI system uses a proxy server, doi.org (or dx.doi.org, an earlier syntax which continues to be supported), which re-interprets DOI name queries into http

      dx.doi.org is EARLY syntax

    1. zotero translators development

    2. dstillman September 2, 2019 Does the target regexp pass in the Metadata pane after you load the URL in the Browser tab? The current version of Scaffold will run detectWeb even if the target doesn’t match, but the target needs to match for detectWeb to run in the Connector. (We’ve fixed that for the next version.)

      in 2021-12-25???

    1. adam3smith commented on May 6, 2018 @zuphilip theoretically "update translators" from the Connector should be all that's needed

      boton "update translators" en Options

    2. Yes, I have restarted the browser and Zotero every time after changing the code.

      me too!

    3. zotero translators development

    1. translator programming

    2. the callback function with Zotero.done() isn't actually necessary here anymore - it is a relic from Zotero before version 3. The above could be rewritten as ZU.processDocuments(URIs, scrape)


    1. It's important to set metadataPrefix=arXiv, so that subdisciplines will be listed:

      y la principal?

      ver link: aqui parece la "primary_category":

      <arxiv:primary_category xmlns:arxiv="http://arxiv.org/schemas/atom" term="q-bio.MN" scheme="http://arxiv.org/schemas/atom"/>

    2. see

    3. My main confusion was not realizing that The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a separate protocol, not a subset of arXiv API.


    1. Expected update frequencyMonthlyLast updated2021-12-19Date created2020-04-20Current versionVersion 56

      ultima actualizacion: version 56

    2. see

    3. arxiv-metadata-oai-snapshot.json(3.26 GB)


    1. This is a pretty silly solution, but you can use a page tracking service to see when the page changes; this should detect both changes in the paper as well as in the journal its submitted to.

      see. Existen herramientas para detectar cambios y avisar

    2. Edited as per Jaap Eldering's suggestions in the comments: you can use arXiv's OAI-PMH protocol to programmatically access version history! For example, if you want to look up arXiv #1206.0094, you can look up http://export.arxiv.org/oai2?verb=GetRecord&identifier=oai:arXiv.org:1206.0094&metadataPrefix=arXivRaw for its version history.

      OAI format: metadataPrefix=arXivRaw: 1-muestra TODAS las fechas de las versiones, no solo la primera y la ultima; 2-PERO...solo saca UN abstract y comentario, cuando PUEDEN SER (Y LO SUELEN SER) DIFERENTES para cada version!!!

    3. Tracking updates for an individual paper in arXiv

    1. Gabriel_p March 16, 2017 Thank you for taking the time to work on this @BBUCommander! Hopefully you can address the concerns raised at the pull request so it can be included as soon as possible.

      LAST COMMENT!!! WAITING... NOW: 2021-12-23 (;-D)

    2. BBUCommander March 16, 2017 edited March 16, 2017 I have created a work-in-progress pull request which implements my take on this: https://github.com/zotero/zotero/pull/1199Currently the displayed format is always the ISO date because this is the format I prefer, but a final solution would probably create a user setting to toggle between ISO or locale dates with locale being the default. Alternatively users could choose a custom date format. I am fine with any solution that allows ISO dates.


    3. Gabriel_p March 15, 2017 Too bad. If I could write code in JS I'd get right to it. Hopefully we won't have to see another 7 years go by before this is implemented :(


    4. adamsmith February 9, 2014 edited February 9, 2014 yeah, I'd be against ISO dates, too,


    5. YYYY-MM-DD is a format for computers.

      NOT ONLY!!!

    6. bwiernik February 9, 2014 To add a different perspective to this discussion, I personally hate the YYYY-MM-DD standardized format for reading. Unless it is can be preferenced, I definitely would not want a standardized display of dates to be implemented.

      WTF??? hate???

    7. I'll echo the comments above that the center pane date column can be very hard to read if I have sorted by something other than date (which I know it sorts correctly). I have dates appearing as "2013", "October 24, 2013", "October 2013", "2013/10", "2013/10/24", "10/24/2013", and "2013-10-24". Reading these is manageable, but it does slow me down. Is there any way for the center pane's date column to display dates in a consistent format?

      ok, good request!

    1. YaYaTurre June 4, 2018 edited June 4, 2018 I want to produce footnotes and bibliographical references for citations i.e. newspaper articles, reports, manuscripts, etc. that are in the DD MM YYYY format. Preferably like DD/MM YYYY. (26/4 1998).So this: "Nobelpristagaren Alfvén Kämpar Med Centern Mot Kärnkraftsamhället,” Norrköpings Tidningar, June 10, 1976, 8.Becomes this: "Nobelpristagaren Alfvén Kämpar Med Centern Mot Kärnkraftsamhället,” Norrköpings Tidningar, 10/6 1976, 8.Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thank you! damnation June 4, 2018 edited June 4, 2018 1. go here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/citation-style-language/styles/master/chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl2. Copy all that code3. Go here: http://editor.citationstyles.org/codeEditor/4. Paste all the code in the box in the bottom over the code in there5. Switch to the visual editor (on top)6. Top right: click on "Example citations"7. Untick anything and tick the "article-newspaper" one8. You should now see "Lisa W. Foderaro, “Rooftop Greenhouse Will Boost City Farming,” New York Times, April 6, 2012."9. click on the "April 6, 2012" part10. .... follow the video I made for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOor64T4RvY&feature=youtu.be (note I'm using a different style as the chicago note style is huge and is lame; you just need to wait though!)make sure to change the file ID, self link and filename all to the same new name (like in the video). otherwise your new style will get overwritten with the next update. YaYaTurre June 4, 2018 Whoa! Thank you so much! You have really saved my hide. Thanks again!


    1. I set my OS to a freakish datetime format (YYYY-MM-MMM-DD-DDD, e.g. "2006-08-Aug-02-Tue")


    2. Personally I'd want Zotero to have it's own field for setting the output datetime format, rather than pick it up from the OS


    1. If you don't have plans to fix this bug, then I must admit, I will stop having plans to use Zotero.


      no more responses!

    2. I use always ISO for everything. Windows, office, whatever.

      ok!! me too!

    3. If you mean the actual Date field, that's always displayed in the format used by the original source,

      CUIDADO: lo "fuerzan" los translators!

    1. As @CoNsTaN5foz said in 2020, there is a local language setting in Zotero/Preferences/Advanced that when set to "English (UK)" will give you dd/mm/yyyy 24-hour time. I used to have my Zotero with that setting. But somehow with my switch to the beta stream [probably my own fault] I lost that setting and until your question I had not tried to find it again until today. I still cannot get YYYY-MM-DD + 24h time but I'd love to have that format available.


    1. Fields like date published are very flexible and depends on how the item was imported

      see translators!!! eg: Crossref-REST.js;

              if (year) {
                  if (month) {
                      if (day) {
                          item.date = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
                      else {
                          item.date = month + "/" + year;
                  else {
                      item.date = year;
    2. RadialThing October 16, 2018 Hi, thanks for responding.Steps to reproduce:Windows OS regional settings are set to to English (UK) and date settings adjusted to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm. Zotero (/Juris-M) is set to Automatic (English). Expected behaviour:Zotero displays dates in lists as per the Windows OS settings, which is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.Actual behaviour:Zotero displays dates in dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm format.Preferred resolution is that Zotero follows the OS wide settings. Work around would be to be able to correct the date format in Zotero.

      ok, me too!

    3. stroom November 20, 2017 new Date().toLocaleDateString()"11/20/2017"

      Chrome: F12; console; m/d/y


    4. dr_avk February 12, 2018 I have the same problem.Zotero I can not understand, why it is impossible to add Date-Time format option in the Preferences? Let users decide what format they want to use in the User Interface.Am I right?


    1. emilianoeheyns September 27, 2021 I didn't account for spaces in the key field; the current version of BBT would have picked up keys without spaces like [extra=ADSBibcode], the next version of BBT will also support [extra=ADS\ Bibcode]

      plugin BBT;

    2. jspilker September 22, 2021 Thanks so much for this, very much appreciated!If any astros from the future find this thread, you can use Better Bibtex to swipe the ADS Bibcode from the Extra field and use that as your cite key. This assumes that the format in the Extra field remains as "ADS Bibcode: xxxxxx", but you can also alter it if things change in the future. Go to Zotero -> Preferences -> Better Bibtex -> Citation keys (tab), and in the Citation key format box, enter:[Extra:transliterate:select=3] | [auth:lower:alphanum][shortyear]To break that down:- the [Extra:transliterate:select=3] part will search the Extra field, remove any unsafe characters ('transliterate'), and return all words starting with the 3rd. This removes the first two words, "ADS Bibcode:", from the full string so only the bibcode itself is used for the citekey.- In case there is no text in the Extra field, the cite key will revert by default to lastnameYY, which is what the [auth:lower:alphanum][shortyear] produces.

      HERE!!! HOWTO use Extra fields in Citation

    3. dstillman September 22, 2021 We've pushed out this change. Your Zotero Connector should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences.

      BUT...is translator "ADS Bibcode.js"; 1-date: 2021-09-22---->dstillman

      Sin embargo, "NASA ADS.js" sigue poniendo los dos campos en Extra!

    4. dstillman September 21, 2021 I think there's virtually no scenario where the citekey should be imported from the web Oh, OK. This was done on purpose, with the idea being that some astronomers might want to use a different citation key but that this would be a reasonable default.

      cambio "a proposito"

    5. As Zotero is planning for a Citekey field in the futre


    6. my suggestion is that when importing from ADS, the Extra field should contain only the "ADS Bibcode: bibcode" line, and the "Citation Key: bibcode" line should be removed.


    7. The issue is that BBT uses that same "Citation Key: usertext" format to override the citation keys that it generates by default according to the user's preferences


    8. However in recent Zotero versions when I add a new reference from ADS with the Firefox connector, all entries are auto-populated with text in the "Extra" field. The extra text consists of two lines that list the ADS bibcode, for example:Citation Key: 1965ApJ...142..419PADS Bibcode: 1965ApJ...142..419P

      ok, Citation Key: es usada por plugin Better BibText

    9. Not all astronomers use the ADS bibcodes as the citation keys in our references. Many (most?) of us use more typical lastnameYY formats


    10. jspilker September 21, 2021 Another astronomer here - I think this update may have broken the way that Zotero interfaces with some extensions, specifically Better BibTeX.


    11. ADS Bibcode lookup has been added

      WHERE? 1-In /translators, exists "NASA ADS.js" 2-Date: 2021-08-19.created: 2021-05-03

    12. katiemmm July 1, 2021 edited July 1, 2021 Astronomers use Latex, Bibtex, and NASA ADS almost exclusively. The ADS Bibcodes are thus very commonly used because it is literally the Bibtex cite key for a particular publication.


    1. M B October 30, 2014 Maybe somehow I can include "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/utils/idconv/v1.0/?ids={z:DOI}&format=json&versions=no" to use Zotero DOI field to convert to PMID?

      TIP: 1-call PubMed with {z:DOI}; 2-save to zotero, informs PMID in Extra field; 3-copy extra in original item!!!; 4-merge or trash the new item (worse metadata from PubMed)

    2. M B November 1, 2014 edited November 1, 2014 But maybe there some workaround? I see, that PMID is stored in Zotoro "extra" field. So I could use "_urlTemplate": "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/{z:extra}", but how to strip/replace/remove "PMID: " string in the begining of {z:extra} value inside json script? How to strip/replace/remove "PMCID: [0-9]*" at the end?

      2021-12-22: me too! No response since 2014!!! How to extract field from Extra???

    1. With the exception of Item Type (CSL Type) and Date variables (CSL Issued, etc.), variables entered in Extra will not override corresponding values entered in proper Zotero fields.

      CSL override, but "custom" dont

    2. Enter each variable on a separate line at the top of the Extra field

      At the TOP???

    3. Citeable Fields not Included in Zotero These item fields are not yet formally supported in Zotero. For citation purposes, you can convert an item of a different type to one of these types by entering them in the Extra field in this format: CSL Variable: Value For example: PMID: 123456 Status: in press Original Date: 1886-04-01 Director: Kubrick || Stanley Field CSL Variable PMID PMID The PubMed identifier. PMCID PMCID The PubMed Central identifier. Status Status The publication status of an item (e.g., “forthcoming”, “in press”, “advance online publication”). Submitted Date Submitted The date an item was submitted for publication. Reviewed Title Reviewed Title The title of a reviewed work. Chapter Number Chapter Number The number of the chapter within a book. Archive Place Archive Place The geographic location of an archive. Event Date Event Date The date an event took place. Enter in ISO format (year-month-day). Event Place Event Place The geographic location of an event. Original Date Original Date The original date an item was published. Enter in ISO format (year-month-day). Original Title Original Title The original title of a work (e.g., the untranslated title). Original Publisher Original Publisher The publisher of the original version of an item (e.g., the untranslated version). Original Publisher Place Original Publisher Place The geographic location of the publisher of the original version of an item (e.g., the untranslated version). Original Author Original Author A type of Creator. The original creator of a work. Director Director A type of Creator. The director of a film, recording, or broadcast. In Zotero, “Director” is mapped to CSL author. If you need special labels for directors—“(Dir.)”, enter the Director label in Extra. Editorial Director Editorial Director A type of Creator. The managing editor of a publication (“Directeur de la Publication” in French). Illustrator Illustrator A type of Creator. The illustrator of a work.

      CSL Variables in Extra field

    4. For citation purposes, you can convert an item of a different type to one of these types by entering them in the Extra field in the following format: Type: CSL Type For example: Type: dataset Item Type CSL Type Dataset dataset A raw dataset. Figure figure A figure included in a scientific or academic work. Musical Score musical_score The written score for a musical work. Pamphlet pamphlet An informally-published work. Typically smaller and less technical than a Report. Book Review review-book A review of a book. Enter these as Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article, depending on where they were published, by providing a “Reviewed Author” creator. Treaty treaty A legal treaty between two nations.

      item Types not included in Zotero; Para "forzar" en las citas, usar en Extra (Type: xxx)

    5. Library Catalog The catalog or database an item was imported from. This field is used, for example, in the MLA citation style. Uses of this field are broader than actual library catalogs. Call Number The call number of an item in a library. For citing archival sources, also include the Call Number in Loc. in Archive (if applicable).

      Entender utilidad

    6. Archive Mainly for archival resources, the archive where an item was found. Also used for repositories, such as government report databases, institutional repositories, or subject repositories. Loc. in Archive The location of an item in an archive, such as a box and folder number or other relevant location information from the finding aid. Include the subcollection/call number, box number, and folder number together in this field. For additional tips on citing archival sources in Zotero, see here.

      Entender utilidad

    1. sublime Text is json-aware but doesn't issue the warnings of curiousconcept

      TOOL: "Sublime Text"==editor

    2. You might find using a JSON validator helpful (e.g., https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/).

      TOOL: JSON formatter

    3. after adding to engines.json any of the engines listed in http://egh.github.io/zotero-lookup-engines/ (say. e.g. the LOC engine),

      ok, incluir LOC==Library of Congress; 1-En el enlace indicado, buscar LOC; 2-abrir pagina; 3-copiar json e incluir en engines.json

    4. i modified the engines.json adding the isidore engine with the script given by m.pouyllau (https://gitlab.huma-num.fr/pouyllau/ISIDORtero).

      ISIDORE: French repository

    1. I tried {z:issn},but the lookup engine won't show up in the UI. I also tried {z:pulisher} or {z:pulication}, and they won't work too.

      TIP: sintax: {z:field1} == required field; {z:field2?} == optional field;

      Si un item no tiene informado un campo obligatorio, no sale el engine en la lista!

    2. the filename for attached pdfs and links, I did some exploration in the data structures, and it seems they are obtainable simply by {z:title}.


    3. item.getField(param);

      WHERE TO FIND?: field names for sintax {z:name}

    4. [itemOpenURL["rft.date"][0].substr(0, 4)]

      PROBLEM: openurl waits parameter "year" with format "YYYY", BUT {frt:date} (o {z:date}) devuelve el valor completo (eg: 2021-12-22) and crossref api doest work good: retrieves year=202 (???)

    5. fbennett March 30, 2011 http://gsl-nagoya-u.net/http/pub/csl-fields/

      2021-12-22: 404 NOT FOUND

    6. But where can I find a definition of that namespace? (The namespace address gives page not found.)

      ok, NDF!

    1. http://www.crossref.org/openurl/?id=doi:

      sintaxis (NISO 0.1)

    1. In the presence of a url_ver= Z39.88-2004 parameter this service will operate on a info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx context format with referent formats info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal or info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book


    2. OpenURL may be used to retrieve metadata records by setting the redirect parameter to “false”. By default an OpenURL response uses the XSD XML format. The UNIXREF format may be requested by setting the format parameter to “unixref”.

      ok; BUT parece que si noredirect=false, pero format=unixref, entonces, no redirige, saca xml!

    3. The OpenURL Query Interface can accept these parameters: Citation metadata parameters issn title (journal title) aulast (family name, preferably of first author) volume issue spage (first page) date (publication year YYYY) stitle (short title, which may be supplied as an alternative to title) Other parameters pid (your email address). Note: pid (personal id) is different from PID (persistent identifier) redirect (set to false to return the DOI in XML format instead of redirecting to the target URL. The default is true) multihit (set to true to return DOIs for more than one content item if our system does not find an exact match. The default is false) format (set to unixref to return metadata in UNIXREF format)

      parametros "nativos" de openURL

    4. Our OpenURL service is used primarily by library link resolvers but can also be used to look up metadata records. Please note that OpenURL retrieval includes only bibliographic metadata.


    1. egh June 29, 2019 Also see http://egh.github.io/zotero-lookup-engines/

      library lookup

    2. bwiernik April 20, 2019 Currently the only way to add engines is to edit the engines.json file in the “locate” folder in your Zotero data directory: https://zotero.org/support/zotero_dataSee here for some example additional engines:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bwiernik/zotero-tools/master/engines.json

      zotero-tools; example file uses "fields" without prefix "_"

    1. bwiernik September 16, 2017 edited May 7, 2018 It’s in your Zotero data directory. This defaults to C:/Users/:username:/Zotero You can also open the folder from the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences.

      Edit.Preferences/Advanced/Files and Folders: section Data Directory Location; button Show Data Directory; open; subdirectory: locate; engines.json

    2. Does anything like this still work with 5.0?

      it seems it DOESNT WORK in Zotero 5

    1. Example An example OpenSearch description for Amazon.com is available here.

      DOESNT WORK! " Select "Add Amazon.com" from the Locate menu to add the Amazon.com lookup engine. " BUT in "Locate menu" doesnt appear

    1. You may be able to automatically detect the OpenURL resolver for your institution by clicking the “Search for resolvers” button.

      button not found!

    2. By default, Zotero uses the OpenURL service of WorldCat.org

      Library: default=WorldCat (for Books)

    3. Library Lookup - looks up the items in your library of choice using OpenURL

      configure in Preferences

    1. Sadly, the number of mandatory fields required to be deposited when doing content registration in Crossref is extremely minimal, basically Title, URL, DOI, ISSN (for the journal) etc and it is no surprise most publishers don't deposit more than the minimal requirements.


    2. analyzing Unpaywall Data dumps, found that leaving aside (Eu)PMC or arxiv, a substantial amount of unique content from hosted on Semantic Scholar.


    3. Semantic Scholar  by Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence was launched in 2015, and in my experience remains still quite an obscure search engine to most researchers.


    4. An alternative way of seeing this is to say among the sources Unpaywall harvest from including journals and repository sites, Semantic Scholar was hosting over 1 million unique copies! 

      ok, los 7 millones recuperados, estan "duplicados" en otros repositorios

    5. Of these 8 million, 7 million were available at alternative locations, which meant there was an overall loss of 1 million OA papers which Unpaywall could not find alternative sources


    6. Unpaywall (which regular readers of this blog know is currently the defacto standard used to determine open access status of papers)

      no sabia