2,825 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. Zierler: Is it uncontroversial to say that he was the greatest physicist you ever knew? Shapiro: Hmm, Hans Bethe. I’ve known a lot of physicists, and Julian Schwinger of course I knew at Harvard. And he was quite different as well as bright, but not Feynman’s type at all. Very contrasting [laugh] personalities. I preferred Feynman’s [laugh] type myself, but I appreciated Julian. Zierler: Because you could talk to Feynman? He was easier to talk to? Shapiro: Yeah, not that I found Julian hard to talk to. I didn’t. He was easy for me to talk to too. He sort of liked me for some reason I never understood. [laugh] So I got along with him well. But Feynman was more my type of person [laugh] so to say.
    2. Shapiro: In those days, undergraduates didn’t do research projects. That was sort of unheard of… Feynman was there when I was there. And I knew of him, and I remember very clearly my asking my advisor a physics question in the middle of the lobby in Rockefeller Hall, which was then the physics building. He said, “Hmm.” And Feynman was just walking by, and he said, “Dick, I have this question for you.” [laugh] And he asked Feynman the question I’d asked him. Feynman rattled off [laugh] the answer, and walked by, all in maybe a minute at most. [laugh] Zierler: Now was— Shapiro: By the way, I lived one house away from him in Far Rockaway. Zierler: Really? Shapiro: Yes. Zierler: Did you know him then? Shapiro: No, he was 12 years older than I. But his sister, [laugh] I took his sister out after he died as sort of a condolence call, and she remembered me. She said that she was jealous of my red wooden rocking horse. She was about seven years older than I, something like that, and she remembered being enamored of my red wooden rocking horse. I didn’t even remember having a red wooden rocking horse. Zierler: [laugh] Shapiro: But I checked it out with a cousin of mine, older cousin, who never forgot anything in her life, and she confirmed that I indeed had a red wooden [laugh] rocking horse. [laugh]
      • FEYNMAN
    3. Shapiro: I was on the math team very briefly but, again, the timing was just too much. The only thing I remained on, and I was number one on the team, was ping-pong. I earned my letter in ping-pong. I was a very good ping-pong player. I was first in my team in high school, and in college. And in graduate school, I also won the championship every year a competition was held when I was a graduate student
      • SPORTS
    4. Shapiro: My perception at this point in my life is that the best education I got through PhD was at Brooklyn Tech. Zierler: Oh, wow. Shapiro: It was [laugh] definitely the educational experience of my life. Zierler: What made it so special? Shapiro: The change from PS39 dramatic because not only was Tech a good school but all the kids were bright, and they were interested in science and things like that, neither of which was true in my elementary school.
    1. Nowadays the rate of every orbiting GPS clock is adjusted by this "factoryoffset" before launch. But before the first GPS satellite was launched in 1977,although it was recognized that orbiting clocks would require such arelativistic offset, there was uncertainty as to its magnitude, and even its sign.So correcting frequency synthesizers were built into the clocks, spanning alarge enough range around the nominal 10.23 MHz clock frequency toencompass all possibilities. After the satellite's cesium atomic clock wasturned on, it was operated for three weeks to measure its rate. The frequencyshift measured during this initial period was found to be 4.425 parts per tenbillion, agreeing with the relativistic calculation to better than 1%.


    2. At a radius of 9550 km,about 3000 km above the ground, the gravitational and Doppler effectscancel. Because the GPS orbits are higher than that, the gravitational blueshiftis the largest contribution. So the net frequency correction for a GPS satelliteis negative, amounting to 4.4645 parts per ten billion


  2. Jul 2022
    1. It is also recommended to change power saving options. To do it, go to the Control Panel -> Power Options -> Change plan settings -> Change advanced power settings -> Wireless adapter settings -> Power saving mode -> select Maximum performance.
      • ALSO
    2. Open the Device Manager (devmgmt.msc); Expand the Network Adapters section and find your Wi-Fi adapter (usually it has Wireless or 802.11 in its name), then open its properties; Go to the Power Management tab and uncheck the option Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. Save the changes by clicking OK.
      • SOLUTION: for RDP disconnecting
    1. obvious conflict with a proven scientific fact, i.e., violation of local realism that has been demonstrated not only theoretically but experimentally in recent experiments.
    1. however, a strictly local, deterministic, and realistic explanation of the correlations observed in the experiments exists. For example,  Dr. Christian has presented a local, deterministic, and realistic model within a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime with constant spatial curvature (S^3) exhibiting exact agreement with the probabilistic predictions of quantum theory without data rejection, superdeterminism, or backward causation.
      • DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2016.06.021
      • WITHDRAWN: Local causality in a Friedmann–Robertson–Walker spacetime
    1. How to recursively fetch data from paginated API then combine into one array Ask Question Asked 1 month ago Modified 1 month ago Viewed 114 times
      • OK, probado
    2. return await fetchAllPaginateData(pageKey);
      • OJO: hay que salir!
    1. Also keep in mind that the repeated Stern-Gerlach device technique shows that Stern-Gerlach devices change the state and so spin can't possibly be just some property that gets passively revealed by sending it through a Stern-Gerlach device otherwise you couldn't explain that measuring first in the z^z^\hat z direction, then in the z^z^\hat z direction, and finally then the x^x^\hat x direction always gives the same result for the first and second yet measuring in the z^z^\hat z direction then the x^x^\hat x direction then the z^z^\hat z direction doesn't always gives the same result for the first and third. Clearly the device changes the object. There is no debate about this by anyone that wants to agree with observations as simple as using one device on the same particle three times and rotating the device between runs sometimes.
      • OK, S-G is "orienting" device
    1. Bohr's reaction to Einstein's presentation has been preserved. He didn't understand a word! He disingenuously claims he does not know what quantum mechanics is. His response is vague and ends with his ideas on complementarity and the inability to describe a causal spacetime reality.
      • SEE in DETAIL
    1. Einstein had said in 1927 at the Solvay conference that nonlocality (faster-than-light signaling between particles in a space-like separation) seemed to violate relativity in the case of a single-particle wave function with non-zero probabilities of finding the particle at more than one place. What instantaneous "action-at-a-distance" prevents particles from appearing at more than one place, Einstein oddly asked.
      • "COLLAPSE" as "NON-LOCAL"
    1. E. J. Post, Book Review of Quantum Dialogue: The Making of a Revolution, Foundations of Physics, Vol. 31, No. 11, November 2001
      • SEE
    2. Weinberg admitted that the founders of quantum theory had been wrong in their "apparent subjectivism," and declared that "we know better now." What exactly do we know better now?
      • "CERTERA" again!
    3. Many postmodernist critics of science have fallen prey to this strategy of argumentation and freely proclaimed that physics itself irrevocably banished the notion of objective reality.
      • "CERTERA"!!!
    4. Bohr's obscurity is attributed, time and again, to a "depth and subtlety" that mere mortals are not equipped to comprehend.
      • "FAMOUS" juicio de valor
  3. www.informationphilosopher.com www.informationphilosopher.com
    1. Werner Heisenberg was right that the experimenter's free choice creates an element of reality.
      • WHAT IS THIS???
    2. Sadly, Beller never mentions Einstein's simple explanation in 1909 that the wave is the probability of finding the particle.
      • I DONT UNDERSTAND, the meaning of THAT statement
    3. Mara Beller
      • author of biography?
    1. The xdocdiff PDF plugin uses a very old version of xdoc2txt (1.46). One of the features I was looking for, and found, in the latest version(2.20) is that it doesn't drop the space between two words when the font style changes from bold back to regular. The latest (as of September 2020) version of xdoc2txt can be obtained from http://ebstudio.info/home/xdoc2txt.html Installation is as easy as unpacking the xd2tx220.zip, and copying the new xdoc2txt.exe over the top of the version from xdocdiff (in the WinMerge executeable directory). I also copied the xd2txlib.dll into the same folder (possibly unnecessary, but disk is cheaper than time to translate the docs). The interface between versions 1.46 & 2.20 may have changed, but not enough to break WinMerge. Important, you will need to install the original xdocdiff plugin first (so you get the amb_xdocdiffPlugin.dll) which drives the whole process.
      • TESTED: OK
    2. Steps 1. Download and extract the xdocdiff archive to a temporary folder 2. Copy the files "zlib.dll" and "xdoc2txt.exe" to both of the following folders inside your WinMerge Portable folders: WinMergePortable\App\WinMerge\ WinMergePortable\App\WinMerge64\ 4. Copy the file "MergePlugins\amb_xdocdiffPlugin.dll" to both of the following folders: WinMergePortable-xdocdiff\App\WinMerge\MergePlugins WinMergePortable-xdocdiff\App\WinMerge64\MergePlugins 5. Launch "WinMergePortable.exe" 6. From the menu, select Plugins - Automatic Unpacking 7. From the menu select Plugins - Plugin Settings and make sure all boxes are checked --- To test with some documents, click File - Open and select 1, 2, or 3 documents to compare. If you have issues, set the File: Unpacker plugin in the Open window to "Automatic." ---
      • TESTED: OK
    1. Ver2.x(Unicode版) New ! 2020/6/26 xdoc2txt 2.20 ( xd2tx220_x64.zip ) - x64(64bit版) xdoc2txt 2.20 ( xd2tx220.zip ) - x86(32bit)版
      • TESTED 32b
    1. jingyu9575 Replied on October 9, 2015 To make F1 do nothing, run this cmd script with administrator privilege: @echo off taskkill /f /im HelpPane.exe takeown /f %WinDir%\HelpPane.exe icacls %WinDir%\HelpPane.exe /deny Everyone:(X) 
      • THANK YOU, your idea
      • ME:
      • look for HelpPane: c:\windows; its a Link
      • BUT:
      • Properties/Security:
      • 1- change owner=Adminsitrators
      • 2- permisssions: Adminis=Full control
      • 3- rename file: *.[NO]
      • Test it!
      • Never more!!!
    1. There’s a school of philosophy of science associated in particular with thename of Thomas Kuhn, that sees the development of science – particularly ofphysics – as a series of paradigm shifts in which our point of view changes soradically that we can barely understand the theories of earlier times. I don’tbelieve it for a minute. I think our successful theories always survive, asNewtonian mechanics has, and as I’m sure the Standard Model will survive,as approximations
      • Justo indica ejemplo de teoria que tuvo mucho exito (Ptolomeo, Newton)
      • Pero Khun se puede referir a teorias no exitosas (flogisto, eter), que al ser reemplazadas, con el paso del tiempo las nuevas generaciones ven extrañas, porque les falta "contexto" historico
    1. How do I edit multiple links at the same time in PDF-XChange Viewer? Problem: How do I edit multiple links at the same time in PDF-XChange Viewer? Resolution: 1. Click Tools in the Menu Toolbar. 2. Hover over Link Tools. A submenu will appear. 3. Select an option from the list to activate the Link Tool. 4. Press CRTL+A. All links in the document will be selected. 5. Right-click (or use the Properties Toolbar) to edit as desired.
      • COMPLICATED!!!
      • no hay "lista" de links
      • en cada pagina:
      • pulsar icono Link tool
      • MIRAR y DISTINGUIR zonas
      • seleccionar una, boton derecho, properties
    1. I suggest therefore using PDF-XChange Editor, rather than the Viewer.

      -NO!, it is worse!

    2. I am always using PDF-XChange Viewer for PDF viewing, which works great for me. One issue that bothers me a lot is that, by default, it will be in Hand Tool (second button checked in the following figure) mode when opening a file. What should be done in order to make Select Tool (first button checked in the following figure) mode by default in PDF-XChange Viewer?
      • ME TOO!
    1. Dennis Overbye, Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos: the story of the scientific quest for the secret of the Universe, HarperCollins 1991, Back Bay (with new afterword), 1999. Historical account of modern cosmology told through the careers of the scientists involved, in which Sandage is the central character. Complementary to Origins.
      • ok, Sandage "destaca" en el libro
    1. dstillman January 23, 2017 Just to note, it's better not to store the Zotero data directory in the Documents folder, which might be synced to the cloud (now or in the future), resulting in database corruption. Zotero 5.0 will use a "Zotero" directory at the root of your home directory, so that's what I'd recommend.
      • ok
    2. a combination of "Reset Translators" from the Advanced tab of the Zotero preferences followed by update now.
      • RESET translators
      • 1-Reset=included with installer
      • 2-Update now=last versiones
    1. 3] P. R. Holland, The Quantum Theory of Motion, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1993. See also of course: D. Bohm, Part I, Phys. Rev. 85,166 (1952); Part II, 85 180 (1952).The fundamental work by de Broglie is discussed in L. de Broglie, J. Phys. Radium 8, 225(1927) and in the report of the 5th Solvay’s conference (in french) reproduced recently in:G. Bacciagaluppi and A. Valentini (ed.s): Quantum Theory at the Crossroads - Reconsider-ing the 1927 Solvay Conference, Cambridge University Press (2007). The best book on thesubject is still probably: D. Bohm and B. J. Hiley, The Undivided Universe - An OntologicalInterpretation of Quantum Theory, Routledge, London (1993).
    2. I am a Bohmian (i.e. a ‘de Broglian’) which means somebody believing in the pertinenceof the pilot wave theory proposed by de Broglie in 1926-27 and rediscovered by Rosen in 1945and Bohm in 1952 (see the book by Holland [3])
      • Rosen in 1945 ???
    1. Because of the sunshield, JWST does not have an unlimited field of regard at any given time. The telescope can see 40 percent of the sky from one position and can see all of the sky over a period of six months,[26] the amount of time it takes to complete half its orbit around the Sun.


    1. If the behavior change is as described, this isn’t about remapping shortcuts. And even then, this answer is basically “something something registry, Google it!”, which is not even remotely acceptable. – Daniel B Apr
      • OK
    2. Windows Explorer has become much more user-"friendly", and does a very good effort to protect you against yourself.
      • DISCUTIBLE!!!
    3. This is against at least a decade of established usability.
      • ALL RIGHT
  4. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. Note that, as p ointed out by Fine (1986) and dis ussed further by Howard (1990),the logi al stru ture of the EPR pap er (whi h was a tually written by Po dolsky)is more ompli ated and less dire t than Einstein had intended
      • OK
    1. 9. Bacciagaluppi, G., Valentini, A.: Quantum Theory at the Crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927 SolvayConference. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009). arXiv:quant-ph/0609184
      • See pdf online
      • pag 212, Cap 7 Locality and incompleteness
    2. perts in the quantum foundations community have longrecognized that Einstein had already shown a failure of locality for the ψ-completeview with a very simple argument at the Solvay conference in 1927 [9].
      • See Reference
      • pag 212, Cap 7 Locality and incompleteness


    1. Download All Windows 64 This version contains the 64bit version of Link Shell Extension, but also contains a 32bit version, which is installed in parallel to the 64bit version, to satisfy third party filemanagers/explorers like total commander: Link Shell Extension (3.76Mb) All neccesary runtime dlls are already installed on your system, but if not grab it from here for 64bit and here for 32bit     All Windows 32 Simply download and install Link Shell Extension (3.56Mb) All neccesary runtime dlls are already installed on your system, but if not grab it from here.
      • In W10 Pro (20H2)
      • Error if 32bits
      • DLLs 64b required
      • Install 64bits version
    1. Here's an after with the target as C:\Windows\Logs_, notice the extra _ at the end.
      • rename target in the link properties
    2. There is another solution tested by me and safe to use. just add to the real folder _ (example: foo become foo_) then simply delete your symbolik link, then remove _ from your true folder. ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 3.0 Improve this answer Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications answered Dec 6, 2013 at 7:24 vcorpvcorp 38133 silver badges22 bronze badges 4 3 yeah, this is 100% safest solution after you know that powershell does not give a s**t about rmdir – test30 Jul 3, 2014 at 14:54 This is a clever precaution. +1 – Hanna Mar 4, 2015 at 17:11 Warning: I don't think this MIGHT not work on Win10 since it's fixing shortcuts upon renaming. (At least classic Shortcuts) Not tested though. – Hexo Sep 29, 2017 at 13:26 I did this just in case. After I renamed the target folder, the symbolink link failed when I tried to access it, so I could delete it without worrying. – Andrew Apr 14, 2018 at 0:39
      • SOLUTION!
      • ok, tested!
    3. Be very careful. If you have a symbolic link that is a directory (made with mklink /d) then using del will delete all of the files in the target directory (the directory that the link points to), rather than just the link. SOLUTION: rmdir on the other hand will only delete the directory link, not what the link points to.
      • ME TOO!
    1. im just tired of copying and pasting all apps i want to update to C:\Programs\Portable Apps Platform\PortableApps updating than moving them back to the original folder
      • HAHAHA
      • me too
    1. For Einstein, the crucial part of the argument was the demonstration of nonlocality, that the choice of measurement done in particle A, either position or momentum, would lead to two different quantum states of particle B. He argued that, because of locality, the real state of particle B couldn't depend on which kind of measurement was done in A, and therefore the quantum states cannot be in one-to-one correspondence with the real states.[5]
      • HERE!
    1. fter the discussion Bohm changed his mind and started thinking about analternative description of quantum mechanics which would preserve the classical credo ofrealism and causality advocated by Einstein [9]. The results of his work was a version of thepilot-wave theory already discovered by de Broglie in 1927. However, at that time Bohmapparently ignored the priority of de Broglie. In a letter to astrophysicist ́Evry Schatzman(who was in touch with Jean Pierre Vigier and de Broglie) Bohm summarized:‘Finally, I decided for a causal interpretation within few weeks, I hit upon theidea which I published not knowing about de Broglie’s work until later ’ [14].In the same letter Bohm also confirmed the importance of the EPR paradox in the wholeaffair
      • page 7
    2. Albert Einstein was very much interestedby the book and gave a call to Bohm to discuss with him. The content of this discussionwas summarized by Bohm himself in an interview made by his friend Maurice Wilkins in1980 [9], the story is also recounted in Bohm’s biography written by David Peat [6] (seealso [10] and [11] which include other recollections of the whole story by Bohm, and finallyMax Jammer book and article [12, 13]). The main subject of the discussion concernedthe EPR paradox [8] which was analyzed in Bohm’s Book. Einstein felt unconvinced bythe ‘orthodox’ analyzes made by Bohm who at that time still accepted the orthodox viewtaught by Niels Bohr and others concerning the general interpretation of quantum mechanics.In particular, Einstein’s ‘objections were that the theory was conceptually incomplete, thatthis wave function was not a complete description of the reality and there was more to itthan that’ [9].
      • page 7
    3. was finalized in 1951 and sent to major scientists such as Pauli and Einstein for approval.Importantly, the book contains a ‘proof that quantum theory is inconsistent with hiddenvariables’ obtained in relation with the Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) paradox [8] andthe principle of complementarity of Bohr. Bohm therefore concluded on the nonexistence of‘hidden variables underlying quantum mechanics’
      • page 7
    4. herefore, thefollowing chronology will be necessarily sketchy. First, it is known that the story startedwith the writing by David Bohm of his undergraduate textbook Quantum theory [7] which
      • page 6
    5. Yet the precise story and chronology of the various steps leadingBohm to the redaction of his famous articles in 1952 is not exactly known since part ofthe correspondence between David Bohm, Louis de Broglie and also Wolfgang Pauli hasbeen lost probably during the exile of Bohm to S ̃ao Paulo in October 1951 due to hispersecution by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) [67]


  5. Local file Local file
    1. I shall use the GHZ setup, which,in my view, is the clearest way to explain the EPR and Bell’s discovery
    2. et us rewrite the GHZ state in the x basis:12 (|↑x〉A|↑x〉B |↓x〉C + |↑x〉A|↓x〉B |↑x〉C + |↓x〉A|↑x〉B |↑x〉C + |↓x〉A|↓x〉B |↓x〉C ).
      • HOW is it rewrited, from z basis to x basis???


    1. La fuerza de marea F T {\displaystyle F_{T}} sobre la masa δ m {\displaystyle \delta m} ejercida por el planeta central de radio R {\displaystyle R} y a una distancia d {\displaystyle d} entre los centros de masa de ambos cuerpos es: F T = 2 G M δ m r d 3 {\displaystyle F_{T}={\frac {2GM\delta mr}{d^{3}}}}
    1. the acceleration on the particle due to gravitational force towards M as: a → g = − r ^   G   M ( R ± Δ r ) 2 {\displaystyle {\vec {a}}_{g}=-{\hat {r}}~G~{\frac {M}{(R\pm \Delta r)^{2}}}} Pulling out the R2 term from the denominator gives: a → g = − r ^   G   M R 2   1 ( 1 ± Δ r R ) 2 {\displaystyle {\vec {a}}_{g}=-{\hat {r}}~G~{\frac {M}{R^{2}}}~{\frac {1}{\left(1\pm {\frac {\Delta r}{R}}\right)^{2}}}} The Maclaurin series of 1 / ( 1 ± x ) 2 {\displaystyle 1/(1\pm x)^{2}} is 1 ∓ 2 x + 3 x 2 ∓ ⋯ {\displaystyle 1\mp 2x+3x^{2}\mp \cdots } which gives a series expansion of: a → g = − r ^   G   M R 2 ± r ^   G   2 M R 2   Δ r R + ⋯ {\displaystyle {\vec {a}}_{g}=-{\hat {r}}~G~{\frac {M}{R^{2}}}\pm {\hat {r}}~G~{\frac {2M}{R^{2}}}~{\frac {\Delta r}{R}}+\cdots } The first term is the gravitational acceleration due to M at the center of the reference body m {\displaystyle m} , i.e., at the point where Δ r {\displaystyle \Delta r} is zero. This term does not affect the observed acceleration of particles on the surface of m because with respect to M, m (and everything on its surface) is in free fall. When the force on the far particle is subtracted from the force on the near particle, this first term cancels, as do all other even-order terms. The remaining (residual) terms represent the difference mentioned above and are tidal force (acceleration) terms. When ∆r is small compared to R, the terms after the first residual term are very small and can be neglected, giving the approximate tidal acceleration a → t , axial {\displaystyle {\vec {a}}_{t,{\text{axial}}}} for the distances ∆r considered, along the axis joining the centers of m and M: a → t , axial ≈ ± r ^   2 Δ r   G   M R 3 {\displaystyle {\vec {a}}_{t,{\text{axial}}}\approx \pm {\hat {r}}~2\Delta r~G~{\frac {M}{R^{3}}}}
      • calculo Tidal force
    1. Rename the downloaded file to .zip and unpack it to a directory (you might get a warning about a corrupt zip header, but most unpacker will continue anyway) Go to Settings -> Tools -> Extensions Enable developer mode Click "Load unpacked extention" Browse to the unpacked folder and install your extention
    1. IMPORTANTE: Descargue siempre una copia nueva de MCPR antes de cada uso. Así se asegurará de tener la versión más reciente y de que se reconozcan correctamente los últimos productos de McAfee. MCPR limpia únicamente los componentes necesarios para la nueva instalación. No está diseñado para limpiar el 100 % de los componentes. Para completar este paso se requiere reiniciar el equipo.
      • Metodo 2: MCPR
    2. IMPORTANTE: Si su producto de McAfee vino preinstalado en el equipo: Active la suscripción de McAfee antes de intentar eliminar el producto. Esta acción le permite conservar su derecho a usar el producto sin tener que adquirir una nueva suscripción. Para activar el software de McAfee que venía preinstalado, consulte TS102477 - Cómo activar software de McAfee instalado previamente en Windows.
      • ASUS: McAfee pre-installed
  6. May 2022
    1. A solution is to add captures for the preceding and following text: str.replace(/(.*name="\w+)(\d+)(\w+".*)/, "$1!NEW_ID!$3")
    1. You can use a heuristic: only change strings that have one of the bad characters in them, like â. This works well if a character like â won’t ever appear in a valid string. The last time I fixed this kind of bug, though, I wanted to play it safe. I used another useful tool to help: my eyes. Whenever I found a badly encoded string, I printed it out, along with its replacement:
      • no magic solutions!
    2. It seems like those three bytes should be read as UTF-8, where they’d represent a curly quote. Instead, each byte is showing up as a different character. So, which encoding would represent [226, 128, 153] as ’? If you look at a few tables of popular encodings, you’ll see it’s Windows-1252.

      -In UTF8 are 3 bytes - In W1252 a byte= a char

    1. This only forces the client which encoding to use to interpret and display the characters. But the actual problem is that you're already sending ’ (encoded in UTF-8) to the client instead of ’. The client is correctly displaying ’ using the UTF-8 encoding. If the client was misinstructed to use, for example ISO-8859-1, you would likely have seen ââ¬â¢ instead.
      • HERE IT IS!
    2. This answer is not useful Show activity on this post. So what's the problem, It's a ’ (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK - U+2019) character which is being decoded as CP-1252 instead of UTF-8. If you check the encodings table, then you see that this character is in UTF-8 composed of bytes 0xE2, 0x80 and 0x99. If you check the CP-1252 code page layout, then you'll see that each of those bytes stand for the individual characters â, € and ™.
      • HERE IT IS!
    1. dir /?, press the [ENTER] key, and take a look at its options. As a minimum, for just the file names, you should use the /B option, and the /A option with -D, (which will exclude directories). There is also no need to perform all of your bulletted items, just open a Command Prompt window, and type, for example Dir /B /A:-D "C:\Users\ShoulderMonster\Desktop" 1> "C:\Users\ShoulderMonster\Documents\1.txt" – Compo Jan 9, 2021 at 13:08
      • DIR options
    2. This works for me: PowerShell -Command "TREE /F | Out-File output.txt -Encoding utf8"
    3. You should add this command chcp 65001 before dir command to change code page to UTF-8 @echo off CHCP 65001>nul dir>1.txt Further reading about CHCP command
      • DIR NAMES IN UTF-8
    1. Most European keyboards have keycap labels for the apostrophe and both accents. These have always looked like in the ISO and Unicode standards. The photo below shows the relevant keys highlighted on a standard German PC keyboard, which has the acute/grave accent key left and the number-sign/apostrophe key below the backspace key:
      • unicode!
    1. adamsmith October 8, 2021 How are you renaming? Don't use Manage Attachments --> Rename (that's the Zotfile one). Instead use "Rename using parent metadata" which is the Zotero native option. That works for me.For the other question, no other wildcards like %j aren't currently available andyes, '{%y_}{%c_}{%t{50}}' would remove spaces and use underscores
      • ZOTERO rename
    1. Zottuno November 9, 2017 No worries. Thanks for all the info.I've reported the bug on the Zotfile forum (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/5301/zotfile-advanced-pdf-management-for-zotero/p54)Thanks again joojoo May 14, 2018 Have the same problem and renaming doesn't work. Did this get resolved?Zotero can do it fine, but Zotfile can't :( aquawho September 7, 2018 Hello, nope. I follow the instruction according to bwiernik, it did not rename it at all. Look like ZotFile haven't been updated for a while. I will submit the bug to ZotFile and hopefully they will be able to fix it Zotte777 September 23, 2018 Yeah I'm in the same boat. Hopefully it'll get fixed in a future update, I'll submit a bug report also
      • ZOFTILE
    1. bwiernik March 25, 2019 If you leave the location field empty in Zotfile Preferences, the files should rename without moving. elenahe March 25, 2019 edited March 25, 2019 Thank you for the tip! I got it halfway working but I'm still doing something wrong. When I click on "Manage attachement" - "Rename attachment" then it renames the linked file in zotero but not in my actual folder where the file is stored.
      • ZOTFILE: rename WITHOUT move
    1. 227 This answer is not useful Show activity on this post. Your real question seem to be: Why: null >= 0; // true But: null == 0; // false
      • ME TOO
    1. encodeURIComponent() escapes all characters except: Not Escaped: A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )
      • EXCEPTIONs
      • ( =%28
      • ) = %F29
    1. You might see (or inherit responsibility for) older DOIs which contain other characters, and require special treatment in a URL: Encode hash or pound sign # as %23 Do not encode left bracket (or less than) < as &lt; and right bracket (or greater than) > as &gt; when resolving DOIs or retrieving metadata from our REST API to retrieve the metadata (see below) Do not encode forward slash / when resolving DOIs or retrieving metadata from our REST API
      • EXCEPTIONS to DOI rules
    1. First, a few rules Rules are shared by all DOI registration agencies. Each DOI must be unique Only use approved characters: DOI suffixes can be any alphanumeric string that includes combinations the following approved characters: Letters of the Roman alphabet, A-Z (see below on case insensitivity) Numbers, 0-9 -._;()/ (hyphen, period, underscore, semicolon, parentheses, forward slash). Note that em and en dashes are not approved characters. Note, some older (pre-2008) DOIs which contain other characters. Learn more about suffixes containing special characters. Suffixes are case insensitive, so 10.1006/abc is the same in the system as 10.1006/ABC. Note that using lowercase is better for accessibility.
      • DOIs RULES
    1. Then, to set a null value you edit the cell in question, then "clear" the field (there's a button).
      • DIFFICULT for massive changes
      • TRY update set field=null where
  7. Apr 2022
    1.   En este punto hay que tener en cuenta la Directiva 2003/88/CE y sobretodo la Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 10 de septiembre de 2015.   El concepto de tiempo de trabajo se determina a través de diversos elementos: 1)     El primero de ellos que es “el trabajador debe estar en ejercicio de su actividad o de sus funciones”, en relación a éste primer elemento debe entenderse que los trabajadores están en ejercicio de su actividad o de sus funciones durante el tiempo de desplazamiento del domicilio a los centros de los clientes. Esto es así porque los desplazamientos que realizan los trabajadores sin centro de trabajo fijo  para dirigirse a centros de clientes que son asignados por el empresario son entendidos como el instrumento necesario para ejecutar sus prestaciones técnicas en los centros de dichos clientes, sin esos desplazamientos el trabajador no podría realizar sus funciones.   2)     El segundo elemento que constituye el concepto de tiempo de trabajo es “que el trabajador debe estar a disposición del empresario durante ese tiempo”, en definitiva lo que viene a decir el legislador es que el trabajador está obligado en todo caso a estar físicamente presente en el lugar determinado con anterioridad por el empresario y que debe permanecer a disposición de éste para poder realizar de manera inmediata las prestaciones adecuadas en caso de necesidad. Por lo tanto para poder considerar que un trabajador está a disposición de su empresario debe estar en una situación en la que esté obligado jurídicamente a obedecer las órdenes e instrucciones del empresario, ejerciendo la actividad por cuenta de éste. Por el contrario, si los trabajadores gestionan ellos mismos su tiempo, con menos limitaciones y puedan dedicarse a asuntos personales estaríamos en un supuesto donde no puede constituirse tiempo de trabajo. Lo que es determinante en este segundo elemento que define el concepto de tiempo de trabajo a tenor de la Directiva es que en esos desplazamientos los trabajadores estén sometidos a las órdenes e instrucciones de su empresario, que puede cambiar y modificar la ruta entregada al trabajador.   3)     El tecer elemento que constituye el concepto de tiempo de trabajo es “todo periodo durante el cual el trabajador permanezca en el trabajo”, la permanencia en el trabajo de los trabajadores afectados, no puede reducirse a la presencia física de los mismos en los centros de los clientes. Ya que cuando hacen uso de un medio de transporte para dirigirse a un cliente que les asigna su empresario, ha de considerarse que los trabajadores permanecen «en el trabajo».  El Abogado General en la sentencia Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 10 de septiembre de 2015 entiende que  el requisito sobre la permanencia en el trabajo,  esta conectado con el requisito de estar a disposición del empresario.     Hay que tener en cuenta que esos desplazamientos deben entenderse como instrumentos para la posible realización de sus servicios o funciones ya que sin esos desplazamientos sería imposible que en trabajador llevase a cabo las funciones encomendadas, por tanto, son consustanciales a la condición de los trabajadores que no tienen centro de trabajo fijo sino que deben desplazarse a los centros de los clientes, por lo tanto el lugar de trabajo de los trabajadores no puede reducirse única y exclusivamente a los lugares de intervención física y los domicilios o establecimientos de los clientes.   Para concluir y a modo de resumen de todo lo expuesto anteriormente, los desplazamientos deben computarse como jornada laboral en los casos de trabajadores con centro de trabajo fijo que por deber impuesto por la empresa en atención a las necesidades o conveniencias del servicio tengan que desplazarse para ejercer sus funciones a un lugar distinto al centro de trabajo, y en relación a aquellos trabajadores que no disponen de un lugar fijo de trabajo si concurren los requisitos que expone el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en su Sentencia de 20 de septiembre de 2015, es decir: periodo durante el cual el trabajador permanezca en el trabajo (entendiendo que este elemento va más allá de la presencia física del trabajador en su puesto de trabajo, se conecta este elemento con la disposición que tiene el empresario sobre el trabajador); período durante el cual el trabajador permanece a disposición del empresario (entendiendo como tal el grado de limitaciones que sufre el trabajador durante esos desplazamientos en relación a la organización de su tiempo privado y a la dedicación de sus asuntos personales) y período durante el cual el trabajador permanece en ejercicio de su actividad o de sus funciones (entendiendo que dichas funciones son propias del trabajador o consustanciales a su puesto de trabajo, ya que los desplazamientos son el instrumento para que el trabajador pueda desarrollar sus funciones).
    1. José A. Estarelles dice: 19 abril, 2022 a las 11:42 am Buenas, Soy el traductor de esta obra de Wolfgang Smith. Tengo que decir que no es cierto que el autor desconozca o ignore la decoherencia, ni lo que algunos quieren extraer de ello, como demuestra su respuesta de 2019 al doctor McAndrew, «To Be or Not To Be an Apple» (philos-sophia.org/be-or-not-be-apple): “El famoso ‘problema de la medición’, … a pesar de las famosas pretensiones en sentido contrario, en realidad no se ha resuelto hasta ahora: ni el tour de force de la mecánica de Bohm, ni la teoría de los ‘muchos mundos’, ni la ‘decoherencia’, ni ninguna otra de sus propuestas [de la comunidad de física] ha logrado aún resolver ese dilema.” En fin, el colapso del vector de estado para nada es un “problema obsoleto”, ni “de interés histórico”. Es una cuestión plenamente vigente, por incómoda que sea para tantos. Entra Smith más en la decoherencia en los capítulos 2 y 4 de su título “The Vertical Ascent” (2020), que en gran medida se pueden consultar en la web del autor: “The Tripartite Wholeness” (philos-sophia.org/the-tripartite-wholeness) y “Lost in Math: The Particle Physics Quandary” (philos-sophia.org/particle-physics-quandary) donde, como en otro acertado comentario aquí, también se menciona a Sabine Hossenfelder. Dicho esto, y dejando a un lado el desafío que plantea la misma decoherencia para la interpretación totalista de la física cuántica, supongo que verá por qué me parece que esta reseña que hace al libro está exenta de valor crítico, aunque agradezco el interés prestado. Responder Francisco R. Villatoro dice: 19 abril, 2022 a las 1:5
      • ATENCION!!!
      • BIEN DICHO!: "[...] supongo que verá por qué me parece que esta reseña que hace al libro está exenta de valor crítico, aunque agradezco el interés prestado."
    2. Alf dice: 21 abril, 2022 a las 7:48 pm Como curiosidad en la historia de la física ¿ Desde cuando y porque ( me refiero a pruebas empíricas o formalismos matemáticos ) han dejado obsoleto a los procesos R (como colapso del vector de estado ) Responder Francisco R. Villatoro dice: 22 abril, 2022 a las 12:59 am Alf, la idea de los pioneros era que el colapso de la función de onda era un mecanismo dinámico diferente de la evolución unitaria. El formalismo de integrales de camino en mecánica cuántica y la interpretación de muchos mundos fueron cambiando la mentalidad de la mayoría de los físicos poco a poco. Durante la década de los 1970 la idea de que la única dinámica necesaria es la evolución unitaria y de que el colapso es un artificio innecesario se fue imponiendo poco a poco. A finales de la década de los 1970, los libros de texto de mecánica cuántica empezaron a omitir el problema de la medida como un problema que todo físico tuviera que conocer y el colapso dejó de mencionarse en la mayoría de dichos libros de texto, que ya solo discutían la evolución unitaria. Ya en los 1980 el colapso quedó degradado a las monografías específicas y a artículos de investigación sobre física más allá de la mecánica cuántica. A pesar de ello, la idea de que el colapso es un concepto obsoleto (además de innecesario) no se ha impuesto hasta principios del siglo XXI. Responder Alf dice: 22 abril, 2022
      • ATENCION!!!
      • @Francis: CITATION NEEDED!!! REFERENCES???
    3. joan dice: 18 abril, 2022 a las 3:17 pm que opinais de este libro: EL ENIGMA CUANTICO: ENCUENTROS ENTRE LA FISICA Y LA CONCIENCIA BRUCE ROSENBLUM FRED KUTTNER Responder Francisco R. Villatoro dice: 19 abril, 2022 a las 9:32 am Joan, el libro de Rosenblum y Kuttner parece empezar bien con su discusión de la historia que antecede a EPR y las desigualdades de Bell, pero entonces, cuando llega al nudo de la cuestión del «enigma cuántico» se hunde en la miseria; en lugar de discutir lo que se sabe sobre el asunto derrapa con el tema de la conciencia y acaba engañando al lector que esperaba una discusión sobre el «enigma cuántico» y se encuentra una discusión metafísica que no está relacionada ni con el título, ni con el resto del libro. En mi opinión, un libro bien escrito, de lectura fácil, pero muy poco recomendable para quien quiera aprender algo sobre física cuántica.
      • OK
    4. Francisco R. Villatoro dice: 15 abril, 2022 a las 9:48 am Javi, el colapso de la función de onda no existe, es un concepto obsoleto. La evolución unitaria se aplica tanto al sistema de medida como al sistema medido durante todo el proceso de la medida; cuando el sistema de medida es tan complicado que no se puede describir en pie de igualdad al sistema medido, se recurre a actualizar el estado del sistema medido tras la conclusión de la medida para hacer compatibles la evolución de ambos (esto es lo que se llama proyección del estado tras la medida). Si esta actualización se realiza de forma correcta, en futuras medidas el resultado será compatible con dicha actualización; si se realiza de forma incorrecta, habrá discrepancias, que señalarán que se ha realizado mal. No hay ningún misterio en todo esto.
      • VER respuesta de Fernando
      • Fernando dice: 16 abril, 2022 a las 5:40 am
    5. Smith es físico, matemático y filósofo
      • wikiedia.en
      • "a proponent of a new interpretation of quantum mechanics that draws heavily from medieval ontology and realism."
      • En sus libros trata mucho los temas "filosoficos"
    6. Wolfgang Smith, «El enigma cuántico. Descubriendo la clave oculta», Sekotia (2021) [188 pp.], traducido por José Antonio Estarelles
      • SEE
      • Smith W. The quantum enigma: finding the hidden key. 3rd rev. ed. Hillsdale, N.Y: Sophia Perennis; 2005. 156 p. ISBN: 978-1-59731-007-9 978-1-59731-038-3
    7. Fernando dice: 16 abril, 2022 a las 5:40 am Hola, Francis, Primero de todo, felicitarte por tu sin duda extraordinaria labor en este blog, que es digna de elogio. En segundo lugar, y ya en relación al tema aquí abordado, me ha sorprendido tu afirmación categórica acerca de la inexistencia del colapso, pues si bien es cierto que ésta es una postura sostenida por muchos físicos que trabajan en el programa de Decoherencia Cuántica, no menos cierto es que no es compartida por toda la comunidad científica. De hecho, siendo rigurosos, se trata de una corriente del pensamiento no avalada aún de manera general por los resultados matemáticos y experimentales derivados de dicho programa de investigación. Sin ir más lejos, dentro de dicho marco matemático, el colapso del sistema-aparato es aparente, pues aunque como consecuencia del entorno el operador densidad reducido del sistema-aparato acabe teniendo finalmente la forma característica de un estado mixto, el operador densidad del sistema global sistema-aparato-entorno sigue siendo el de un estado puro, por lo que el sistema global sigue estando en un estado superposición, y por ende, el observable medido sigue sin estar bien definido según el formalismo cuántico. Es más, al tomar la traza parcial sobre los estados del entorno para hacer cálculos sobre el operador densidad reducido del sistema-aparato, no estamos teniendo en cuenta la coherencia de fase global entre el sistema, el aparato y el entorno, por lo que el mecanismo de decoherencia en ningún momento afecta a dicha fase. En consecuencia, el sistema-aparato-entorno sigue en un estado superposición, no legitimándonos nada a afirmar lo contrario. Es por ello que no se puede afirmar que se haya producido un colapso real de algo, ni tampoco que la Decoherencia resuelva el problema de la lectura definida del aparato de medición. Me consta, no obstante, que el concepto de envarianza introducido por Zurek resulta lo suficientemente prometedor como para poder resolver quizás los problemas a los que conduce el citado operador densidad reducido, pero desconozco si lo ha llegado lograr. Si lo ha hecho, te agradecería me pasaras algún «paper» sobre ello para poder estar completamente actualizado. Incluso si dispusieras de tiempo y te apeteciera, estaría bien poder discutirlo privadamente de físico a físico.
      • OK: afirmacion categorica! Solo los "pro" decoherence
      • Quien eres, Fernando?
    8. Enrique dice: 17 abril, 2022 a las 5:40 pm Hola Juan, aún coincidiendo plenamente con casi todo tu planteamiento, la teoría cuántica de campos no resuelve el conocido como problema de la medida, que se ilustra, de una forma muy sencilla, con el experimento de la doble rendija: cuando no se mide por donde pasa, el electrón se comporta como onda, cuando se mide se comporta como corpúsculo. Es precisamente la decoherencia la que señala que el aparato de medida, al ser un objeto externo al sistema que hemos considerado y que además está formado por una enorme cantidad de partículas, rompe la coherencia del sistema, impidiendo que se produzca la interferencia y, por tanto, que veamos el electrón como onda.
    9. Enrique dice: 16 abril, 2022 a las 11:40 am Soy físico. Llevo más de 20 años intentando convencer a colegas y amigos de que la decoherencia es la interpretación correcta al problema de la medida en cuántica. La mayor objeción que he encontrado en los demás para aceptar esta idea no es su coherencia o lógica, sino que, ni en los libros de texto, ni en los de divulgación y en la mayoría de los artículos científicos, de lo que se habla es de colapso de la función de onda o en el mejor de los casos de pérdida de información de la matriz densidad (interpretación de Von Newman). He llegado a la conclusión de que, en los libros de divulgación se habla de colapso de la función de onda porque permite decir cosas «extrañas» sobre la física y eso vende. Por otra parte, los grandes libros de texto sobre cuántica se escribieron hace 40 años o más y fueron escritos por autores que habían estudiado las bases de la cuántica 40 años antes y por tanto, cuando el colapso de la función de onda era incuestionable. En mi opinión faltan de 10 a 20 años para veamos libros de divulgación que incluyan la decoherencia como solución al problema de la medida. Yo solo vi, en 1995, una pincelada sobre lo que era la decoherencia (apenas unas líneas) en el libro «El quark y el jaguar» del gran Murray Gell-Mann. Después de aquello, nada.
      • OK
    1. En un espacio cerrado, sin ventilación y sin mascarilla, una persona infectada puede contagiar a otra en 15 minutos. Persona sana Nada Tela Quirúrgica FFP2 Contagiado Nada 15 MIN 20 MIN 30 MIN 2,5 H Tela 20 MIN 27 MIN 40 MIN 3,3 H Quirúrgica 30 MIN 40 MIN 60 MIN 5 H FFP2 2,5 H 3,3 H 5 H 25 H *Todos los tiempos de contagio del gráfico están calculados en un espacio cerrado, sin ventilación y a una distancia de dos metros entre las dos personas.
      • ver tabla
    2. En un espacio cerrado, sin ventilación y sin mascarilla, una persona infectada puede contagiar a otra en 15 minutos.
      • ver tabla
    3. En los centros de trabajo la utilización del cubrebocas quedará en manos de los servicios de prevención de riesgos laborales de cada empresa.
      • ok
    1. seeingtheforest March 14, 2020 edited March 14, 2020 Is there any way to have a library full of items, collections, tags, etc... but have the linked file be online somewhere? The reason I ask is I'm putting together a library that I would like to share widely, but dont expect most people to want or be able to download all of it (will likely be 20+GB and targeted to people in the developing world). It would be great if they could just download a copy of the database, be able to browse and search it (especially using tags) and then download files as needed. I have come across the plugin for creating a website based on a Zotero library, which I suppose could be hosted and used for searching and downloading, but I really would love to have an "offline catalog" .I suppose it would be something akin to Microsoft OneDrive's functionality of Files On-Demand - you can see "shadow" versions of the files in your OneDrive folder, but have to download them in order to use them. Is there something like this that is compatible with Zotero?
      • GOOD IDEA
    2. - Devs have indicated that they're hoping to release a docker container that would make deploying Zotero server locally much easier.
      • ok
    1. “Los usuarios de Internet en última instancia, quieren llegar a los datos de forma rápida y sencilla. Ellos no se preocupan tanto de los sitios atractivos y de diseño bonito”.
      • OK
    1. // Hidden browser, which requires a browser window, needed for charset detection // (until we figure out a better way) win = await loadBrowserWindow(); fooItem = await importFileAttachment("search/foo.html"); foobarItem = await importFileAttachment("search/foobar.html"); bazItem = await importFileAttachment("search/baz.pdf"); userLibraryID = fooItem.libraryID; let group = await getGroup(); fooItemGroup = await importFileAttachment("search/foo.html", { libraryID: group.libraryID }); foobarItemGroup = await importFileAttachment("search/foobar.html", { libraryID: group.libraryID }); bazItemGroup = await importFileAttachment("search/baz.pdf", { libraryID: group.libraryID }); }); after(function* () { if (win) { win.close(); }
      • IDEA
      • abrir browser para cookie?
      • antes de importfrom url
    1. /** * @param {Object} options * @param {Integer} options.libraryID * @param {String} options.url * @param {Integer} [options.parentItemID] * @param {Integer[]} [options.collections] * @param {String} [options.title] * @param {String} [options.fileBaseName] * @param {Boolean} [options.renameIfAllowedType=false] * @param {String} [options.contentType] * @param {String} [options.referrer] * @param {CookieSandbox} [options.cookieSandbox] * @param {Object} [options.saveOptions] - Options to pass to Zotero.Item::save() * @return {Promise<Zotero.Item>} - A promise for the created attachment item */ this.importFromURL = Zotero.Promise.coroutine(function* (options) { var libraryID = options.libraryID; var url = options.url; var parentItemID = options.parentItemID; var collections = options.collections; var title = options.title; var fileBaseName = options.fileBaseName; var renameIfAllowedType = options.renameIfAllowedType; var contentType = options.contentType; var referrer = options.referrer; var cookieSandbox = options.cookieSandbox; var saveOptions = options.saveOptions; Zotero.debug('Importing attachment from URL ' + url); if (parentItemID && collections) { throw new Error("parentItemID and collections cannot both be provided"); }
      • an attachment can NOT be 1-inside a Item AND 2-outside, in a Collection.
      • its XOR
    1. dstillman October 10, 2017 Linked files have never been available in group libraries, and won't at least until there's support for a per-library base directory setting. (It's a bug that the dialog recommends that function in group libraries, but it's not a new problem — file: URIs have been rejected with that message since in January 2015. I've created an issue to remove that line in that case.) SiGi October 11, 2017 @dstillman: "Linked files have never been available in groups" is not correct. In my group lib I have added an Link to URI using the file:// protocol on Oct 2016. And it works fine for our local group. (Perhaps it was possible with the firefox-version of Zotero4.x at that time, and is now missing in the stand alone version of Zotero5). dstillman October 11, 2017 "Linked files have never been available in groups" is not correct. It is. "Attach Link to URI" creates a linked URL attachment, not a linked file attachment.The code that should block file: linked URL attachments via "Attach Link to URI" existed in in January 2015, but it's possible it was/is accidentally allowed via some other method (e.g., bibliographic file import). It's not meant to be supported, both for the same reasons that linked files aren't supported in groups and because file: URLs are much more awkward and limited than linked files.
      • SEE
    1. dstillman March 7, 2021 edited March 7, 2021 getFilePath() only returns cached paths. Use await item.getFilePathAsync() in general.
      • EXAMPLE
    1. Open prefs.js in the Zotero profile directory in a text editor and delete the lines containing extensions.lastAppBuildId and extensions.lastAppVersion. Save the file and restart Zotero. This will force Zotero to read the 'extensions' directory and install your plugin from source, after which you should see it listed in Tools → Add-ons. This is only necessary once.
    1. doesn't actually address finding the right pdf for the right item, which really is the main task here.
      • OK
    1. dstillman May 11, 2020 You can see JavaScript API, but there's not much documentation currently.Not tested, but running this from Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript will probably work:var items = await Zotero.Items.getAll(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID, true);for (let item of items) { if (!item.isRegularItem()) continue; let ids = item.getAttachments(); for (let id of ids) { let attachment = await Zotero.Items.getAsync(id); let tags = attachment.getTags(); for (let tag of tags) { item.addTag(tag.tag); } attachment.setTags([]); await item.saveTx({ skipDateModifiedUpdate: true }); await attachment.saveTx({ skipDateModifiedUpdate: true }); }}
      • EXAMPLE
    1. johnmy April 27, 2021 I tried this Zotero.Items.trashTx(id), however, after the zotero trash was empty, the attachment file still remains in the linked folder.
      • TRASH(id) instead ERASE
    1. dstillman November 30, 2017 I'm flux meaning "don't bother for a while"? I'm fine with that. Yeah, not sure when I'll get to it, but I'm planning to update some of the existing import translators to use async/await, so those should be able to serve as examples (and possibly prompt additional modernization of the translator architecture).
      • ASYNC
    1. zuphilip February 2, 2020 I already provide a MARC21XML export translator at https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/zotkat and happy to collaborate on that, if that suits your use case. For yes/no decisions I used some uncommon displayOptions.You can also use the (hidden) Zotero preferences and create some customized fields there, or it should be possible to read a JSON file which can be placed besides the translator file.It is also possible to look up data within Zotero, e.g. for author data from a authority file, and append this information to the entries. However, at some point I guess that making a Zotero cataloguing plugin would be the way to go.
      • SEE
    1. 1) Use Set Using Set(), an instance of unique values will be created, implicitly using this instance will delete the duplicates. So we can make use of this instance and from there we will have to convert that instance into a new array, and that would be it: let chars = ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'B']; let uniqueChars = [...new Set(chars)]; console.log(uniqueChars);
      • SET = unique values
    1. If you're able to load that URL but the Zotero Connector shows Zotero as unavailable, try these steps until the problem is resolved: Uninstall and reinstall the Zotero Connector. Temporarily disable any browser extensions that may block network requests, such as AdBlock, uBlock Origin, NoScript, EFF Privacy Badger, or Request Policy. If the Connector stops saying that Zotero is offline, reenable each extension one at a time and, if the problem recurs, whitelist port 23119 in the extension's settings. Temporarily disable any other installed extension. Try in another browser. Create a new profile in your original browser. If this fixes the problem, something is wrong with your original profile, and you'll need to either identify the problem or transfer your bookmarks, history and other data to the new profile.
      • PROBLEMS
    1. Always assume original resource — instructs Zotero Robust Links to ignore whether or not the URL in the URL field of an item comes from a web archive and always create a new memento from the URL — do not modify this setting unless you fully understand its implications
      • DEFAULT???
      • TEST
    1. Paste item type (‘Paste-type’): Paste the item type of the source item to the target items. This will not change item field values. However, changing the type of a Zotero item modifies the list of its valid fields. It's important to realize that data in invalid fields will be lost!
      • INDEPNEDENT FUNCTION: change itemType!
      • WARNING: could lose data
    2. Paste all item fields (‘Paste-all’): Paste all item fields from source, even if they are empty. To edit specific item fields, select a source item and use "Copy item fields". Paste to a text editor, edit the JSON text, then copy the modified text back to the clipboard. Finally, select the target items and use "Paste all item fields". The itemType name/value pair needs to be kept in the JSON text because Zutilo uses its presence to decide whether to use the paste JSON commands in the context menu; its value is irrelevant for this function. You can, e.g., clear the URL field in multiple items by pasting {"itemType": "book", "url": ""}, which will not change any item types.
      • GOOD IDEA:
      • REQUIRED; field "itemType", but doesnt replace it!
    3. Paste into empty item fields: (‘Paste-into-empty’) paste where source has value and target has none/empty. Authors from the source are merged in even if the target already has authors.
      • WARNING: exception= authors, are merged
    4. Copy child items: Copy the child items of a selected item to an internal Zutilo clipboard (not the desktop clipboard). This function is meant to be used in conjunction with the "Relocate child items" function. Relocate child items: Move all items stored in Zutilo's internal clipboard (put there by the "Copy child items" function) to the currently selected item.
      • TEST
      • IMPORTANT: IT MOVES items!
    5. Item menu functions
      • DOC MENU
    1. Copy + edit + Paste-all: Clearing certain item fields in a large number of records You are creating a public library B from a library A. In this process, you want to clear some fields from a set of items in library B. For example, you may wish to remove a set of archive locations, or extras, or similar. Create a blank item (of the same type), copy it. Edit the JSON on the clipboard to keep only fields to be cleared. Then use Paste-all to clear those fields in a number of source items.
      • GOOD IDEA
    1. retorquere commented on Sep 27, 2017 Can you walk me through what the async importers do, conceptually? I'm looking at the Zotero CSL-JSON translator as that seems the simplest translator that does async import, but I'm not fully grokking what is going on. I think that if async is set to true in the config options, item.complete will return a promise. Is that correct? Is Promise.coroutine available in the translators? Would I be mostly set by just wrapping doImport with Promise.coroutine and yielding on item.complete()?
      • SEE CSL-JSON translator
    2. dstillman commented on Jul 5, 2017 • edited Import and search translators in 5.0 should account for the possibility of an item.complete() that returns a promise. This allows for items to be saved to disk individually using the asynchronous database access in 5.0. These translators should also return a promise from doImport(). Translators can indicate that they support asynchronous saving with an "async": true property in the configOptions. For translators that haven't been updated, items will be added to a queue and saved together at the end of the import process, which for large imports can hang the UI for an extended period. The native Promise object is available in all modern browsers, but native promises aren't currently available in child sandboxes or in some older browsers (e.g., Safari under 10.8), so translators should use typeof Promise == 'undefined' to determine whether doImport can return a promise. (I don't think we can use a polyfill because setTimeout() also isn't available in the sandbox.) For now, this won't affect web translators, including web translators that call import translators. Those will still queue items and save them at the end. I'll post a PR shortly with an updated BibTeX translator as an example.
      • SEE
  8. developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
    1. Basic Examplelet myFirstPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // We call resolve(...) when what we were doing asynchronously was successful, and reject(...) when it failed. // In this example, we use setTimeout(...) to simulate async code. // In reality, you will probably be using something like XHR or an HTML5 API. setTimeout( function() { resolve("Success!") // Yay! Everything went well! }, 250) }) myFirstPromise.then((successMessage) => { // successMessage is whatever we passed in the resolve(...) function above. // It doesn't have to be a string, but if it is only a succeed message, it probably will be. console.log("Yay! " + successMessage) });
      • BASIC
    1. for (const lib of Zotero.Libraries.getAll()) { for (const item of await Zotero.Items.getAll(lib.id)) { if (!item.isRegularItem()) continue await item.loadAllData() await Zotero.BetterBibTeX.KeyManager.pin(item.id) } }
      • ALL items
    1. Rintze December 5, 2011 With regard to broken translators, do the Zotero clients phone home any details on save failures? (there is a preference checkbox "Report broken site translators" which suggests they do)I don't mind fixing up a few more translators, but it would be nice to know which translators fail most often. ajlyon December 5, 2011 It does phone home, but I'm afraid those reports are going into a black hole for now; I've noticed the requests in various logs, but I've never been notified of a failing translator by the Zotero team. It'd be great if the translator list / status page integrated explicit tests and such error reports. adamsmith December 5, 2011 there is, of course, also a good number of translators who don't trigger any errors, because they don't detect. Rintze December 5, 2011 Yes, but I would argue that non-detecting translators are less frustrating to users. dstillman December 7, 2011 Here's a start:https://repo.zotero.org/errorsThe actual error reports aren't public for privacy reasons (and we're not displaying absolute numbers), but we can provide example error strings and URLs on request. We also might be able to have this automatically display error strings that show up across many reports (e.g., "TypeError: scisig is null" for Google Scholar), since short of major site breakages it will probably be hard to debug many of these without examples.Note that the Google Scholar results are greatly skewed by Retrieve Metadata attempts, and DOI is also showing mostly "could not find DOI" errors. I'm hoping detection can be tightened on those (e.g., to remove the folder icon on a Google Scholar search with no results), which would allow this to better show actual error frequency. ajlyon December 7, 2011 I'll try to work on detection. Automatic display of common error strings would be very useful, as well as some general idea of how many errors we're talking about-- for something like ScienceDirect, are we talking about 10 errors? 100? 1000?Also, does this filter out data from clients with out-of-date translators or Zotero versions?Thanks for putting this up! It's sure to be useful in the coming weeks and years. Rintze December 7, 2011 Like ajlyon, I think some indication of the number of errors per translator would be very useful. And could the list be expanded to show more than the top 10 translators (say the top 50)?Also, would it be possible to create somewhat comprehensive reports with, say, 10 error strings and URLs for each translator to send to ajlyon, adamsmith and me, so we don't have to submit individual requests per translator? I'd hope we have established ourselves as at least somewhat trustworthy (and I assume all three of us would be more than willing to sign any privacy agreement). ajlyon December 8, 2011 Thanks for upping the number visible.What's going on with the outdated translators? There are people out there with three different ScienceDirects, two DOIs... Is that just people with updating off? Or something else? dstillman December 8, 2011 OK, updated again with absolute numbers and per-error breakdowns. Hover over each segment for error details. I don't think any page data will make it into the errors, but to be safe I'm displaying only errors coming from at least three addresses that don't include the string "http" in them—the rest get lumped together at the end in blue. If you notice anything that shouldn't be in there, let me know.We might be able to display URLs that show up across enough addresses, though there may not be enough of those. What's going on with the outdated translators? Those are all <2.1.9. Not much we can do for those folks.
      • ABOUT property "Report broken translators"
    2. adamsmith October 19, 2011 great! the spreadsheet can be edited by anyone - I don't expect vandalism (although you never know what Thompson/Reuter is up to after sunset).
      • HAHAHA!!!
    1. let items = await this.Zotero.Items.getAsync(results);The Javascript API page (https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/client_coding/javascript_api) tells me to use 'await', like in the example above. However I get a JS SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and async generators.If I look at the source code (https://github.com/zotero/zotero/blob/master/chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/data/search.js)I get the following SyntaxError: yield is a reserved identifier.What am I missing? bm_nomis December 19, 2020 I just found the answer myself. The calling function had not been defined as async.
      • IMPORTANT: await needs function defined with async
    1. adamsmith April 9, 2014 I don't think so. You're aware Zotero can do this, though?
    2. shivams April 9, 2014 Using Zotfile, whenever you rename an attachment, it is also moved by default. If the "Location of Files" in Zotfile preferences is set to "Attach stored copy of files", it will move the attachment from its original location and save it as a copy in Zotero. If the option is set to a "Custom Location", it will move the file to the given custom location. What I want is that while renaming an attachment, it should not be moved. Is their any way to do this? Is their any setting that I can change to do this?
    1. emilianoeheyns September 23, 2018 I think ZotFile does what you want. 01baftb September 24, 2018 @emilianoeheyns You're correct, I must configure the "Linked Attachments Base Directory" before zotero-link-local-files plugin can silently make imports as a "Link to file".
      • link ONLY if location inside Base dir
    2. emilianoeheyns September 23, 2018 I can't comment on what should or should not be part of baseline Zotero. I haven't worked on that plugin in a long while but I think it only links files that live in the folder selected in "Linked Attachments Base Directory". No idea how that came about, but that's how it is. I think.
      • WHAT FOR?
      • dstillman says that Zotero saves relative paths in sqllite DB if location inside Base Dir
    1. adamsmith July 30, 2013 ZotFile can convert attachments stored in Zotero to linked attachments in a target folder. It can do so in batch.That would effectively mean moving files in and out of Zotero, though, rather than just linking to existing ones.
      • OK, but ALSO moves links to external locations
      • I DONT WANT to move these
      • I WANT to move ONLY internal files
    1. dstillman June 6, 2020 It's a misunderstanding.The Linked Attachment Base Directory setting doesn't affect where files get stored — it just affects how the paths for linked files are saved in the database (absolute vs. relative). Read the documentation for an explanation.If you want to use linked files, the ZotFile plugin can help convert stored files to linked files in a location of your choosing (which you'd generally want to be the same as the Linked Attachment Base Directory so that the files could be accessible on other computers even if the path was different).
      • I have got PDFs in different locations!
      • I WANT to link to the absolute location at import
    2. but files are still imported under the data directory (storage folder)
      • ITS A BUG!
      • Zotero 6: menu Import, option Link to original location

      • Example: export with files:

      • If path is relative: creates link to original

      • Example: export without files:

      • BUT if path is absolute: copy into storage!!!
    1. In some settings, the bib file is stored in the same directory as the PDF files. Then, one ignore all the above directories and enable "use the BIB file location as primary file directory". In this case, JabRef starts searching for PDF files in the directory of the bib file. It is also possible to achieve this result by setting . as "General file directory" in the library properties.
      • general directory= .
    2. If JabRef saves an attached file and my loginname matches the name stored in the bib file, it chooses that directory. If no match is found, it uses the "General file directory" of the bib file. If that is not found, it uses the one configured at Options → Preferences → File → External file links ("Main file directory").
      • ALGORITMO directorio linked
    3. Options → Preferences → File → External file links → Main file directory
      • JABREF 5.5
      • In Options.Preferences.Linked files
    1. Adding a custom export filterThe only requirement for a valid export filter is the existence of a file with the extension .layout. To add a new custom export filter, open the dialog box Options → Manage custom exports, and click Add new.
      • JABREF-5.5
      • In Options.Preferences.Custom export formats
    1. Sharing a Bib(la)TeX LibraryWhen sharing a Bib(la)TeX library, JabRef automatically recognizes a change in the bib file on disk and notifies the user of it. This works well on network drives.Note: the use of a version control system (SVN, git, etc.) is recommended as this will allow for reverting changes.To make the sharing of a Bib(la)TeX library easier, it is recommended to set specific library properties. In the menu Library → Library properties:Select UTF-8 as encoding.Define a General file directory, which will be used to store shared PDF (and other) files.Check Refuse to save the library before external changes have been reviewed.Define a sort order (year, author, title is recommended)..Check Enable save formatters, and defines these actions, to help enforcing a consistent format for the entries.
    1. Mass downloading of articlesHowever, it is still possible to import hundreds or even thousands of entries from these databases. The process depends a bit on the specifics of each database, but in general works as follows: Search the database in your browser, export the result in one of the supported file formats and then import the file into JabRef.
      • COLLECT
    2. You may opt to download the abstracts along with the cite information for each entry, by checking the Include abstracts checkbox.
      • where is it?
    1. All fetchers are contained in the package org.jabref.logic.importer.fetcher. Here we list the trust levels of some of them:DOI: SOURCE, as the DOI is always forwarded to the correct publisher page for the paperScienceDirect: PublisherSpringer: PublisherACS: PublisherIEEE: PublisherGoogle Scholar: META_SEARCH, because it is a search engineArxiv: PREPRINT, because preprints are published thereOpenAccessDOI: META_SEARCHReasoning:A DOI uniquely identifies a paper. Per definition, a DOI leads to the right paper. Everything else is good guessing.We assume the DOI resolution surely points to the correct paper and that publisher fetches may have errors: For instance, a title of a paper may lead to different publications of it. One the conference version, the other the journal version. --> the PDF could be chosen randomlyCode was first introduced at PR#3882.
      • SEE
    1. I just found this solution by inspecting the library file and reading JabRefs documentation about using a free-form search expression. By selecting a read status, a parameter is added to your entry in the .bib file which will look like this: @InProceedings{keyword, author = {...}, title = {...}, year = {...}, readstatus = {skimmed}, } The status will be either “skimmed” or “read”. If nothing is selected, the parameter doesn’t exist. So to create a free-form search, where every unread entry is included, you have to filter entries that do NOT have the status “skimmed” AND do NOT have the status “read”: not readstatus=read and not readstatus=skimmed I hope this is useful to you
      • field = "readstatus"
    1. Manage field names and their contentModify easily the field names and the field contentsAfter selecting a set of entries, go to Edit → Manage field names and content, to set, append, rename and clear a field.​To select all the entries of the current library, pressCTRL + A.
      • OK: massive changes
    1. Types of groupsJabRef has five types of groups:Explicit selection. The group contains entries that were assigned manually. It behaves like a directory on disk, and contains only those entries that you explicitly assigned to it.Searching for a keyword. The group contain entries in which a certain field (e.g. author) contains a certain keyword (e.g. Smith). This method does not require manual assignment of entries but uses information that is already present in the database.Free search expression. Similar to Searching for a keyword, but for several keywords in several fields.Specified keywords. This feature will gather all words found in a specific field of your choice, and create a group for each word.Authors' last names. Groups can be generated for each author's last name.Cited entries. The group contains the entries cited in a LaTeX document, based on its .aux file.
      • In app: "Collect by"
    2. Hierarchical contextThe displayed entries depend on the hierarchical context of the group. When a group is selected, the displayed entries can be:independent of its supergroup and of its subgroups.a union between the entries of the group and of its subgroups.an intersection between the entries of the group and of its supergroup.Independent groupBy default, a group is independent of its position in the group's tree: When selected, the table of entries shows only the group's content (all of its entries).
    3. Groups allow structuring of bibliographic libraries in a tree-like way that is similar to organizing files on disk in directories and sub-directories. The two main differences are:While a file is always located in exactly one directory, an entry may be contained in more than one group.Groups may use certain criteria to dynamically define their content. New entries that match these criteria are automatically added to these groups. This feature is not available in common file systems, but in several Email clients (e.g. Thunderbird and Opera).
      • GROUP jabref -- similar-- COLLECTION zotero
    1. Binding to this port makes it possible for a second JabRef instance to discover that the first one is running. In this case, unless specifically instructed to run in stand-alone mode, the second JabRef instance will pass its command line options through the port to the first JabRef instance, and then immediately quit.
      • only one instance
    1. Most JabRef installations include the necessary files, so test the extension before proceeding with the following instructions. However, sometimes, a manual installation is necessary (e.g. if you use the portable version of JabRef). In this case, please take the following steps:
      • only if necessary
    1. To verify if it worked, you can open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat and select File → Document Properties → Additional Metadata → Advanced. In the tree to the right you should see an entry called "http://purl.org/net/bibteXMP". Note: this works only with Adobe Acrobat, not with Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, you can use pdfinfo instead in order to see the XMP metadata. pdfinfo is part of Xpdf tools and Poppler.
      • BAD!
    2. XMP is a standard created by Adobe Systems for storing metadata (data about data) in files. A well known example for metadata are MP3 tags, which can be used to describe artist, album and song name of a MP3 file. Adding metadata to MP3 helps other people to identify the songs correctly independent of file-name and can provide means for software (MP3 players for instance) to sort and group songs.With XMP support the JabRef team tries to bring the advantages of metadata to the world of reference managers. You can now choose to "Write XMP metadata to PDFs" in the Tools menu of JabRef, which will put all the Bib(la)TeX information into the PDFs.
    1. DocFetcher Developer: http://docfetcher.sourceforge.net/en/index.html 4  /  12 Reviews 7,144 Downloads
    1. Java: Performance and portability: One aspect some people might take issue with is that DocFetcher was written in Java, which has a reputation of being "slow". This was indeed true ten years ago, but since then Java's performance has seen much improvement, according to Wikipedia. Anyways, the great thing about being written in Java is that the very same portable
      • JAVA-slow?
      • vs PORTABLE
    2. Comparison To Other Desktop Search ApplicationsIn comparison to other desktop search applications, here's where DocFetcher stands out:Crap-free: We strive to keep DocFetcher's user interface clutter- and crap-free. No advertisement or "would you like to register...?" popups. No useless stuff is installed in your web browser, registry or anywhere else in your system.Privacy: DocFetcher does not collect your private data. Ever. Anyone in doubt about this can check the publicly accessible source code.Free forever: Since DocFetcher is Open Source, you don't have to worry about the program ever becoming obsolete and unsupported, because the source code will always be there for the taking. Speaking of support, have you gotten the news that Google Desktop, one of DocFetcher's major commercial competitors, was discontinued in 2011? Well...Cross-platform: Unlike many of its competitors, DocFetcher does not only run on Windows, but also on Linux and OS X. Thus, if you ever feel like moving away from your Windows box and on to Linux or OS X, DocFetcher will be waiting for you on the other side.Portable: One of DocFetcher's greatest strengths is its portability. Basically, with DocFetcher you can build up a complete, fully searchable document repository, and carry it around on your USB drive. More on that in the next section.Indexing only what you need: Among DocFetcher's commercial competitors, there seems to be a tendency to nudge users towards indexing the entire hard drive — perhaps in an attempt to take away as many decisions as possible from supposedly "dumb" users, or worse, in an attempt to harvest more user data. In practice though, it seems safe to assume that most people don't want to have their entire hard drive indexed: Not only is this a waste of indexing time and disk space, but it also clutters the search results with unwanted files. Hence, DocFetcher indexes only the folders you explicitly want to be indexed, and on top of that you're provided with a multitude of filtering options.
      • TEST IT
    3. DocFetcher requires that you create so-called indexes for the folders you want to search in.
      • ONLY selected folders
    4. DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. — You can think of it as Google for your local files.
      • TEST IT
    1. // Connect to (and create, if necessary) helloworld.sqlite in the Zotero directory this.DB = new Zotero.DBConnection('helloworld');   if (!this.DB.tableExists('changes')) { this.DB.query("CREATE TABLE changes (num INT)"); this.DB.query("INSERT INTO changes VALUES (0)"); }
      • IDEA: create DB sqlite with relations data
    1. You can install this plugin via the Obsidian "Third-party plugin interface." It requires Obsidian 0.9.20 or higher. Once the plugin is installed, you must provide it with a bibliography file: If you use Zotero with Better BibTeX: Select a collection in Zotero's left sidebar that you want to export. Click File -> Export library .... Select Better BibLaTeX or Better CSL JSON as the format. (We recommend using the BibLaTeX export unless you experience performance issues. The BibLaTeX format includes more information that you can reference from Obsidian, such as associated PDF attachments, but loads more slowly than the JSON export.) You can optionally choose "Keep updated" to automatically re-export the collection -- this is recommended!
      • BBT: export + keep updated
    1. https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/8014/no-doi-field-for-books/p2 Someone wanted to use DOI from the extra field for books where they provide it explicitly, I thought we did this but if not, should be easy enough...
      • ZOTERO
      • DOI for book
    1. Really need that option of a DOI field in books as it is essential to being able to properly use the Scite plug-in as well. It requires a DOI to update the citations and provide a report. Without an actual DOI field for it to read, it just won't work. I have tried adding a DIO to extra and URL and Scite just won't read it, unfortunately.
      • ZOTERO
      • DOI for Book
  9. Mar 2022
    1. Ryan Usher says: January 22, 2022 at 6:19 pm “…I don’t at all understand why Quanta chose to cover this.” This is something I find myself wondering as well, and it’s not the first time Quanta has fallen prey to this kind of hype–and I characterize it in that way to be generous to Quanta in the face of my cynicism. So I decided to waste a couple of hours to come up with the following:
      • SEE
    1. Does mdnotes work with the Zotero beta? Short answer: No. The old workarounds might have stopped working with some of the latest upstream changes
      • WHAT???
    2. others have mentioned categorization, but I found no way to do that
      • WHY?
    3. individual tagging of the annotations, I however couldn't get Zotero to show my annotations by filtering tags
      • BUG?
    4. The extracted annotations when saved as a note don't have the zotero:// link to the page. They have added something similar that works within Zotero, but that makes it useless right now if you want to export/copy-paste that note somewhere else.
      • OK
      • USELESS
    1. Features Lost And there’s unfortunately a feature lost in notes: the new note system does not allow for HTML editing, nor does it currently have the old highlighting. Looking at the comments in the Zotero forum, HTML editing is not coming back, since the notes won’t use HTML.
      • BAD!
    2. But there’s more – the pasted material has a citation at the end, allowing me an option to “Go To Page.” Clicking on that citation does what it says – it jumps to the page of the PDF. In addition, I tested this feature without a PDF open: clicking on it opens the PDF associated with the note in a new tab and jumps to the page. That’s a fantastic feature.
    3. This feature is great, and it makes me want more: could I eventually open search folders in a new tab? Group libraries? If so – managing my library will get so much easier.
      • SEE FORUM
    1. The note editor is built on ProseMirror, a powerful open-source framework for building rich-text editors (used in Zotero's sibling project, Tropy) that enables us to enhance notes with all sorts of Zotero-specific functionality. You can quickly jump back from annotations and citations in a note to the original location in the PDF or to the item in your library. You can edit a citation in a note using the same citation dialog used for the word processor plugins.
      • ZOTERO 6
      • NOTE EDITOR changed
    1. 3/8/2021: Zotero 6 will be coming out some time in 2022, and it makes some major changes. You will now be able to view and annotate PDFs inside of Zotero,and have multiple tabs of PDFs open. This is *amazing* - its more integrated than Zotfile (although Zotfile pdf annotation still has its uses) - and you can read more here and install the beta if you want to (I'm using it now). It makes one major change that will require some adjustment however - the Notes menu will look completely different, and offer some cool new functionality (i.e., embed citation in a note). However, it's going to move from its current tool menu to something different, and to do things beyond basic things like bullets or numbered lists or block quotes you will need to use a markup system called Markdown. It's actually not that complicated and some of it is built into Zotero Notes directly (i.e., control-I turns on italics) but other functionality is a bit hidden and more will take Markdown syntax. Markdown Cheatsheet example - here's another one (A side note - learning MarkDown will also open some additional opportunities to you in terms of note-taking software, etc. I'm going to be experimenting with this over the summer and will be offering workshops in late summer/early fall).  a review (not from me yet) - note, Zotfile would have solved some of his pre-Zotero problems!
      • ZOTERO 6
  10. Feb 2022
    1. I'm still confused, if Oracle knows to throw an error if the timezone falls between the daylight saving time, why wouldn't Oracle adjust the time implicitly?
      • ???
        • 1 hour
    1. I got this error message for one of these two reasons: Most likely: you are trying to convert a local time that does not exist for reasons of DST switch, e.g. '28-MAR-21 02:34' does not exist in Germany (timezone Berlin/Europe), because clocks jump from 1:59 AM to 3:00 AM during night. Solution: add one hour, UTC will then reflect the correct time.
      • ORA-01878
      • DST
    1. The problem is “one hour missing” when DST starts at 2am — the time moves forward to 3am. It won’t happen when DST ends — the time moves backward 3am to 2am.
      • ORA-01878
      • DST
    2. As you can see from the above query results, any attempts to find data between 2am~3am with timezone information will trigger the error. As a comparison, without timezone info, query between 2am~3am works.
      • but timezone info of type 'region', not 'offset'
    3. ORA-1878 During DST, Timestamp or Timezone Testing (Doc ID 417105.1)
      • HERE
      • DST
    1. @WernfriedDomscheit, the double conversion is necessary to convert from a time zone region to a time zone offset. There is more information about the difference here stackoverflow.com/tags/timezone/info. With your example the output is the same as the input is an offset and the output is the same offset. What is implicit about this answer is that it uses the sessions's timezone – Hamish Carpenter Jul 12, 2018 at 1:57 Yes, the difference between a time zone and a time zone offset is important. This does not mean, that you need to go through two type conversions to achieve the result. The important thing is, that a timestamp with time zone, which uses actual time zone (not just an offset) is actually more precise, that a timestamp with time zone, where there's just offset. You can get the offset from both, you can't get the full time zone (region) when just having the offset. – Hilarion Jan 31, 2020 at 10:51
      • my case: define variable TIME_ZONE='region/capital'
      • with it, Oracle takes into account the DST
    1. Oracle recommends that you set the default_timezone attribute to a regions name instead of absolute time zone offset, in order to ensure that daylight saving adjustments are being taken into account.
      • use region name, to detect invalid range, ora error
    1. the time changes from 01:59:59 a.m. to 3:00:00 a.m. when Daylight Saving Time goes into effect. The interval between 02:00:00 and 02:59:59 a.m. does not exist
      • DST change Values in that interval are invalid.
    1. When you return TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data, it’s returned in the current session’s time zone. The session time zone also takes effect when a TIMESTAMP value is converted to the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type.
      • time zone (SESSION)
    2. Note that the database time zone is relevant only for TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns. Also, Oracle recommends that you set the database time zone to UTC (0:00) to avoid data conversion and improve performance when data is transferred among databases.
      • oracle
      • time zone
    1. My system is using version 32, which is the default time zone file for Oracle 19c (which is what I’m using). This file is located at the following location: $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo/timezlrg_32.dat
      • file for time zones
    2. CETCentral Europe TimeCESTCentral Europe Summer Time
      • time zone
      • DST
    1. La ventaja que tenían es que, en papel, no tenían mucha competencia en España (tal vez incluso es español, no lo sé). Si nos vemos empujados al medio digital exclusivamente, entonces sí que encontramos alternativas. Quanta Magazine, de donde obtienen algunos artículos y llegan a IyC con meses de retraso (https://www.quantamagazine.org/) ya es una alternativa. Y tienen una web que es un calco de investigación y ciencia. Está en inglés pero hay todo tipo de traductores y plugins para traducir las webs.
      • QUANTA
    2. El pdf no se puede llevar a un ebook, ya lo probé y es horroroso mover imágenes de tantos megas. Además, la navegación en un epub es diferente. Consiste en pasar páginas, no en hacer scroll en la pantalla que es lo que deja el pdf al darle zoom.
      • OK
    3. Anna Ferran, Editora de Investigación y CienciaErnesto Lozano, Editor de Investigación y CienciaLaia Torres, Directora editorialPara cuestiones relacionadas con el cambio de modelo (suscripciones,adquisición de números sueltos, etc.): www.investigacionyciencia.es/faq
      • editores
      • FAQ
    4. a partir de enero de 2022 Investigación y Ciencia se publicará exclusivamente como revista digital
      • 2022: digital only
      • IyC
      • 2022: solo digital
    1. una copa diaria en el móvil y otra en tu cuenta de Google Drive. Así puedes restaurar los mensajes en el mismo móvil si borras WhatsApp (copia local) y en cualquier otro teléfono (copia en Google Drive) si cambias la aplicación de sitio
      • IMPORTANT:
      • local copy: only to restore in SAME device
      • g. drive: to change to ANOTHER device
    1. Here's a very simple solution without too much code using a very simple map of diacritics that includes some or all that map to ascii equivalents containing more than one character, i.e. Æ => AE, ffi => ffi, etc... Also included some very basic functional tests var diacriticsMap = { '\u00C0': 'A', // À => A
      • MAP of chars to change
    2. One solution that seems to be way faster by the given test : http://jsperf.com/diacritics/9 function removeDiacritics(str) { return str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]+/g, function(a){ return diacriticsMap[a] || a; }); } removeDiacritics(teste); Working example: http://jsbin.com/sovorute/1/edit Reasoning: One reason this is much faster is because we only iterate through the special characters, picked by the negated regex pattern. The fastest of the tests (String Iteration without in) iterates 1001 on the given text, which means every character. This one iterates only 35 times and outputs the same result. Keep in mind that this will only replace what is indicated in the map. Classic article on the subject: http://alistapart.com/article/accent-folding-for-auto-complete Credit: http://semplicewebsites.com/removing-accents-javascript , also provides a nice character map.
    3. With ES2015/ES6 String.prototype.normalize(), const str = "Crème Brulée" str.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") > "Creme Brulee" Two things are happening here: normalize()ing to NFD Unicode normal form decomposes combined graphemes into the combination of simple ones. The è of Crème ends up expressed as e + ̀. Using a regex character class to match the U+0300 → U+036F range, it is now trivial to globally get rid of the diacritics, which the Unicode standard conveniently groups as the Combining Diacritical Marks Unicode block. As of 2021, one can also use Unicode property escapes: str.normalize("NFD").replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "")

      This solution is the only correct solution here. This works on NodeJS 4.6, Firefox 50 and Chrome 54. – david_p Dec 9, 2016 at 13:12

    4. 6 This solution is the only correct solution here. This works on NodeJS 4.6, Firefox 50 and Chrome 54. – david_p Dec 9, 2016 at 13:12

      With ES2015/ES6 String.prototype.normalize(),

      const str = "Crème Brulée" str.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")

      "Creme Brulee" Two things are happening here:

      normalize()ing to NFD Unicode normal form decomposes combined graphemes into the combination of simple ones. The è of Crème ends up expressed as e + ̀. Using a regex character class to match the U+0300 → U+036F range, it is now trivial to globally get rid of the diacritics, which the Unicode standard conveniently groups as the Combining Diacritical Marks Unicode block. As of 2021, one can also use Unicode property escapes:

      str.normalize("NFD").replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "")

    5. 23 There's always one char that fails.. 'ąśćńżółźćę'.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") -> ascnzołzce (missing match for ł -> l). – Paweł Fus Jul 24, 2017 at 13:23 15 Correct me if I'm wrong but ł is a letter in itself, not an accented L. Therefore it should not be changed to l. – Lewis Diamond Jul 25, 2017 at 15:28 4 @PawełFus - the ł does not fall within the character class range. You can target it specifically as \u0142 ---SO---> 'ł'.replace(/\u0142/g, "l") – Chris Geirman Nov 26, 2017 at 19:18