- Jan 2022
www.jneurosci.org www.jneurosci.org
perception as Bayesian inference and learning, context sensitivity expresses as the precision weighting of prediction errors
- Dec 2021
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what’s meant by intelligence
the book is well written
Well written in a sense that it clarifies what we are talking about first. Then goes to explain the methods and practices that needs to be followed
There Is Value in Every Child, Even If He or She Is Not “Smart in SomeWay”I am willing to bet you have heard someone say, “Every student is intelligent insome way,” or ask students to identify “What kind of smart are you?” I thinkteachers say this in an effort to communicate an egalitarian attitude to students:everyone is good at something. But there are a couple of reasons to be leery ofthis attitude. First, this sort of statement rubs me the wrong way because itimplies that intelligence brings value. Every child is unique and valuable,whether or not they are intelligent or have much in the way of mental ability. Iadmit that being the father of a severely mentally retarded child probably makesme sensitive on this issue. My daughter is not intelligent in any sense of theword, but she is a joyful child who brings a lot of happiness to a lot of people
so beautiful
There Is Value in Every Child, Even If He or She Is Not “Smart in SomeWay”
human perspective <3
.To get the science whizreading for pleasure, don’t hand him a book of Emily Dickinson’s poetry; givehim the memoirs of physicist Richard Feynman. I think that’s a sensible idea, ifnot terribly startling. I also think it will only take you so far. It’s a lot like tryingto appeal to students’ individual interests, a point I took up in Chapter One
how to start reading for diff people
What was singular was their capacityfor sustained work. Great scientists are almost always workaholics. Each of usknows his or her limit; at some point we need to stop working and watch a stupidtelevision program, read People magazine, or something similar. Great scientistshave incredible persistence, and their threshold for mental exhaustion is veryhigh
so true
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measure of the probability that the pre- and post-synaptic neurons both fire spikes during a small time interva
probability is same as rate here prob that pre-syn spikes * prob that post syn spikes
- Nov 2021
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People who took their last math course more thanfifty years ago still know their algebra as well as people who took it five yearsago
this is bcoz they have done enuf of it
scoring well on a working-memorytest predicts scoring well on a reasoning test,
working memory and reasoning are co-related?
why ?
does holding more things in short term memory mean u can make links better?
or may bcoz u can't hold many things u can't reason
is reasoning linked to amount of space?
shallow knowledge and on lack of transfer
two probs of understanding
- shallow
- lack of transfer
numbered tracks on a CD
ratings from 1 to 7 of how much peoplelike Shredded Wheat,
whereas I think there is value, interest, andbeauty in learning about things that don’t have much to do with me. I’m notsaying it never makes sense to talk about things students are interested in.WhatI’m suggesting is that student interests should not be the main driving force oflesson planning. Rather, they might be used as initial points of contact that helpstudents understand the main ideas you want them to consider, rather than as thereason or motivation for them to consider these ideas
a bold statement put nicely
there is a priviledge to care and think about things that don't matter. U always don't have to relate it to utility. U can also think about it because its fun and u have the capability for it
Teachers need to be both well organized and approachable.
perfect picture to represent teachers
They are able to connect personally withstudents, and they organize the material in a way that makes it interesting andeasy to understand
good teacher must 2 qualities
- be a nice person - relate to students, understand that students are also humans.
- be organised - unorganized information is difficult to rememebr
A two-item survey would be almost as useful as a thirty-item survey,because all of the questions really boil down to two: Does the professor seemlike a nice person, and is the class well organized? (See Figure 8.) Although theydon’t realize they are doing so, students treat each of the thirty items as variantsof one of these two questions
ERP feedback form!!!!
. In one of my all-timefavorite experiments, the researchers led subjects to think of one or anothercharacteristic of words by placing them in sentences—for example, “Themoving men lugged the PIANO up the flight of stairs” or “The professionalplayed the PIANO with a lush, rich sound.”5 The subjects knew that they neededto remember only the word in capitals. Later, experimenters administered amemory test for the words, with some hints. For piano, the hint was either“something heavy” or “something that makes music.”The results showed that thesubjects’ memories were really good if the hint matched the way they hadthought about piano, but poor if it didn’t.That is, if the subjects read the movingmen version of the sentence
that's a cool experiment actually
Whatever studentsthink about is what they will remember.The cognitive principle that guides thischapter is: Memory is the residue of thought
memory is the residue of thought is the amazing way to summarise that we remember about things that we enough think about
Shallow Knowledge Is Better Than No Knowledge
basic understanding is the right word may be??
I suppose we are to take these remarks as ironic,or at least as interesting, but I for one don’t need brilliant, highly capable mindstelling me (and my children) how silly it is to know things
what is wrong here?
what great thinkers complain about is NOT acquiring necessary background knowledge, but acquiring facts without context.
Background knowledge is NOT same as facts. The way in which students are asked to acquire background knowledge is wrong. The way in which the background knowledge tested is wrong.
They tell u to acquire by storing it as a mapping. Just as asking u to remember a non-sensical syllable. But never provide the context.
The tests should also have better ways to test background knowledge
. Books, newspapers, and magazines aresingularly helpful in introducing new ideas and new vocabulary to students
can't social media sites with content based on useful information be helpful?
e.They come to school with a bigger vocabulary and more knowledge aboutthe world than underprivileged kids. And because knowing things makes iteasier to learn new things (as described in the next section), the gap betweenprivileged and underprivileged kids widens
what sort of good vocabulary and good knowledge comes from priviledged homes?
knowledge of baseball determined how much they understood of thestory.Whether they were “good readers” or “bad readers” didn’t matter nearly asmuch as what they knew.
importance of background knowledge to understand a thing
Mark would like to impress his boss. Putting these facts together would help youunderstand that Mark is afraid he’ll ruin the food the first time
i thought mark doesnt want to show his boss his cool barbeque
How can you make the problem interesting? A common strategy is to try tomake the material “relevant” to students
a problem is intersting by making it relevant
People are naturally curious, but we are not naturally good thinkers; unlessthe cognitive conditions are right, we will avoid thinking.
People are curious, but don't want to put effort
Repetition is good for learning but terrible for motivation.With toomuch repetition, motivation plummets, students stop trying, and no learningtakes place.
how research directly can't be applied into practice
arxiv.org arxiv.org
e firstevolve ΨABC using the advected real Guinzburg-Landauequation
wat is this?
ω(r) = hm∫dsdr0ds δ(r −r0(s))
how did this come?
- Oct 2021
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arbitrary sequence of exactly n
how is arbitary seq possible?
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ion and then look for a decay into a stable equilibrium point (as a hint, the equilibrium point is stable at 9 μA/cm2, but the model goes into a limit cycle when started at an initial condition equal to the equilibrium point for zero current, determined above). Thus the equilibrium point will have to be determined at each current by explicitly finding it
again same about stability
stability of the model at rest with Iext=0
how to decide stability for 4 d space?
found e leak but action potential not coming
- Sep 2021
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typical particle will have momentum of order P = (2mkBT) 1 /2
typical particle will have momentum of order 1/2 as T? How"???
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The transition of a channel between these different states is called gating
changing of conformer states => gating (allowing and blocking ions)
ACh receptor (and other ligand-gated receptors) must conduct ions through a channel
With Ach, ion channels conduct ions. But why is it selective?
they open and close in response to speci!c electrical, mechanical, or chemical signals,
) They recognize and select speci!c ions
500 volts per second
milli volts?
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Cdv/dt = current flowing accross the capactor = current extrenal + im
interspike-intervalfiring rate of the neuron
how frequently action potential occurs
the potential of the extracellularfluid outside a neuron isdefined to be 0.
V outside = 0
- Jun 2021
arxiv.org arxiv.org
adelung [2] has demonstrated that the Schrödinger equa-tion can be transformedin hydrodynamic form.
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scattering length
s-wave scattering wavelength? in QM ??
Why no potential energY???
order parameter of the condensate within a mean-field approximation
what is order parameter??
number that is zero below transition temperature and non zero above transition temperature
vortex reconnections
2 vortex stuck like a ring in a ring. form a single large ring by colliding!
ortexfilament model based on the Biot–Savart lawand one of its approximations commonly referred to as the local induction approximation
an old model
quantised vortices correspond totopological defects of the order parameter of the system where the vorticity is represented by adistribution of Dirac’sδ-function
Quantized vortices <-> are topological defects Vorticity <-> is given in terms of delta dirac function
second sound in4He,
heat propagating like sound!
Atoms in the lowest energy state have the unique property that they can behavecollectively and undergo collective oscillations allowing them to display quantum mechanicaleffects on a macroscopic scale
the "marching" that wolfgang talks about!
track the topological defects of the superfluid andreconstruct the vortex lines which correspond to zeros of thefiel
track topo defects???
pseudo-vorticityfield of the associated complex scalar order parameter ofthe superfluid
pseudo-vorticity? -complex scalar order parameter?
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circulationintegral#Cvs·dris equal either to thequantum of circulationκ=h=mor to zero,
what does this physically mean though?