7 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. What is interesting about this clip is that its author does not seem to realize that she is engaging in rhetoric as she is criticizing the term.

      So she is contradicting herself.

    2. The word “rhetoric” in this context implies a strategy to deceive or distract.

      So in this article they used the word rhetoric to distract the audience of what the actual problem is? Was rhetoric being misused?

    3. too much rhetoric and not enough substance.

      What do they mean by this? What is wrong with too much rhetoric? What do they mean by substance?

    4. Purpose of writing Intended audience, Occasion, or context in which the text will be written and read

      Never knew these were rhetorical situations.

    5. Every act of writing takes places in a specific rhetorical situation.

      So every piece of writing has a rhetorical situation.

    6. principles

      What are these principles? Do all writers follow these principles?

    7. rhetoric

      So rhetoric is the key to creating an effective argument? Are there different variations of using rhetoric. How do you do you know your argument is good enough?