281 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. Police try to stop International Women's Day protests in Pakistan. Protesters persist Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email

      Pakistan woman's day 2023

  2. Feb 2023
    1. Take Groningen. Known as the country’s “capital of the north,” Groningen is a thousand-year-old city with a thriving student population thanks to its universities.

      Groningen - Tech-startups

    1. De UvA gaat voorlopig geen nieuwe onderzoekssamenwerkingen met Shell of soortgelijke bedrijven aan.

      UvA gaat voorlopig geen nieuwe onderzoekssamenwerkingen met Shell of soorgelijke bedrijven aan.

    1. We zetten 9 subdidies van 2023 om je woning te verduurzamen op een rij.

      Triodos - 9 subsidies om woning te verduurzamen

    1. Voor een kernwapenvrije wereld, te beginnen in Europa Jet van Rijswijk -  02.02.2023

      Kernwapenvrije wereld, te beginnen in Europa

  3. Jan 2023
    1. Energy Storage Cost and Performance Database

      Energy Storage Cost and Performance Database. U.S. Department of Energy

    1. Heat pumps – those powered by electricity, as well as those using fuel – have a significant potential for reducing the specific CO2 emissions for the heat supply in multifamily buildings. This potential is connected with special demands on both sides: the domestic hot water preparation and the heat transfer system (heat sink) as well as the utilization of environmental energy at site (heat source).

      Warming multi-family houses with heat pumps

    1. We are living in a time of unprecedented danger, and the Doomsday Clock time reflects that reality. 90 seconds to midnight is the closest the Clock has ever been set to midnight, and it’s a decision our experts do not take lightly

      Press release. Doomsday clock changed to 90 seconds to mid-night. Largely due to Russia's invasion to Ukraine.

    1. In March, Fortum and Microsoft announced our joint plan for a ground-breaking data centre region in the Helsinki, Finland metro­politan area.

      Data centers and district heating - a perfect match. Clean electricity and then output for heat.

    1. Opportunities and challenges of implementing heat pumps in district heating and cooling systems

      IEA Report 2020 - Heat pumps in district heating and cooling systems

    2. Heat pumps, powered by low-emissions electricity, are the central technology in the global transition to secure and sustainable heating. The Future of Heat Pumps, a special report in the IEA’s World Energy Outlook series, provides an outlook for heat pumps, identifying key opportunities to accelerate their deployment.

      IEA Report 2022 - The Future of Heat Pumps

    1. Lowering individual carbon footprints from 16 tons to 2 tons doesn’t happen overnight!

      Interactive Carbon Footprint Calculator

    1. Euronext today announced the launch of the CAC SBT 1.5°

      Euronext launches CAC SBR 1.5 - designed to facilitate.the adoption of mainstream ESG investment tools for investors and market

    1. This report distills the potential scale of carbon dioxide removal (CDR), expected costs, risks, co-benefits, and areas of research needed for seven ocean CDR approaches

      Informed Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal

    1. The fate of Luetzerath embodies Germany's battle to ditch coal to meet its climate commitments and also keep the lights on following Russia's squeeze on gas supplies.

      Sky news on Luetzerath with strong picture

    1. Die Braunkohle unter dem Dorf Lützerath (Kreis Heinsberg) wird nicht benötigt, um die Energieversorgung in Deutschland sicherzustellen.

      Lützerath kohle nicht gebraucht

    1. Am 1. Dezember wurde im Bundestag der Deal des vorgezogenen Kohleausstiegs zwischen Robert Habeck, NRW-Ministerin Mona Neubaur und RWE-Chef Krebber angenommen(1).

      luetzerathlebt.info - aktuelle situation

    1. Wir sind die Initiative „Lützerath Lebt“ und mittlerweile seit circa zwei Jahren in Lützerath aktiv. Unser Protest vor Ort entstand als RWE im Juni 2020 die Landstraße (L277) zwischen Lützerath und Keyenberg abgerissen hat.

      Was ist Lützerath lebt?

    1. He also open-sourced his entire curriculum, templates and all. Link in first comment 👇

      Matt Mochary leader coaching. open-sourced his entire curriculum

    1. FREE Google #Courses you need to take in 2023.

      Free Google Course to take in 2023

      1. Google Analytics for Beginners
    1. The latest electricity demand, generation, capacity and CO2 data for as many countries and regions as possible, available freely and easily to help others speed up the electricity transition.

      (Global) Electricity Data Explorer

  4. Dec 2022
    1. Heat Pump Ready programme:

      There are two main types of projects:

      High density deployment: 11 projects that are focussed on high density deployment of heat pumps in local areas; Optimised solutions: 24 projects that are building new tools, technologies, processes and approaches to improve heat pump deployment.

    1. These videos explain the basics of systems thinking: https://bit.ly/3OYBq0H and mapping: https://lnkd.in/gxJa-fkN

      SI Network - basics of system thinking and mapping

    1. I am really excited about my new affiliation with Delft University of Technology Civil Engineering to support the development of a new research group on #sustainable #districtheating and #cooling.

      Delft research group on sustainable district heating and cooling

    1. We gaan in 5 stappen bepalen of je woning met de huidige radiatoren #LTready is.

      in 5 stappen bepalen

      Stap 1: Bepaal het jaarlijkse gasverbruik voor de ruimteverwarming

      Stap 2: Bepaal het gasverbruik op de ontwerpdag (-10 °C buiten daggemiddeld)

      Stap 3: Bepaal de benodigde uurpiek op de ontwerpdag

      Stap 4: Zet de maximale CV-temperatuur voor ruimteverwarming op 50 °C

      Stap 5: Zet de kamerthermostaat een paar graden hoger, zodat de verwarming minimaal 2 uur aan staat.

    1. How we think about the future shapes and guides our capacity for change and our approach to it.

      scenarios to help think about the future

    1. "#NatureBasedSolutions are a smart investment now more than ever."

      Five areas of nature-based solutions

    1. "There's so much pressure and emphasis on getting the Green Revolution happening that it's almost by any means necessary without that pause of 'well it is green, but is it as green as it should be?"

      Circular Economy for the Energy Transition

    1. Leaks show attempts to water down UN climate report, Greenpeace says Some countries tried to remove findings threatening their economic interests from an IPCC report, documents seen by Greenpeace have revealed. The report comes before a critical round of UN climate talks.

      Government lobbying (economic interests) to water down UN climate report

    1. but as described in the following section we did in some cases consider biodiversity as a safeguard for the other shifts (e.g., limiting biomass use as a method to reduce emissions).

      reduce biomass use

    1. Drax: UK power station owner cuts down primary forests in Canada

      Drax: UK power station station owner cuts down primary forests in Canada

    1. Concentrations of harmful chemicals have fallen 50% since 1980. Learn more about protecting the planet: http://ow.ly/uNfq50KZOvq

      World coming together in major global collaboration to close ozone layer.

    1. Kabinet wil warmtenetten in publieke handen brengen

      District heating in public hands

  5. Nov 2022
    1. Greenwashing or real commitment? Introducing our climate pledge rating

      Ecosia - Climate pledge rating

    1. To avoid the worst case scenario, we need to embrace the circular economy of "repair, redesign, reuse" to reach net zero.


    1. Master Shi Heng Yi – 5 hindrances to self-mastery | Shi Heng YI | TEDxVitosha 14 Mio. Aufrufe vor 2 Jahren

      Master Shi Heng Yi

  6. Oct 2022
  7. Sep 2022
  8. Aug 2022
    1. Slapend protest bij Stopera vanwege crisis Ter Apel: "Ik realiseerde me mijn privilege"

      Sleeping outdoors in front of De Stopera to demand an entry point in Amsterdam for people seeking asylum in the Netherlands.

  9. Jun 2022
  10. May 2022
    1. We have engineered our way into a way of life that fundamentally depends on the destruction of nature at scale.

      Gien Interview

    1. The IPCC’s latest report is an emergency call to act now, before it’s too late. Its conclusion, that global GHG emissions need to stop rising within the next three years to keep global temperature rise to below 1.5°C

      Carbon Trust reaction 05 April 2022

    1. When reading the new #IPCC report, keep in mind that science is cautious and this has been watered down by nations in negotiations. Many seem more focused on giving false hope to those causing the problem rather than telling the blunt truth that would give us a chance to act.

      Greta Thunberg reaction

    1. “We are at a crossroads right now. Do we continue to rely on fossil fuel corporations and petrostates who are fueling war and making record profits at the expense of working families, or do we begin a mass mobilization of our government and society to transition to a renewable energy future?”

      Cross Roads reliance on fossil fuel corporations and petrostates or mass mobilization .. to transition to a renewable energy future

    1. Why renewable energy infrastructure needs to be built for a circular economy

      Tansy Robertson-Fall, Senior Editor, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

  11. Apr 2022
    1. Need for Speed How offshore wind and renewable power-to-X can help solve Europe’s energy crisis

      Scaling-up renewables can help solve Europe's energy crisis

    1. Dockers in the Netherlands refused to load freight on Friday onto the Pride of Rotterdam ferry set for Hull, UK, in solidarity with the 800 seafarers sacked by P&O on March 17. The vessel was eventually able to leave the Europoort in Rotterdam.

      Dutch dockers refuse to load freight onto P&O’s Pride of Rotterdam in solidarity with UK’s sacked ferry workers

    1. "Dat we studenten in economische opleidingen nog altijd onderrichten in een kapitalistisch model zonder vragen te stellen bij de groei, is niet minder dan een misdaad tegen de mensheid."

      Anne Snick (systeemdenker en lid Club van Rome): 'Ons economisch model op basis van groei is disfunctioneel'