10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. personal to us or taboo in a relationship

      taboo drives things to subtext and internalization

    2. they’re fighting battles that have far more to do with the past than the present. Without even realizing it, each person may have an issue from their past that since it has yet to be resolved

      would suggest an alternate order, this should be presented after "failure to stick to the issues" better context. Unresolved issues typically come up ater other issues

    1. as a result of personality differences between two people.

      rather vague, but will interpret it as feeling of "this town ain't big enough for the two of us"

    2. conflict occurs where no conflict actually exists.

      somewhat paradoxical; resolved when you consider that conflicts sometimes occur due to perceived disagreement

    3. hen there is a communication breakdown between the sender and receiver.

      definition of psuedo conflict

    4. substantive topics of a social, political, or economic nature.

      definition of simple conflict

    1. ntra-psychic, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, intra-national, and international

      levels of conflic

    2. difference over goals objectives, or expectations

      causes of the states of opposition, disagreement, or incompatibility

    3. persons or ideas or interests.

      subjects who can engage in conflict

    4. the three states that can define conflict are opposition, incompatibility, or disagreement