4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled4
When to the station they were taken,cna they were charged of taking life,When searching Carey they found upon him,‘Mr. Sieenson’s pocket-Knife
The knife found on Carey was Stevenson's pocket knife that he had on him
And be saw blood upon their clothes;‘This then gere him strong suspicion,
With blood on both shirts and drinking gives ideas that they were the one who killed his father
‘He was by a neighbour found,‘With his sieull all smashed to peices,He did lay upon the ground5O’ then what news was for his som,‘To hear his father Was no more,: ‘To think by raffians he was murdered,& At the oge of sixty-four.|
Detailed how he was found
oallyoung menpraytakewarning,Highandlowofevery decree,Giveupdrirkingandnight-walking,Blayothoaeandshunbedcompany.Drinkhos"r,tmanyamantorain,‘Someithasevntacrossthesea,Someit.hascausedto die injail,”‘Andsomeuponthegollowstree,London PrintedandPublishedatTAYLOR'S‘SongMart,93,BrickLane,Bethnal Green,"(ienetheRailway Arch.)Haw!‘and the TradeSupplied.
The night of the murder