6 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Think carefully before you post. Anything you share online can stay there a long time, even after you delete it.

      When posting something out in the internet, you have to be careful. Anything and everything stays online even when you delete something.

    2. Social media can allow you to connect with others, both people you’ve met in person and people you meet online.

      Social media is becoming more prominent in both school and out in the world. We text our friends when were bored and we use social media to see those we haven't seen in awhile. Social Media is a great way to connect with new and old friends.

    3. The aim of Internet security is to protect all data (including personal data) from unwanted intrusion, theft, and misuse.

      Internet security is very important. But, almost all of the informative website tools that I have been given in classes, articles, and learning events has to require personal information just to access the free materials. If security is to protect our personal information, why do we have to constantly "join" or "sign up" for the digital learning sources?

    4. How can you find private browsing?

      I have never considered this. But, I feel like this needs to be spoken out more. When I use technology, I assume most websites are trusted and informative. Knowing how to find safe private browsing is smart and it will prevent future scams and problems appear in the long run.

    5. Privacy Whenever you interact with online content your activities are not entirely private. You leave a digital footprint when you access websites, search Google, or download and interact with apps. What kind of impact can this have on your life? Why should you care?

      This is extremely important for students to know. Anytime you use a computer, whether its their own, a schools, or someone else's, Their searches can be tracked through the website and its provider. It is important to know your responsibility and safety when using technology.

    1. The following form is a tool to measure how significantly the technology effects the student learning goals based on the Triple E Framework.  Please note that once you submit your results, you will be able to see your individual result totals with a breakdown of each question.

      This is really cool. I can use this in the classroom to help ensure that the student are following directions.