3 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. What does the statement about falsifying hypotheses mean in your own words? Why is falsification critical to the scientific method?

      The statement about falsifying hypotheses said that “the experiment falsified her null hypothesis and is consistent with her alternative hypothesis.” In my mind this means that the hypotheses demonstrated that the null hypothesis was proved to be incorrect while the experiment gave results that are consistent with the alternative hypothesis. The idea of falsification is so critical to the scientific method because the theory that is being tested has to be something that is actually realistic and a well educated guess. The hypothesis has to have the ability to be proved false as well as proved true.

    2. How do you interpret the term mental model and why do you think that it is important for learning?

      I interpret the term mental model just as how you imagine a given idea or concept. For example, I am very much a visual learner so mental models are very important for me being able to understand and remember information. I think that it is so important in learning in general and for me personally because it is easier to understand new knowledge if it is connected to knowledge you already have. This is very much connected to the psychological concept of schema which just means that similar information and concepts is organized together in you brain. If you recall one mental model in your schema, other mental models organized with it are also easier to be recalled due to them being connected.

    3. Examine the following statement: "Natural selection acts for the good of the species."   Discuss what you think about this statement - perhaps invoking some of the reading above.

      After reading the statement I do believe that it is pretty harsh yet it is very true. Natural selection does end up being for the good of the species even though many of those in a species may have to pass in order for the species to become better adapted. For example, if there are both light and dark colored moths on a dark tree, most likely predators are going to try to attack the light moths because they are not as well adapted to the environment and do not camouflage. This will conclude with more dark colored moths being alive and passing on these genes which will most likely be darker colored moths, further aiding their survival. This will help the species hopefully carry on longer and longer due to being better adapted to their surroundings.