- May 2024
Spirit & Reason: The Vine Deloria, Jr., Reader published in 1999
Available at the WCC library
- May 2023
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Image Request for Criminal Justice Txtb
Hi Monique - check out this annotation.
- Apr 2023
textbooks.whatcom.edu textbooks.whatcom.edu
Pictures Pictures Pictures
Hey guys - interested in using annotations to review these images?
This tool can also be used in a private group (Peer Review Group 1, Peer Review Round 2)
- Dec 2019
Further Research (in html)
- Distribute a survey to library workers to elicit criteria for OA content selection, including quality measures and financial workflow components.
- Research appropriate levels of collective action — local, state, regional, national, international? What is the tipping point between large enough to exert market force and too large to manage? What is the role of consortia in leading collective action efforts?
- Propose and test innovative staffing and workflow changes to meet the needs of an open environment.
- Research the power and agency of the library community with respect to OA content support: ○ Would community criteria, decision-making, or vetting be widely adopted? ○ How is best to consider needs in relation to the diversity of institutional participants and scale of effort? ○ How can the community leverage market power in an equitable and ethical way?
- Create generous spaces and build a common vocabulary, within the library profession and with content providers.
- Expand conversations about these topics to include other stakeholders (OA providers, consortia, agencies, societies, faculty and scholars, administrators, etc.)
- Explore the connection between OER and OA programs. Are there ways to use the momentum from OER programs to develop stronger OA content platforms or services?
- May 2019
- Sep 2018
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Additional Resources
"How to Attribute a Creative Commons licensed work" This is the best one yet on how to form 'the best' attributions.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Additional Resources
And a video! "5 Minutes on Creative Commons for Libraries" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjhmpN1NVBw
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
More information about other open movements
OER Africa is an OER organization that promotes resources and professional development and is a solid example of OER in the global south.
Free Culture Game by Molle Industria. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 A game to help understand the concept of free culture http://www.molleindustria.org/en/freeculturegame/
This should probably not be 3 different bullet points as it is all one resource. Also, quick question, how does this illustrate 'other' open movements as it seems to be about what free culture is.
The Tragedy of the Commons by Boundless & Lumen Learning
The link to this text is broken. Boundless has gone out of business. I would suggest as a replacement the Wikipedia article on this topic. It is a B-class article and is organized in a logical fashion.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
More information about limitations and exceptions to copyright
The Fair Use Index. This resource tracks judicial decisions to help better understand the types of uses courts have previously determined to be fair—or not fair. Includes a variety of courts. Fair Use is determined by the judicial branch.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Additional Resources
How are Creative Commons Licenses Designed?. From OER Africa. Great explanation from the global south. Provides basic clear understanding of the design of a license.
Additional Resources
Licensing or Copyright guidance FAQ from Open Oregon. Great DYI resource that provides practical answers to a lot of questions.
A brief history outlining open content licensing and why the licenses were eventually replaced by the more robust Creative Commons licenses
Formating, only one bullet needed.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
More information about license compatibility
Fair use and mixing "all rights reserved" with open content. Something that many content creators struggle with. Includes an example statement. http://support.skillscommons.org/faqs/q-if-proprietary-licensed-material-is-being-mixed-with-new-oer-materials-what-licenses-should-be-used/ . Also indirectly helps with understanding traditional versus creative commons (know the license of the works you are planning to remix).
More information about license compatibility
A tool to help mix licenses: http://www.web2rights.com/creativecommons/ . Helps to automate compatibility questions.
"Are Creative Commons Licenses Overly Permissive? The Case of a Predatory Publisher". This article is a bit alarmist about predatory publishers republishing (incorrectly) cc material. Important to understand real world use cases of cc and how this affects perception of the license by academics.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
The Redalyc project. From the global south, this project is a digital library of OA journals. Creative Commons 2.5.
Joseph Esposity "Libraries Face a Future of Open Access" published by [The Scholarly Kitchen](https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/) on May 23, 2018. Pull quote: "What appears to get lost in discussions of the march of cancelled contracts in Europe is that it is not just publishers that are being disrupted. This is a disruption to the entire ecosystem. When the favor comes due, we may not like the terms, but pay we will."
learn.canvas.net learn.canvas.net
This link is broken.
Suggest replace with wikipedia article for the moment.