8 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. These strategies for organizing information are so common that they are built into how we teach our children basic skills and how we function in our daily lives.

      So, we learn how to use our perception skills as early as preschool and begin to expand and strengthen our skills throughout life by experiences we face or inherited from our peers.

    2. . If you are expecting a package to be delivered, you might pick up on the slightest noise of a truck engine or someone’s footsteps approaching your front door.

      This is so true; I mean when we are wired to be alert whewn expecting something its almost hard not to be at full attention for noises or movement around us.

    3. It’s probably better to have a serious conversation with a significant other in a quiet place rather than a crowded food court. As we will learn later in the chapter titled “Public Speaking in Various Contexts”, altering the rate, volume, and pitch of your voice, known as vocal variety, can help keep your audience engaged, as can gestures and movement.

      So, this made perfect since to me. I mean when you are in an interview and you have no other noise around you to distract you, you are able to relate and relay your information back and forth easily.

    1. Think of how a radio message is sent from a person in the radio studio to you listening in your car.

      I believe that this is a major part of communication in today's society. I mean we are always driving from one place to another if it's not to work or to a friend's house, it could be on a vacation but we as people are always listening to something in the car. The news for example is always interesting and is a good way to make people aware of what could be going on around them. If not, the news it could be music that you perceive messages through with quick ad breaks in between trying to sell or promote something.

    2. If your roommate has headphones on and is engrossed in a video game, you may need to get his attention by waving your hands before you can ask him about dinner.

      This is exactly the way society has become these days. Everyone is either on a phone or some device while others are into their video games. I mean it is always a daily struggle with me and my family since I choose not to be consumed every day by a device. I have to always repeat myself to my kids or partner because they are consumed by their technology or faces so deep in their phones. It literally drives me crazy.

    3. Noise is anything that interferes with a message being sent between participants in a communication encounter. Even if a speaker sends a clear message, noise may interfere with a message being accurately received and decoded. The transmission model of communication accounts for environmental and semantic noise.

      I never really understood this aspect of communication until I read this in the text. I mean it is very important that the person who is trying to get a point across or relays a message is being heard and understood. Never really pay attention to how they might not get the message perceived due to the nature of their surroundings. I do take note of this because sometimes I have to repeat something or have someone relay a message back to me because of surrounding noises blocking what they were trying to convey.

    1. Interpersonal communication can be planned or unplanned, but since it is interactive, it is usually more structured and influenced by social expectations than intrapersonal communication.

      I feel like we plan to have conversations every day with somebody we love or even a peer, but I feel even more strongly about unplanned conversations are almost more common. For example, the cashier at the grocery store that we just have a conversation about how there day might have been, or how the weather might have been. Another example could be your neighbor outside when you arrive home from work, and you conversate about how busy your day was. In all actuality we are having Interpersonal conversations in every aspect of our lives and days.

    2. Intrapersonal communication is communication with oneself using internal vocalization or reflective thinking. Like other forms of communication, intrapersonal communication is triggered by some internal or external stimulus. We may, for example, communicate with our self about what we want to eat due to the internal stimulus of hunger, or we may react intrapersonally to an event we witness.

      I think that this is a very interesting part of the text, and never really put much thought into Intrapersonal Communication because we do it without thinking about it. I mean i actually sit here throughout my day and tell myself I need to do this, or this should be done by this date. It is just something we do every day.