- Apr 2019
opencuny.org opencuny.org
thediscoveryof thestate.
government should operate in the interests of the public, especially to serve as a mediator on matters of opposition
thevegetariansbecausetheywouldbepreventedfrombeing vegetariansif theywouldendupeating tomatoeswithpig init,
good example of Dewey's idea of what constitutes a "public", cannot have a shared interests but rather implicated into problem, sometimes due to opposing interests
Aslong asasocialgrouping successfullymanagesitsownaffairs,theseaffairsarenotreallythepublic’sbusiness.
solutions that in-groups create may not be ideal, or even ethical. They are definitely still the public's concern
itisespeciallyhardtobring mattersof foreignpolicyunderdemocraticcontrol
Democratic policy is hard to uphold with influence of foreign activities, that's a valid point
He disapproved of manufacture, of foreign commerce, anda navy, of intangible forms ofproperty.
Isolationism has been a consistent ideology of the U.S. up until the world wars. To be independent and self-sustaining is to be free of conflict in some people's opinions.
WorldWarwasasindirectasthatof theislanders,mediatedbyreportsthattookawhiletoreachthem.
Information delay does not exist anymore
This is a major problem inherent in all modern democracies, which is why we have republic in the united states, not a direct democracy. There are systems in place like the electoral college to act on behalf of the majority.
opencuny.org opencuny.org
Luck plays a significant role in business.
The implications that most often come along with success in business are that you worked hard to get where you currently are so this is a hopeful thought for those who like to think positively.
Amazon’sMechanical Turk(MTurk)11—has permitted purchasers of “human intelligence tasks”to pay al-most nothing for labor—resulting in effective compensation far lower than the U.S. minimum wage.
This is a very good and humanistic idea because it gives skilled people opportunities to earn money that they wouldn't have otherwise.
- Mar 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In the 17 years I’ve spent covering Silicon Valley, I’ve never seen anything shake the place like his victory. In the span of a few months, the Valley has been transformed from a politically disengaged company town into a center of anti-Trump resistance and fear.
The anti-immigration and populist, nationalist rhetoric is very alarming to progressive liberals, and it makes sense that Trump being elected would be a turning point that finally engages the Silicon Valley community.
used the service to turn fake stories into viral sensations, like the one about Pope Francis’ endorsing Trump (he hadn’t)
These type of news stories are a huge reason why the election was skewed in favor of trump.
CEO and founder of Wisdo, built a whole social network around that idea. Wisdo connects users with others who already have been through whatever tough life experience they’re having, whether that’s breast cancer or gender transition.
This is an interesting concept and offers an alternative to social media that favors personal achievement and portrays only one's successes. When people only show their best side at all times, it gives an awfully skewed sense of reality, especially to those that are vulnerable like children and the mentally ill.
“naturally occurring peer support”
This is definitely true, people on the internet can be nice sometimes depending on which part you're on.
therapists have found that being bombarded with reminders that you’re depressed is, well, depressing.
This is a pretty good point. It's hard to build an app for depressed people that reminds you in the same way an app for journalling or meditation might.
Rather than undoing thatreality, encryption ignites an arms race with the very thing it disputes
This is especially true for surveillance but not as much for technology platforms like google. Nevertheless, encryption will always be an arms race regardless of who’s data is being encrypted.
British National Health Service’s plan to sellpatient data to insurance companies underscored
Will this be the Cost of universal healthcare in the future?
February2014, Google’s $400 billion dollar market value had edged out Ex
Data is the new oil 😦😦
create that glue.
That which is valuable to society is, and always will be, deemed valuable by society, no other source.
that individuals cannotunderstand but to which they must submit
A real, legitimate fear that many are worried we are increasingly moving into a word like this
If we understandthese better, then perhapswe can step into the rivermore effectively and shape itto good purpose.
This is a great quote. It really epitomizes the importance of understanding the evolution of emerging technologies in order to shape them. This way, we are able to affect change and realize the future we all want to realize, not just the future of those who are most in control.
opencuny.org opencuny.org
The most effective political weapons are neg-ative messages. The most effective negativemessage is character assassination of oppo-nents' personalities. The politics of scandal, inthe US, in Europe, in Japan, in L a t in Americaetc. is the predominant form of politicalstruggle.
Extremely relevant to the most recent presidential election
A nd Ifind it in t he vigorous effort to u se medical tech-nology, induding genetic engineering, and com-puter-based medical care to e x i le death from life,to bring a substantial proportion of the popula-tion to a h i gh level of l i f e - e x p e c t a n c y, and to dif-fuse the belief that, after all, we a re e t e r n a l, atleast for some time.
This quote really speaks to the permanence of posting things on the internet. Although biological time afford us the opportunity the forgive and forget, the internet is far less forgiving, and can act like a virtual corkboard with lasting implications for decades to come.
Silicon Valley, arecent study we have j u st completed shows thai:,in the midst of a j ob creation explosion, in the lastten years, between 50 per cent at l e a st and 90 percent of n ew j o b s, most of t h em highly paid,
I am curious to know what types of part-time roles are highly paid? Potentially a consulting role at a tech company?
This is i n d e ed the general trend, exemplifiedby the rapid growth in all countries of self-employment, temporary work, and p a r t - t i m e,particularly for women.
Are women more disadvantaged by this shift from full-time jobs to a gig economy?
- Feb 2019
www.wired.com www.wired.com
Each biological neuron sprouts synaptic links to thousands of other neurons, while each Web page branches into dozens of hyperlinks. That adds up to a trillion “synapses
This “machine’ is why blockchainntech has become so relevant
2005, the average user is a bone-creaking 41 years old.
No way this is still true
open source software movement is another example
As we saw in the previous week’s content, this is a blessing and a curse
’m not sure how you’d make money out of it.”
Reminds me of people talking about blockchain use cases (outside of payments) today
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Hurley said he relies on factors including a person’s prior criminal record, the type of crime committed, ties to the community, and their history of failing to appear at court proceedings.
Using automation and these risk scoring algorithms are just lazy, when it comes down to it. There is not that much more work involved in the process of having the judge decide whether someone should be released on bond versus having an algorithm do it. Although this is not true across the board, there is far more compassion and logic involved in the process when having a human make these decisions.
Prediction Fails Differently for Black Defendants
I still don't understand what training sets are used that would lead the algorithm to this conclusion? Surely they aren't using race as the justification for black people being ranked as having higher potential for recidivism?
“it is about as bad as it could be.”
It's pretty crazy to think that the algorithm's bias will influence the judge's bias, leading him to err on the side of caution and sentence someone to jail time for petty larceny!
www.bitsbook.com www.bitsbook.com
A company providing access to information it did notcreate has greater market value than those that did the creating. In the bitsbazaar, more money is going to the brokers than to the booths.
This makes sense to me, just as you would want a wider variety of data when doing a scientific study. As a marketing division of a corporation, I would prefer to have access to all types of data than just the data from specific companies like eBay or Macy's
If you ask Digger for informationabout “java,” it realizes that you might mean the beverage, the island, or theprogramming language, and helps get the right interpretation if it guessedwrong the first time.
I thought this was interesting, a potentially good solution for oversight of search engine result, but sadly, I couldn't find this resource online.
Jen downloads a copy of every web page her spider visits—this is what itmeans to “visit” a page. Instead of rendering the page on the screen as a webbrowser would, Jen indexes it. If she wishes, she can retain the copy after shehas finished indexing it, storing it on her own disks. Such a copy is said tobe “cached,” after the French word for “hidden.”
This is what Google is doing with AMP, to allow sites to load even faster on a mobile device.
The Web is no longer a library. It is a chaotic marketplace of the billionsof ideas and facts cast up by the bits explosion. Information consumers andinformation producers constantly seek out each other and morph into eachother’s roles. In this shadowy bits bazaar, with all its whispers and its couri-ers running to and fro, search engines are brokers.
This is really similar to what Safiya discussed in her talk. Our "universal knowledge base" is ultimately guided by consumerism, not intellectualism
opencuny.org opencuny.org
Technochauvinistsliketobelievethatcomputersdoabetterjobthanpeopleatmosttasks.Becausethecomputeroperatesbasedonmathematicallogic,theythinkthatthis logic translateswelltotheofflineworld.
This is just inherently wrong. Computers do not understand the subtleties and minutiae of everyday interactions and logistical scenarios. Tacocopter is a great example of this, because any sort of courier service would be impossible to automate. Imagine having a robot or drone try to navigate it's way from Harlem to FiDi? Impossible!
drive.google.com drive.google.com
The results are enormous business oppor-tunities for entrepreneurs who take advantage of these technologies and newenterprises around the globe, and also the other side of the coin: jobs lost tooutsourcing.
As with most new technology, in addition to solving a problem, there will always be a downside and/or new problems introduced by the solution
technologically sophisticated police know that records of such queries canalso be used to solve crimes.
Unfortunately for LE, a halfway smart criminal can easily avoid being traced whilst making these queries
Face recognition and voice recognition are poised to bring us newinventions, such as telephones that know who is calling and surveillancecameras that don’t need humans to watch them.
This type of technology is very Orwellian
privacy tax
This is a very concerning fact about the evolution of personal privacy in the modern age.
multiple processor
You can get up to 24 cores now!
The rapid progress of storage engineering has meant thatdata stored on obsolete devices effectively ceases to exist
This is a highly questionable statement in my opinion. A good example of data that isn’t natively digital being transcribed into digital format is Google’s use of Captchas to transcribe individual words in books, newspapers etc. (even street signs) into a digital record. By using it as a security measure against bots, they can also use the entire internet to collectively transcribe the images of these words in the previously stated media.
identical to the origina
This is not necessarily true, there are forms of compression that exist in file sharing, in addition to the fact that most songs are mp3 files which are not lossless. Lossless music files like FLAC and WAV are typically the way a song is exported and retain far more information, as they are bigger files. These are often never shared on these file sharing sites.