3 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2020
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
Around 29,000 years ago, people began coming to the cave to etch pictures into the rock walls and to bury their dead. The images engraved on the walls of Grotte de Cussac depict bison, horses, mammoths, and people—and, inexplicably, human genitalia. It may have been Paleolithic performance art, according to one recent study: “a collective image-making performance, implying performers and an audience.” Charcoal marks associated with the engravings date to around 29,000 years ago, around the same time as the bones of at least one person buried in the cave. That makes Grotte de Cussac the only Paleolithic site with both cave art and human burials from the same time period.
History is fascinating
- Nov 2019
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