336 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. the ocean and the atmosphere

      De haakjes in de bergingsveranderingen kunnen weg in beide vergelijkingen.

    2. respectively

      In het Engels zet je ", respectively" meestal na de termen waar je naar verwijst ipv ervoor (zoals in het Nederlands).

    3. system area

      earth system

    4. is

      Kan weg.

    5. therefore

      they make

    6. to

      from ocean to

    7. system area of land

      terrestrial compartment

    8. in

      part of

    9. phase

      compartment (vraag even aan Ruud of hij dit een goede term vindt).

    10. in

      included in

    11. areas


    12. shows also

      also shows

    13. ocean

      see or ocean

    14. replenishable or

      Kan weg wat mij betreft.

    15. Percolation

      Percolatie wordt inderdaad vaker gebruikt als term voor dit proces, maar "Recharge (grondwateraanvulling)" is misschien geschikter. Even met Ruud afstemmen.

    16. With:

      Volgorde aanhouden zoals de termen in de vergelijking voorkomen.

    17. to


    18. Partial balance surface area

      Zie eerdere opmerkingen over subscripts. Overleg even met Ruud wat zijn voorkeur heeft.

    19. ,

      Komma weghalen, of ook een komma na "but" toevoegen. Zonder komma's is beter denk ik.

    20. land surface

      Zie eerdere opmerkingen over het fonttype en de lettergrootte van subscripts.

    21. into the soil

      between the soil particles

    22. evaporates also

      also occurs

    23. in the unsaturated zone

      from the rootzone

    24. stomates

      stomata (huidmondjes) in the leaves

    25. one

      Voeg "within" toe voor "one". Voeg ", often faster" toe na "days".

    26. Interception

      Opnieuw zouden deze 4 subscripts in roman font moeten. Ook zou ik consequent hoofd- of kleine letters gebruiken. Dus of "I" en "T" in kleine letters, of "s" en "o" in hoofdletters. Dat laatste is beter denk ik.

    27. soil

      land surface

    28. difference


    29. Evaporation

      Eigenlijk is dit "evaporation rate". Vraag maar aan Ruud of hij dit een goed idee vindt of niet.

    30. (2.1)

      Subscripts zoals "in" en "out" moeten in roman font ipv in italic font geschreven worden, in deze vergelijking maar ook elders in de tekst.

    31. s


    1. Evaporation has a purifying effect

      See later remark. This needs clarification.

    2. Fig. 2.3

      The numbers in mm/year do not match the numbers in the lecture slides!

    3. phases


    4. land phase


    5. time

      Plural "times".

    6. the storage elements like


    7. is


    8. captured


    9. types of storage


    10. This process has a purifying effect

      What do you mean exactly? As (pure) water evaporates, dissolved substances are left behind in the soil or in the water.

    11. distillate


    12. lawns


    13. tamped

      "compacted (verdicht)".

    14. saturation

      Add "excess" after "saturation".

    15. drainage


    16. percolation


    17. goes

      "is transported".

    18. flow

      Add comma after "flow".

    19. of

      "provided by".

    20. distillates


    1. rainfall runoff

      "rainfall-runoff process".

    2. of


    3. Limburg

      Zo te zien is dit België i.p.v. de Nederlandse provincie Limburg.

    4. was


    5. Section


    6. process of rainfall runoff

      "rainfall-runoff processes".

    7. Section


    8. make

      Remove "make", or replace by "help".

    9. be

      Remove "be".

    10. afress

      "address", "deal with"?

    11. Section


    12. of

      You mean "of" or "or"?

    13. Section


    14. Section


    15. 30 feet

      "10 meters".

    16. p

      Replace "p" by "o".

    17. Section


    18. the

      Remove "the".

    19. glacier shrinks

      "glaciers shrink".

    20. Section


    21. Section


    22. performed

      Remove "performed".

    23. REUTERS


    24. REUTERS


    25. Section 2

      "Chapter 2".

    26. Section 2

      "Chapter 2".

    27. see

      Remove "see".

    28. spoken

      Replace "spoken" by "talk".

    29. .

      Remove ".".

    1. In practice

      Move this paragraph to the end of the next paragraph, so that it precedes the paragraph about "water usage" directly.

    2. 1.1.1.

      Why number these sub-sections? I don't think these paragraphs require numbering.

    1. []

      Why square brackets before each reference?

    2. s

      Capital "S".

    3. g

      Capital "G".

    4. u.s.

      Capitals "U.S.".

    5. t

      Capital "T".

    6. w

      Capital "W".

    7. e

      Capital "E".

    8. s

      Capital "S".

    9. c

      Capital "C".

    10. a

      Capital "A".

    11. doi:

      Remove first "doi:".

    12. u

      Capital "U".

    13. i

      Capital "I".

    14. S

      Replace "S" by "A".

    15. s

      Capital "S".

    16. (n.d.)

      Add title of publication?

    17. nwdpra

      All capitals "NWDPRA".

    18. c

      Capital "C".

    19. m

      Capital "M".

    20. f

      Capital "F".

    21. w

      Capital "W".

    22. n

      Capital "N".

    23. b

      Capital "B".

    24. b

      Capital "Bowen".

    25. , doi:10.1680/imotp.1883.21797

      Remove second doi (identical to first one).

    26. , 1

      Remove ", 1".

    27. , 8

      Remove ", 8".

    28. sri lanka

      Capitals "Sri Lanka".

    29. uk

      Capitals "UK".

    30. l

      Capital "L".

    31. litfass

      All capitals "LITFASS".

    32. c

      Capital "C".

    33. n

      Capital "N".

    34. Knmi

      All capitals "KNMI".

    35. K. M.

      Try to be consistent in notation: sometimes you add a space between initials, sometimes you don't.

    36. u

      Replace "u" by "e".

    37. a

      Capital "A".

    38. b

      Capital "B".

    39. l

      Capital "L".

    40. Gaona, R., F., M.

      Replace by "Rios Gaona, M.F.".

    41. Zougmor

      Add "é".

    42. te

      Replace "te" with "T".

    1. rainfall runoff

      Add a dash between "rainfall" and "runoff" and add "relations"?

    2. stages

      What do we mean with "stages" - "phases" or "compartments"?