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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Hypertext fiction is a genre of electronic literature, characterized by the use of hypertext links that provide a new context for non-linearity in literature and reader interaction.

      I didn't imagine that hypertext could e realted to electronic literature, but I see this is a very intractive way of reading.

    1. HyperText is a way to link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will.

      Electronic link that directs us to another webpage.

    2. Hypertext is one of the key underlying concepts of the World Wide Web

      It directs us to the World Wide Web by just a click!

    1. ypertext presents a radically divergent technology, interactive and polyvocal, favoring a plurality of discourses over definitive utterance and freeing the reader from domination by the author.

      I really agree with this part where it says that it shows the diversityt technology has, it's also interactive, because in just one click, you may enter to a whole new world of information.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. is relatively a new area of investigation when we consider it within the historical context of literary works produced for the oral, written, and print mediums. But if we think of it within the framework of literature expressed in yet another medium, the digital, then it can easily be regarded as the continuation of a very long tradition, one that is exploring the affordances and constraints of this new medium much like we saw the written visual/concrete poetry in the 2nd and 3rd centuries in Alexandria and printed novels like Laurence Stern’s Tristram Shandy in 18th century did in theirs.

      I like the point of view they have as a historical evolution for electronic literature and the example they give from the printed, visual and handwritten versions, to a new computering way of creating literature.