10 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you’re old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.

      The poem is telling us in a way to take your time in life, to learn and gain from its expperences. Pay attention and love the world around you, let yourself grow, let yourself change.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. a splash quite unnoticed this was Icarus drowning

      Him drowning, him falling from sky was quite unnimportant in the overall scale of everyone elss llives. They didn't care and they didn't notice, Iccurus is just a little blop of yellow in the ocean for them, not a human that needs saving

    2. Him drowning, him falling from sky was quite unnimportant in the overall scale of everyone elss llives. They didn't care and they didn't notice, Iccurus is just a little blop of yellow in the ocean for them, not a human that needs saving.

    1. He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

      The loss of love, the lost of his life, this is what this stanza is trying to convey. Now that his love is gone he doesn't think he has anything left, he doesn't think that there is anything in the world left to live for.

    1. Forgetting the rent, the kids, the men, the other woman. The sad goodbye. The whole of children. Forgetting the lost dog, Polio. The gret planes pregnant with bombs. Fields of white headstones. All of it gone as we struggle to remember the words. One of us picking up where the others leave off. Intent on the song. Forgetting our bodies, their pitiful limbs, their heaviness. Nothing but three throats beating back the world–Laurie’s radiation treatments. The scars on Christina’s arms. Kim’s brother. Molly’s grandfather. Jane’s sister. Singing to the telephone poles skimming by. Stoplights blooming green. The road, a glassy black river edged with brilliant gilded weeds. The car an immense boat cutting the air into blue angelic plume

      They didn't care what they where singing about, they where able to forget their lives. Using this to bring eachother together, trying desperatly to remein in the moment. Yet there is still that erge the longing to remember

    1. hat passed over,     this can too.

      Chnage will happen, sorrow, greif, and dispair will all change into happiness no mater what situation you are in. This is the message the author is trying to convey when he repeates "That passed over this can too". That no matter what situation you are in change will find a way to prevail, wether it be from bad to worse, worse to happiness, or happiness to worse. You can't stop it so why not except the change and face it head on knowing brighter days are coming.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. why did you turn back, that hell should be reinhabited of myself thus swept into nothingness? why did you turn back? why did you glance back? why did you hesitate for that moment?

      she was angry at him for not only looking back but also going back to get her, she would have forgotten but he didn't let her, she would have moved on. But insteade she was forced to remember, shhe was forced to see the earth, and when she was finnaly able to step through the light and be with the flowers he turned around and she was forec back down. She lost everything again because of him.

    1. Once the world was perfect, and we were happy in that world. Then we took it for granted.

      We took the way things are in the world for granted, destrouying everything around us until ultimatly there is nothing left of what there was before.Until eventually we had pitty found the light and are now trying to grapple onto the light from the heavens buildinng ourselves back up. It is a personifaction of the greif and the suffering around us, as well as using it as a analogy for religion and how when they shared there kindness was like reaching despratly for the heavens, the future.

      1. Some notes are furious, questiong the author even while some appear to be rather skimish, not trying to dig deeper into the poem but rather take it that surface level.
      1. Some people like to take a poem head on yet from a awkward stance, while some stay back and just cheer on the others. Both need to learn how to step outside of their comfort zones.