91 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Young people producing these practices are often expressing and in some cases organizing resistance to institutions and ideologies they deem problematic, obsolete, or oppressive.

      This seems causal, although I more feel like the opposite is true, young people that express resistance engage in these practices.

    2. a form of learning that mobilizes young people's deeply felt interests and identities in the service of achieving the kind of civic voice and influence that is characteristic of participatory politics.

      wordy, but it makes sense.

    3. connections between participatory culture and politics don't necessarily form automatically and can be actively brokered by peers and adults,

      Basically this is where the adult partnership comes into play and becomes and important gatekeeper of information or motivations.

    4. participatory politics are much more equitably distributed across racial and ethnic groups than conventional measures of political engagement,

      This makes sense, even though nowadays the internets algorithms can identify what race you are, ethical software design is becoming more and more prevalent as a standard practice.

    5. indicated the opposite

      The more informed they are, usually the more it would upset them so this makes sense in a natural sort of way.

    6. cultivate skills and dispositions that do more than promote personal expression for its own sake. These same skills and dispositions are indispensible within “participatory politics”

      I like that most people would not think they were participating in politics when making a remixed meme or something of the sorts.

    7. examples of youth mobilizing their cultural contexts

      Fun examples.

    8. (Ito et al., 2009Ito, M., Baumer, S., Bittanti, M., boyd, danah, Cody, R., Herr-Stephenson, B., … Tripp, L. (2009). Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Google Scholar])

      Funny, this is the paper we read earlier this semester.

    9. mine

      Nice word choice here. It really shows the subconscious will of people who are choosing to follow because they are a member of this affinity space. They have the inherent will to stick up for one of their own and show them support.

    10. to achieve voice and influence in public spheres

      I have said many time before that the younger generation has a way if interacting with this world through digital technologies that directly allow them to influence a certain affinity space to rally support, or challenge legislation from passing. Ultimately they develop the kind of support that large corporations get by paying people off, but they do it through social media. Even today we see many young politicians taking office using social media to their advantage.

  2. Mar 2021
    1. Who’s got the best theory

      Aren't they the same?

    2. that leads to better and better designs for good learning and, in-deed, good learning of hard and challenging things

      For me, this is the only good selling point of capitalism - it does drive innovation in the process of trying to one-up the competition

    3. The key is finding ways to make hard things life enhanc-ing so that people keep going and don’t fall back on learning and thinkingonly what is simple and easy.

      Learn and grow from the challenge and obstacles presented before you rather than just doing the same things over and over.

    4. frustrating and life enhancing

      Frustrating means it was challenging. Life enhancing means he learned something.

    5. The plasma that physicists deal with is not, as he told me, aproduct from blood but a state of matter; when I asked him why he had notbrought any to the party, he explained to me that plasma is so unstable anddangerous that if he had brought any, there would have been no party.

      I just love this side conversation as both an admirer of physics and a science enthusiast.

    6. profoundly difficult

      Challenge can be what makes a video game interesting and drives people to finish the entire thing, but there is a fine balance. If a game is seen as mundane or boring, I for one am much less likely to finish the game. On the other hand, if the game is so difficult that I often find myself getting frustrated, I usually stop playing altogether as well.

    7. I, for one, know well what it is like to read the Bible differentlyas theology, as literature, and as a religious skeptic, thanks to different experi-ences and affiliations in my life thus far.

      Great example, I was actually pretty confused until I saw this.

    8. For example, it turns out that botanistsand landscape architects classify and think about trees quite differently.

      I mean I worked in burritos for 8 years and met my fiancé at such a job, so I look at tex-mex in a different way than most people. Good example to confirm the point - I think everyone has something they can relate to.

    9. ac-tive inquiry and deep conceptual understanding

      To be fair, I think a lot of students can achieve this with the current standardized curriculum. It's all about how the information is presented, in my opinion.

    10. Nonetheless, they occasion great controversy

      I think they entice conflict because of the fact that people can just realign themselves with people or "facts" which support their truths - further selling them on the falsehoods of their own lies.

    11. No—you can always align yourself with new people and new groups

      I think this is actually a problem in todays society. Humans have the natural tendency to look for people and information to support their beliefs and practices. I think this is how extremism happens and I think this is taken to a whole new level on the internet.

    12. These groups work, through their varioussocial practices, to encourage people to read and think in certain ways, andnot others, about certain sorts of texts and things.

      I think the ways that we think should always be evolving so that we as people are always growing and learning. I am a huge advocate of collective learning - we can build on what others did in the past and learn from their wisdom so that humanity isn't perpetually repeating the same things over and over without learning or moving forward.

    13. There are, of course, lots of other typesof video games

      I do think this describes the majority of them though - in a way most games have some 'story mode' aspect where they can play in a linear fashion moving through the problems of the game

    1. experiential.

      I believe this aspect of video games is why they make learning so fun and engaging.

    2. projective identities—identities that are a melding of ourselves andour game identities, possible selves that the game invites us to inha

      Fun term

    3. The disconnect between today’s modern information technologies andthe organization of schooling is striking,


    4. eep conceptual under-standings that situate facts within a framework (and serve as a basis forevaluating information), enable participation in argumentation withindifferent discourses, and support creative problem-solving

      Is this just a fancy way of saying being able to apply a concept rather than just know it.

    5. instantaneous access to information,and persistent access to distributed networks of expert

      I personally don't understand why either of these is a disruption. I think the schools should be teaching students how to use the technologies available today (the latter of the aforementioned questions regarding developing new pedagogical methods around emerging technologies).

    6. Will we continue to ban these technologies, or willwe come up with pedagogical models that leverage students’ constantconnectivity?

      I think we still see a mix of both today because behavior is an unforeseen factor here - different methods of structure /punishment work for different people.

    7. dramatically expand students’ social networks

      and in a scientific and professional way rather than being used purely for social media forums

    8. , particularlycommunication technologies,

      I think this could have been a little foreshadowing - zoom has changed the way people learn and interact in online classes and will continue to do this after the pandemic and COVID-19 as they constantly update and integrate new functionality.

    9. students divvy up homework assignments in chat-rooms, and students use the Internet to exchange info

      I think this applies in the classroom in general - the student's would do this with books in the library before the internet, how is that any different? There will always be student's who try to take the easy way out if given the oppertunity.

    10. cheat in any number of w

      There have also been lots of technologies developed to help prevent cheating, although one thing that's always worked is switching it up from semester to semester, because students will always talk from one to the next.

    11. the narrative elementsof the unit enabled teachers to create a dramatically different classroom culture, onethat was built around students performing as scientist

      Basically because you are doing a lab style activity that is more engaging and in my opinion interesting and easy to learn.

    1. Students were eager to share their personal experi-ences and perceived media design as an opportunity to develop and voice their own stories, opinions, and perspectives

      Exactly, students ere excited to learn how to use the technology given to them to engage the public and get people to fight for their cause as well.


      I think that most people nowadays search for some type of social recognition in a society so full of things trying to grab your attention. People naturally want to connect and collaborate, the saying goes, "Two heads are better than one," is it not?


      To be fair, I have to do this now and I know I am probably never going to use it again after this class.

    4. The design of PPS’s classroom environment and curriculum, particularly its emphasis on democratic participation, encouraged choice and ownership to emerge as normative elements of teaching and learning

      It basically functioned like a mini design lab, which is, in my opinion, one of the most encouraging spaces for broadening perspective and encouraging learning.

    5. state budget legislation and related political protests

      Interesting starting point.

    6. not enacted in a linear progression.

      Just like the design process, the learning process here was iterative and if more information was needed to better form an opinion or stance, then the students were encouraged to go out and find it.

    7. four interconnecting components of PPS

      These are common elements in design companies that operate exactly like this every day on an extremely functional level.

    8. present multiple perspectives surrounding the proposed plan and encourage users to reflect on their own perspective about whether the path should be developed

      Amazing - I don't think you could effectively get most kids to do something like this nowadays unless it involves technology like a cell phone

    9. In this example students designed the AR— story To Pave or Not to Pave, organized a kick– off event to officially release their design, and facilitated a research activity that assessed changes in users’ perspectives surrounding the debate.

      It's neat that they were able to see the project all the way to conclusion. I think that probably reinforced this as a positive learning experience for the kids involved

    10. eries of mobile design workshops where students individually and collaboratively designed games and stories using mobile devices

      Sounds fun!


      What is a conservancy?


      I love this idea of just learning by doing. My favorite maker moto is fail fast, fail hard.

    13. key tools

      Its interesting that to encourage engagement in learning about mobile technology, the class asks the students to get involved in their local communities and share their opinions.

  3. Feb 2021
    1. home remained an important context for design.

      Your environment directly influences your perspective.

    2. Links between the clubhouse, home, and school were present but could have been stronger.

      I don't think it's necessary to have a strong link per-say, but I think merely making a connection between the different settings can expand the way one thinks about everything, including their chosen craft.

    3. language

      He learned key terms that only producers would know by experiencing them.

    4. The clubhouse work motivated and made possible diversi fi cation of Luis’s learning opportunities.

      Having a designated stress-free/expectation free space to come in and be creative is key in my opinion.

    5. These interests were the basis of his initial inspirations, and the tools and Internet access at the clubhouse enabled Luis to explore further, learn more, and develop his ideas and talents in the area.

      Am still super jealous of Luis because he had access to more equipment than I still do as an adult, however, I think this is the conclusion that we can all recognize by looking of how we developed skills we have individually, outside of a school setting.

    6. self-critical,

      You are always your own worst critic, which also drives innovation and engagement.

    7. Idea Generation, Feedback, and Revision

      I think this can sum up the overall cadence of most design processes as well

    8. existing knowledge and interest from working with his brother,

      He initially developed the interest because of someone he was interested in and then engaged with the material because of that.

    9. The paper drawings evolved to claymation, from which Luis then developed his own style,

      Ah, the evolution of testing and iterating to improve.

    10. [the clubhouse coordinators] didn’t know either,

      I think that its always better to figure out what something does/is for because you generally come to a conclusion that is nowhere near the intended use of the product.

    11. visualization

      I would argue that the data means nothing if it can't be properly visualized - just a general comment

    12. o b s e r v ation, interviews, analysis of the artifacts learners create, and data collection through an occasional questionnaire.

      I would be interested to see how they accounted for bias in their data collection.

    13. . A life narrative approach allows us to chart a learning history in terms that go beyond metrics such as numbers of courses taken to include the meaning and attribution behind decision making and narratives of how the learning activities unfolded across time and setting

      I think this statement is so important, its drawing attention to the fact that the study takes into account non-traditional learning as well as traditional learning (school/formal learning settings).

    14. . Members of af fi nity groups come to develop practices and sets of experiences that position them to engage the world in particular ways that offer continual opportunities for learning.

      I think this can be prevalent when thinking about an otherwise awful job that you enjoyed because of the people that you worked with. You became a member of a team and when you felt socially accepted, you wanted to do your job better and were driven to learn more about why each task was done the way that it was (or maybe that's just me).

    15. increasing levels of commitment,

      Interesting thought that engaging with others increases commitment to an ideal, or rather learning an ideal.

    16. . Participatory views of learning draw attention to membership in communities of practice that are de fi ned by af fi nity groups (Gee, 2000 ) b a s e d o n i n t e r e s t - d r i v e n a c t i v i t i e s

      This is an interesting statement, isn't it ultimately saying that you would learn better if doing an activity of common interest with your friends (a group which you are a member of) rather than individually

    17. conditions and consequences of persistence of engagement in technologically mediated design activities

      This would be an interesting study to look into generally - but a specific focus on engagement seems to just be to reinforce what anyone who loves there job knows, engagement and effective learning go hand in hand.

    18. to adapt technology to advance one’s own goals

      This is with a doubt one of the most important skills you can learn - technology is fundamentally a tool even though in current times social media has changed this.

    19. concerns

      I think that the equipment described in the first section is above and beyond what is available to most kids nowadays. Some kids still don't even have access to devices considered basic and necessary, let alone tools to thrive in an educational setting such a laptop with high processing power or even a graphing calculator.

      The use of concerns here is slightly off-putting personally because I think if they were really concerned about universal technological fluency, they would start by simply providing every kid with a laptop and teaching them how to use it.

    20. a set of plastic action fi gures from the X-men comic series, a basket of play dough, and an Intel Digital Blue stop-animation camera.

      I personally love clay-mation so this description is nostalgic and honestly makes me jealous that Luis had access to such technology at a young age.

  4. Jan 2021
    1. Over the years, he refused to capitalize on the success of Chindōgu, donating proceeds from books to charity. Profit was counter to his vision.

      This man is my hero

    2. chindōgu

      This is amazing, it actually has a global history!

    3. typically not for sale

      Actual products take months, sometimes years of refining and iteration before they can be manufactured on a large scale. Because these small inventions disregard regulation and good manufacturing practices, they can pump out a lot of little prototypes in a small segment of time and with a reasonable budget. Pretty smart.

    4. mad scientist lab


    5. call to action

      I don't think this man intended for it to be this way, I think he was just trying to do what he thought was best for him at the time.

    6. Sometimes, I have to stand still while taking a photo, or the whole thing will fall apart.”

      YUP. But it's interesting to see that he monetized using social media, like so many others have nowadays.

    7. Why not just put them out there?

      If you have the ability and resources, there's no reason why not.

    8. he pivoted the company

      Way to be an innovator, he just new he wanted to provide good consumer products, and always invested in things he liked and would buy himself.

    9. ran out of his dorm room

      Pretty impressive, to be honest.

    10. whimsy

      I think this type of language further enforces that this man purely designs for the fun of it!

    11. self-described “wall of unnecessary,”

      When learning about design one of the first things people usually teach is to design with the user in mind, so it makes me think that he chooses to design with only himself in mind, even knowing that others will find the inventions pointless or unnecessary.

    12. Buckets of screws, springs, nuts, and bolts line the shipping-container-sized room. In one corner, there are 5 3D printers and a Glowforge laser cutter; in another, an assortment of spray paint cans and filaments.

      I would argue that sounds like a highly organized person. This sounds like my shop, a small space filled with lots of material and equipment - so it has to be organized, everything has a home.

    1. which is like nails-on-the-chalkboard annoying

      Read it again, because YES.

    2. Chronicle Books

      I have literally had a boss who has said the above to me when I was tasked with training the new general manager at a restaurant that I worked at.

    3. memorable performance at Katz’s Deli

      I don't know what this is referring to, but it's nice that the hyperlink was provided.

    4. They’ll say things like, ‘I agree with your point, but you shouldn’t use that tone or you’ll alienate your audience

      Basically guilt tripping you after they realize you were right all along.

    5. They use their faux worry to undermine or criticize you

      That's really the only point to mansplaining, but I would be lying if I didn't say that women have done this to me as well.

    6. hronicle Books

      Sounds like a fun book to have around

    7. tens of thousands of likes and retweets

      Because women are oppressed everywhere in subtle ways, not necessarily outright or with malicious intent, but oppressed nonetheless, so it makes for extremely relatable content.

    8. you would be so much prettier if you smiled

      This line is the worst.

    9. “The mansplainer explains things in a condescending way,” Tersigni said. “Their thoughts are always unsolicited.”Credit...

      I think she's painting a great definition of someone that is saying something that is unwanted and unwarranted.

    10. “Maybe if I take my tit out they will stop explaining my own joke back to me.”

      I love every bit of this statement and feel as if I understand its sentiment.

    11. woman surrounded by men

      I'd like to think that most women have felt this way at some moment in their life, but I think this feeling is most present in male dominated fields of work.

    12. scroll through Twitter and zone out for a little bit

      This may not have anything to do with the topic of mansplaining, but I find it interesting that the author starts out by bringing attention to the fact so many extreme stories "start" on twitter and then continues to comment that she scrolls through twitter to "zone out" or turn her brain off. I believe this is a funny juxtaposition common among anyone with a social media account nowadays.