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  1. Oct 2024
  2. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Starting in kindergarten, schools rarely reward poor students for the quali-ties they bring to their schools: their perseverance, compassion, flexibility, patience, and creativity, just to name a few.

      I absolutley agree with this. Everyone has a different schedule at home and it is important to help them with their academic goals by adjusting to their schedule. The blatant school schedule that everyone abides to cannot fully help every single student equally. Their futures can be highly affected by just this simple fix. There needs to be a stronger relations with students and their teachers.

    2. But because I did not understand the hidden curricu-lum, I did what many young people do when they feel disconnected from their teachers: I became disengaged from the learning process.

      I feel like the hidden cirriculum is something that is just in general hard to relate to when the teachers are not inbursed in what some of these students go through. When it comes to solutions from this I believe that it is important to have people that the students to relate to. As the book states there could be a lot of people that can benefit from induvidual mentorship as this can help personalize education to help with maximizing results.

  3. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Algebra l rarely succeeded in Honors Geometry, and he discouragcJ her from enrolling in the course

      When I was a studnet I also had to switch into the honors cirruculum and I always felt behind becasue I wasnt part of the previous honors classes group of studnets. It is very tough to make this transtion and the ability to succeed is much harder.

    2. students who typ-ically lack information and insight regarding how course selection will affect the opportunities available to them after gradu::ition

      I absolutley agree with this as I observed this in highschool. It seemed that everyone that were taking the more academically rigourous classes would seem more inclined to be thinking about college. It seems like people who are maximizing their present schedule are trying to help with their future. There seems to be a need as stated here of people that are encoruaging students to maximize a scheule that is able to help challenge their minds.

  4. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Moreover, as states have raised academic standards-a topic we address in the next chapter-the differential impact of income on family life may mean more than it did in the pas

      I feel like the raising academic standards will be really bad to the low income families that have significant issues today. They are always going to be further and further away from the standard that seems to be rising. In my life I always observed how people that had less favorable financial circumstances go into a whole different life and this might be highly emphasized in the future. I wonder what is going to happen in the next 50 years as this issue marches on.

    2. The circumstances in which Anthony and Harold grew up, shaped in large part by their families' lower incomes, have left a mark. While some chil-dren have always enjoyed greater benefits and advantages than others, the income gap has widened dramatically over the past four decades

      I have always beleived that a lack of income can lead to educational deficits but I was unaware taht the income gap has widened. I thought by now there would be more solutions to helping with wages and economics to the point where the wage gap could be closer together but it seems like there will be more issues for low income families. The issue might be even more complex and there might be middle income problems that share commonaliteis between high and low income families.

    3. This suggests that the strain of low income takes a toll on maternal mental health.

      I wonder if being higher income has a significant effect on mental health too as the diagram above mentions how both incomed families seem to suffer similarly. It makes a lot of sense to me that low income families are denied acess to certain aspects of the world that might make them happier but what to higher income families have denied access too? It goes without saying to never judge a book by its cover as everyone can be experiencing some loss of something that someone else might have.IT is important to never judge a book by its cover.

    4. increasing access to parks, playgrounds, better schools, and health care

      When it comes to low income families I always thought that a lack of food had little correlation with school engagement since they are two different things. But after reading this I realize that even the basic neccesisties in life can have a huge impact on academic performance. When we attribute low academic performance due to simple acts such as a lack of work ethic we should keep in mind all of the events any student is going through. They might be going through something we cant even begin to understand.

    5. Note: A positive gap shown above th b · d" • t • . ' . e ar, in icates that richer students scored higher than poorer s u dents on this measur

      I really found the reading achievment and school engagement to be not surprising when it comes to low and high income children but what really caught my eye was the antisocial behavior. I believe that families that are low income tend to focus more on "surviving" over straight up living. This might be a cause as to why they interact with people less. It also caught my eye that the mental health was relativley the same implying that it doesnt matter how much money you have mental health can be equal in both parties.

    6. I find it really interesting that someones backround seems to predict the career sucess of a person. It is not all about someones ambitions or goals in life but also their circumstances. Alexander and Anthony could have both wanted to go through the same jobs and stuff but had different trajectories implanted in them. I also believe in my life that I had goals that were tucked away due to financial circumstances that my family has faced.