38 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2017
    1. Introduce your evidence either in a few words(As Dr. Brown states ―...‖) or in a full sentence(―To understand this issue we firstneed to look at statistics). oState Evidence:What su

      The way you introduce evidence is important to make the wording flow correctly

    2. Lays the foundation for proving your argument.

      This is important to know because the background paragraphs can lay the foundation for proving the argument. This is really necessary to include because it will help backup your position

    1. ach body paragraphwill begin with a topic sentence which introduces its topic.

      This is something to remember because it will help readers understand the main idea of each paragraph a lot easier

    2. Your introduction should end with a clear, specific thesis statement, which will tell readers exactly what your paper will be arguing. Each body paragraphwill directly and obviouslysupport your thesis

      This is very important because each body paragraph should directly relate to the thesis you state in your intro. This will make your main idea easier to understand and help the essay flow.

    1. This is the heart of your essay. Generally, you begin with a general statement that you back up with specific details or examples. Depending on how long your argument is, you will need to devote one to two well-developed paragraphs to each reason/claim or type of evidence.

      I think this is one of the most important parts because you need to back up your claims with good evidence in order for it to be reliable

    1. nestimable impact on our lives now and for all the exciting ways it will continue to evolve in the future.

      The word inestimable really describes the way the web had impacted our lives perfectly because no one could have predicted the impact it has had on our lives

    2. “With the Web we are trying to encapsulate all that civilization needs.  As needs and opportunities arise and new technologies facilitate addressing those needs

      I wonder what needs the person is talking about, but the internet has definitely provided many opportunities

    3. pening it for contribution from all. Because so many around the globe have taken him up on his offer and have helped to develop the Web, to create and share content as well as to build standards to keep it interoperable and innovative,

      It's interesting how even from the start people from all over the world knew what it was capable of and wanted to help develop it

    1. From 3D-printed cars to kidneys, to symphonic musical instruments, to high-tech high-end bikinis.

      In the future we may be able to use this type of printing to create organs, manufacture different products and more.

    2. D printing is a whole collection of different manufacturing techniques. What they have in common is that instead of starting with a block of material and then cutting away, it's a process that builds from the ground up. And that can be done in a number of ways, from having melted plastic extruded from a tiny nozzle, to a bed of metal powder that you shoot a high powered laser at to melt the tiny grains of metal together. 

      3D printing is a technology that has had a huge impact on the world and will continue to have a greater impact as it develops and becomes more accessible.

    3. but few could have predicted the impact those technologies would have when they first arrived. 

      This is very true because the internet would have never been predicted to be this big and cause so many changes when it first started

  2. Mar 2017
    1. ildr

      Criminal activity is one of the things over the internet that couldn't be done back then. people are able to take identities, credit cards, and personal information

    2. Cyber bullying is another p

      Cyber bullying has become more and more of an issue these days. And it is mostly kids or teens who face it. People feel more able to say things behind a screen than in real life, so it tends to be more viscous and hatred then real life bullying

    3. While social networks were limited to family, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues who lived and worked close, a new world of online possibilities was born with the progress of the internet. “It has widened our social networks that we are now able to form online relationships with people whom we do not know and would never otherwise have met,”

      This is a major change from a couple of years ago. people form friendships and relationships online, this is a good ad bad thing. Its great because people can meet people they would have never would of otherwise, but irl human interaction is healthy and online relationships can lack that

    4. ust like every other technological advancement, the internet’s progress has given each person the ability and power to manage all areas of their life from a screen- be it finances, work, social life, and personal interests.

      This is a positive take on the internet, that advancements help people be more organized and manage areas of their life online.

    1. "People seem like they just want to do things so they can take pictures with their phones and post to social media. [They] just want to show off to their friends and have everyone look at them and be jealous." - drsquires

      This must be very discouraging to people, that others only want to do fun things to show off for others and not just do it to do it

    2. Eating with friends and family and not having everyone glued to their smart devices." Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock"...checking up on the latest post that their friend made on Facebook when they're sitting exactly four feet away." - adamrocks84 var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Eating with friends and family and not having everyone glued to their smart devices.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#eating-with-friends-and-family-and-not-having-everyone-glued-to-their-smart-devices-8"; curSlideObj.anchor = "eating-with-friends-and-family-and-not-having-everyone-glued-to-their-smart-devices-8"; curSlideObj.index = 7; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#eating-with-friends-and-family-and-not-having-everyone-glued-to-their-smart-devices-8";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads ="\n\t<div data-bi-ad data-ad-container class=\"ad dfp\" data-adunit=\"desktop\/tech\/sai\/slideshow\" data-authors=\"megan-willett\" data-pagetype=\"slideshow\" data-refresh-frequency=\"4\" data-region=\"Slideshow One Page Ad Desktop\" data-responsive=\"null\" data-sizes=\"970x250,728x90,600x200,600x480,300x250\" data-tag=\"features,reddit,internet,digital-culture,tech-insider\" data-url=\"\/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12\/\" data-views=\"10001-500000\">\n\t<\/div>\n\n\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t(function() {\n\t\t\t'use strict';\n\t\t\t\/\/ Notify the DFP code that a new ad has just been rendered\n\t\t\tamplify.publish('adRender');\n\t\t}());\n\t<\/script>\n"; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "A certain amount of ignorance." Flickr"Sure, [the internet has] made me more educated about several topics but, in many ways, I feel like I know too much because everything gets posted now." - GirlDontThrowawayMad var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;A certain amount of ignorance.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#a-certain-amount-of-ignorance-9"; curSlideObj.anchor = "a-certain-amount-of-ignorance-9"; curSlideObj.index = 8; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#a-certain-amount-of-ignorance-9";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Everything not being spoiled immediately." Paul Szoldra/Tech Insider- Zandyne var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Everything not being spoiled immediately.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#everything-not-being-spoiled-immediately-10"; curSlideObj.anchor = "everything-not-being-spoiled-immediately-10"; curSlideObj.index = 9; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#everything-not-being-spoiled-immediately-10";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Being able to have debates/discussions without being sh---y to one another." LaVladina/Flickr"Anonymity is a sure-fire way to make anyone act like a childish a--hole in a reasonable discussion." - VheloGrace var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Being able to have debates/discussions without being sh---y to one another.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#being-able-to-have-debatesdiscussions-without-being-sh-y-to-one-another-11"; curSlideObj.anchor = "being-able-to-have-debatesdiscussions-without-being-sh-y-to-one-another-11"; curSlideObj.index = 10; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#being-able-to-have-debatesdiscussions-without-being-sh-y-to-one-another-11";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Enjoying the moment or wanting to do something because it's fun." Flickr / JasonParis"People seem like they just want to do things so they can take pictures with their phones and post to social media. [They] just want to show off to their friends and have everyone look at them and be jealous." - drsquires var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Enjoying the moment or wanting to do something because it's fun.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#enjoying-the-moment-or-wanting-to-do-something-because-its-fun-12"; curSlideObj.anchor = "enjoying-the-moment-or-wanting-to-do-something-because-its-fun-12"; curSlideObj.index = 11; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#enjoying-the-moment-or-wanting-to-do-something-because-its-fun-12";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads ="\n\t<div data-bi-ad data-ad-container class=\"ad dfp\" data-adunit=\"desktop\/tech\/sai\/slideshow\" data-authors=\"megan-willett\" data-pagetype=\"slideshow\" data-refresh-frequency=\"4\" data-region=\"Slideshow One Page Ad Desktop\" data-responsive=\"null\" data-sizes=\"970x250,728x90,600x200,600x480,300x250\" data-tag=\"features,reddit,internet,digital-culture,tech-insider\" data-url=\"\/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12\/\" data-views=\"10001-500000\">\n\t<\/div>\n\n\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t(function() {\n\t\t\t'use strict';\n\t\t\t\/\/ Notify the DFP code that a new ad has just been rendered\n\t\t\tamplify.publish('adRender');\n\t\t}());\n\t<\/script>\n"; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Mix tapes." ramsey everydaypants/Flickr "Like the cassettes. I would sit [for] hours in front of the radio, wait[ing] for just the right song to come on and then [I would] hit record." - rubaduck   var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Mix tapes.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#mix-tapes-13"; curSlideObj.anchor = "mix-tapes-13"; curSlideObj.index = 12; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#mix-tapes-13";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "My work ethic." Adikos/Flickr"90% of my internet use at work is not business related, and those hours cannot be made up. I am not as productive as I once was, and I'm lucky I own the place. Otherwise I'd fire [myself]." - Scrappy_Laue var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;My work ethic.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#my-work-ethic-14"; curSlideObj.anchor = "my-work-ethic-14"; curSlideObj.index = 13; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#my-work-ethic-14";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Kids playing outside a lot more." Shutterstock"Neighborhoods are ghost towns now.” - El_Frijol var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Kids playing outside a lot more.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#kids-playing-outside-a-lot-more-15"; curSlideObj.anchor = "kids-playing-outside-a-lot-more-15"; curSlideObj.index = 14; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#kids-playing-outside-a-lot-more-15";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "I miss my attention span." Reuters/Phil Noble- addywoot var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;I miss my attention span.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#i-miss-my-attention-span-16"; curSlideObj.anchor = "i-miss-my-attention-span-16"; curSlideObj.index = 15; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#i-miss-my-attention-span-16";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads ="\n\t<div data-bi-ad data-ad-container class=\"ad dfp\" data-adunit=\"desktop\/tech\/sai\/slideshow\" data-authors=\"megan-willett\" data-pagetype=\"slideshow\" data-refresh-frequency=\"4\" data-region=\"Slideshow One Page Ad Desktop\" data-responsive=\"null\" data-sizes=\"970x250,728x90,600x200,600x480,300x250\" data-tag=\"features,reddit,internet,digital-culture,tech-insider\" data-url=\"\/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12\/\" data-views=\"10001-500000\">\n\t<\/div>\n\n\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t(function() {\n\t\t\t'use strict';\n\t\t\t\/\/ Notify the DFP code that a new ad has just been rendered\n\t\t\tamplify.publish('adRender');\n\t\t}());\n\t<\/script>\n"; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Serendipity." flequi/Flickr"Running into friends you hadn't seen in a long time, and having a great time without planning it all out. Flipping through the channels one by one, and something catches your attention that you would never watch using a guide." - Piktoggle var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Serendipity.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#serendipity-17"; curSlideObj.anchor = "serendipity-17"; curSlideObj.index = 16; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#serendipity-17";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Writing." Flickr/daniel sandoval"I used to write when I was bored. Now it's a lot harder to be bored, so I have to actively choose to sit down and write, which means that I write less and there's less variety in topic/format." - laidymondegreen var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Writing.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#writing-18"; curSlideObj.anchor = "writing-18"; curSlideObj.index = 17; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#writing-18";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Privacy!" Shutterstock"Have you ever googled your full name and city/state/location? It's insane how much personal information you can find about yourself online if you know how to search for it." - Whatsamattahere var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Privacy!&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#privacy-19"; curSlideObj.anchor = "privacy-19"; curSlideObj.index = 18; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#privacy-19";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "My innocence." Shutterstock- ParkourPants var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;My innocence.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#my-innocence-20"; curSlideObj.anchor = "my-innocence-20"; curSlideObj.index = 19; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#my-innocence-20";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); SEE ALSO: Russia is threatening to ban Reddit More: Features Reddit Internet Digital Culture Tech Insider facebook linkedin twitter email print window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({mode:'thumbs-1r', container:'taboola-below-main-column', placement:'below-main-column'}); ×     by Taboola by Taboola Sponsored Links Sponsored Links Promoted Links Promoted Links Recommended from the WebEverQuote Insurance QuotesSan Jose, California: This Brilliant Company Is Disrupting a $1…EverQuote Insurance QuotesUndoHome ChefSan Jose: This Meal Service is Cheaper Than Your Local StoreHome ChefUndoFree Solar EnergyThere Is a No Cost Solar Program in California? 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      This would be a good thing to talk about in the interview, this seems to be a major difference. It isn't so much a problem in many situations but when trying to have a family event it can prevent people from connecting in real life.

    3. I miss not knowing the political and religious opinions of most people I am acquainted with."

      This is definitely a big thing nowadays. People will share there unwanted opinions and try to push it on others. It puts a strain on relationships between people who have different views which wouldn't have been brought up in regular conversation.

    4. Nowadays, you see [friends] going places and having fun — all publicly shown to the world — and you're just thinking damn, I wish I was out having fun and there's that horrible empty feeling inside of you.

      This would definitely be something that wouldn't happen when there was no internet and people wouldn't gte their feelings hurt as much seeing other people go out without them. These specific questions would be good to ask in the interview to get more detailed answers.

    1. Well, you’re probably right, Jenn. I never professed to be right about everything. The important thing in our relationship is that you have your own beliefs and that I respect you for your beliefs. You were raised to be a sensitive, caring person and that’s exactly who you are.

      This an effective listening strategy because the Dad was able to listen to what she had to say and respond with what he felt in a way that she could understand. He was able to give information that was relevant to the interview based on her questions.

    2. I’m really surprised to hear you say that. I had no idea that you were genuinely interested in what I had to say.

      This is a good listening strategy because she listened to what he had to say and it helped her understand his perception of their conversations.

    1. You’ve told a lot about West Point. But you’ve never told me anything about Viet

      This is a good interviewing strategy. It was an indirect question about his experience in Vietnam which can come off less harsh or straight forward.

    2. You were there during the worst of it, and yet you came home, at least to my way of thinking, perfectly normal.

      This response from BL shows how she listened to what he had to say, without interrupting and responded with her own experience of how he acted.

    1. there are more general characteristics about some individuals or their environment that make them more or less inclined towards conspiratorial thinking.

      So some characteristics make people more inclined to believe things then others? I think that this is true but I'm wondering how characteristics influence common sense or reason which is something anyone can have

    2. Among other things, studies find that people are more likely to endorse conspiracy theories if they feel alienated, powerless and disadvantaged, and if they are distrustful of others.

      I agree with this because I feel like if people have no power over something and they feel like whatever is happening is disadvantaging them they will be inclined to believe a conspiracy theory then someone who isn't effected.

    3. Conspiracy theories, which typically involve one or more powerful agents secretly manipulating world events, are accepted by a large proportion of Americans.

      I think the reason this is, is because it can be telling people exactly what they want to hear and they want whatever it is to be true. It is manipulative and deceiving but also can be the truth in some cases.

    4. Jones' influence can be seen in other ways as well. Trump has claimed 3 million people voted in the presidential election illegally — another theory that would require a wide-ranging conspiracy of public officials from both parties, for which there is no proof.

      Trump only is praising him for his amazing reputation so that he doesn't bash him. It is so shocking how far people will go in order to get what they want.

    5. He has been a chief propagator of untrue and wild claims about a satanic sex trafficking ring run by one of Hillary Clinton's top advisers out of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C.

      This is the first indicator that you cannot trust the person because they made such a wild claim and it was false. It sounds like fiction and is only being put out to get a rise out of people.

    6. ones has claimed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were an inside job, that the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax, and that President Obama would round up people into concentration camps.

      It is so crazy the lengths some people will go for attention. I think one big clue to disinformation is if someone is blatantly ridiculous with their claims or gong against a very serious and huge event.

  3. Feb 2017
    1. she figured out his correspondences contained coded messages and she coordinated with the CIA to continue their communications while her husband was held captive.

      This is so interesting how his wife was able to save him just through secret messages in his letters. Without that he might have died there.

    2. Stockdale, who was forced to wear leg irons for two years while held captive, at one point slashed his own face with a razor to keep from being put on camera,

      This shows the lengths that he went during his time a s a prisoner and shows people more of what it was like to be in his shoes.

    1. “when you get married, it’s kind of like the two of you are one. You think the same.” And on life in general, advising her to “keep it so the days don’t just go by and that’s all there is, a boring old day…let life roll on…it goes fast.”

      This shows how her grandpa had a much more clear view of what life was like then his granddaughter and said that life just fast so you have to roll with it.

    2. she described as unaccustomed to opening up about his life to briefly discuss his difficult upbringing

      This shows how interviewing someone can really open them up and bring family closer together. The granddaughter says that her grandpa wasn't accustomed to opening up but he was able to share his story in the interview.

  4. Jan 2017
    1. There are sometimes good reasons to use the passive voice

      Using an active voice is the most convenient but sometimes there are times when the passive voice is preferred like emphasizing the action not actor.

    1. The old/new contract is a method that prevents gaps or confusion in your writing by linking your essay’s older information—something that has been mentioned before in your essay—before presenting new information.

      This contract seems to be very helpful in making sure you don't leave out important details and so that new information can be understood properly.

  5. Dec 2016
    1. “The intimacy of the language thrills me.

      Does the author mean that language is such a close thing to us because we use it all the time? Maybe it means that language is so familiar yet there is so much we don't understand. Also that it can convey so much with so little

    2. “It’s about a tiny wee thing that’s so small and so alive – and so subversive.

      The poem is especially original because it is about such a small undermined thing and that's not the most common because it may be less interesting but the author made it interesting which was one of the reasons why it was so great.

    3. “The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men/Gang aft agley,’ seems a cliche but later on, as you go through hard things yourself, you realise the deep truth of it again.

      The poem might seem cliche to younger people but as they go through experiences similar to what its portraying they see that's it not cliche its just simply truth and reality