17 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. The disagreement points, perhaps, to a deeper confusion about what it means to possess human-level intelligence: even as computer programs achieve milestones that used to be considered essential tests of human intelligence (playing chess, conversing with a human being), more milestones appear to be added (such as recognizing objects, using natural language, or understanding a scene).

      Opinion depends on one's definition of "intelligence"

    2. There are several possible paths to the singularity, including the creation of intelligent machines (which may enable humans to create superintelligent machines, or may enable machines to redesign their own programming to enhance their intelligence, in what is sometimes known as an "intelligence explosion"); whole brain emulation (also known as "mind uploading"); enhancement of humans' own biological intelligence (through genetic engineering, for example); and the development of more sophisticated brain-computer interfaces.

      This suggests that the singularity is inevitable. It makes sense to me that there would have to be a limit to a program's abilities.

    3. It is not sufficient, then, to consider a machine as an AGI if it can beat a world champion at chess, but that same machine cannot hold a simple conversation or tie its shoelaces.

      Being programmed to do one task really well is not true "intelligence". Humans (for now) remain to be more intelligent because of the variety of applications we can transfer our experience and intelligence to.

    1. To date, money has been the biggest obstacle to manned moon missions. McKay says that working with private companies, utilizing innovations such as 3-D printing, and taking advantage of off-the-shelf electronics could make a moon base affordable. "It's not that much harder than supplying and operating the space station," he says.

      Companies like SpaceX are making space flight more affordable, meaning multiple moon landings could be in store for the future. In this case, a base on the Moon would be necessary.

    1. "Why do we need self-driving cars or robots?" you'll hear many say.

      It is just the natural progression of advancement. We have made countless innovations to reach this stage, and they will continue.

    1. lawyers, professors

      For these jobs require creative thought for success, something which AI is a long way from.

    2. it has increased employment through spillover effects: more productive workers can afford to buy more goods and services, which supplies more jobs to those providing them

      AI in business creates more jobs than it takes

    3. On congested urban streets and narrow rural lanes, driverless cars are a distant if not impossible dream.

      It's getting better though. It will progress synchronous with AI development.

    4. symbiotic partners

      Symbiotic partners are two organisms that both benefit from each others' interaction. I guess A.I becomes smarter and humans can use this intelligence to further theirs, creating a continuous cycle.

    1. To fund this, tax rates will have to be high. The government will not only have to subsidize most people's lives and work; it will also have to compensate for the loss of individual tax revenue previously collected from employed individuals.

      Does it present more problems than solutions?

    2. The solution to the problem of mass unemployment, I suspect, will involve ''service jobs of love.''

      Right now, there is a shortage of labor. There is no reason for A.I. to take over these low-paying jobs, it would only make matters worse.

    3. This transformation will result in enormous profits for the companies that develop A.I., as well as for the companies that adopt it

      This could in turn create new jobs. Not equal to the amount of jobs being less, but still.

    4. Bank tellers, customer service representatives, telemarketers, stock and bond traders, even paralegals and radiologists

      It is usually thought that AI will only replace manufacturing jobs (usually low pay). That is not the case.

    1. What Naumov points out, however, is that while AI may not, in fact, replace the human interaction, it could, in fact, go hand in hand to offer a better customer experience when used as the incredible tool it was intended to be.
    2. Naumov knows that AI is here to stay and that what we are seeing is just the beginning.

      Smart speakers and the like are making their ways into homes, becoming more capable.

    3. Ginni Rometty, the CEO of IBM came up with the concept that if you reverse the letters AI to IA, you go from Artificial Intelligence to Intelligent Assistant

      AI is made to assist its users, that's all.

    4. DigitalGenius is a leader in the “Human plus AI” movement, the concept that AI is best used when teamed up with people.

      Restricts the ability for AI to "take over"