4 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. there’s so much drama with Romeo’s family, and we all know what’s going to happen if they can’t be together.

      This is how she expresss the love between someone of course their Is drama there has to be , if it wasn't for this song I dont think I could tell what true love is.

    2. On the way in, we saw the Police Department cheerfully exchanging friendship bracelets with legions of Swifties

      tells me how Taylor has many hearts of the guy fan club too .

    3. I have walked in trembling silence as I entered farther and farther into the inner sanctums of the Vatican. This was like that, except for girls.

      I could tel you this I how I felt when I saw Edward cullen movie for the first time this is fandom.

    4. The mood was solemn — spiritual, even. I have prayed at dawn at the Temple Mount.

      Tells us so much about how the feel of the concert was , such a great way to express .