- Aug 2019
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The total yieldfrom this tax plus the recovery of taxes lost through the Internal Rev-enue Service subsidy of employment-based insurance could allowdiscontinuation of the payroll tax, corporate tax, and other taxes.
Involvement with tax and its loss.
more than 400% above the federal poverty level,83% of employees are offered employment-basedinsurance.5In households with a family income levelbetween 100% and 250% of the federal povertylevel, only 38% are offered employment-basedinsurance.5
Employment-based insurance does not help solve thisproblem; it exacerbates it.
Employee insurance is not actually benefiting the issue.
In some markets, a large insurancecompany is forced to pay more than twice the Medi-care fee in part to retain a popular health care system onits plan.
Companies are having to pay a fee to keep their name popular. Either way that money is still having to be paid somehow.
With few exceptions, employment-based insur-ance is administered by health insurance companies.
Not every place will even accept the employment-based insurance.
. Second in importance, hospitaland physician groups have formed larger organizationswith power to raise prices in many health care markets.
Hospitals and physicians have power to increase the price in health care
A reduction in health careexpenditures by only 10% would free $330 billion eachyear to meet other public and private needs
Major decrease if health care was reduced.
$10 000 per person per year andis at least 50% more than the cost in any other country.
A statistic view on healthcare in America.
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Theoretically, the public option should be more affordable for consumers because the government could use its heft to negotiate lower rates with doctors and hospitals and to reduce costs
Other tactic that allows more affordable costs.
Medically necessary services would be covered and there would be no premiums, deductibles or co-pays
Possible way to make medicare not so expensive.
a "single-payer" system, which many other developed countries have.
A Medicare system that many other countries have.
shifting control to the federal government and essentially eliminating the private insurance industry.
A possible tactic that would benefit our problem with medicare.
many more struggle to pay their medical bills.
one in 10 Americans is uninsured,
Another issue in American health care.
not to guarantee health care to all
Not everyone is granted good health care.
it's pretty pricey
One issue is that it is not cheap.
Health care has emerged as a key fault line for Democrats
This article most likely will explain the cons of healthcare.