7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. partially completed outline of today’s lecture

      This was always my favorite, but I sometimes felt like it consumed my attention instead of actually learning the material. I was so focused on filling in the next blank or missing one, I wasn't actually applying the information presented to me.

    2. Instructor Storytelling

      I feel like this is a common technique in any kind of public speaking/lecture

    3. ollowing these nine steps

      These nine steps incorporate the basic questions: who, what, how, and which.

    1. IAGC Pinterest board on Differentiation for Gifted Students https://www.pinterest.com/iagcgifted/differentiation/


    2. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences
      • design, develop, evaluate AUTHENTIC learning. If it is not authentic, are the students really grasping the concept?
    3. 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

      I agree. Promoting and modeling digital citizenship and responsibly is something we don't think about but is very important. I don't remember experiencing this through my schooling experience and I think it would have been very helpful.

    4. All tasks should be challenging, interesting and worth doing.

      I agree - Busy work is not useful and there is no reason to waste time. All tasks should have a purpose.