- Jun 2019
Local file Local file
Hi everyone! Thanks for opening the PDF of the evidence for the case study! My hope is that everyone will be able to tag/highlight between 3-5 important pieces of evidence using hypothesis. I know that 185 pages is a lot to go through, so I highlighted a couple of important places for you all to look at for evidence to make it easier for you.
While looking at the evidence, please look for the following information:
-Highlight points where Conrad Roy III shows warning signs, risk factors, or protective factors. -Highlight points where Michelle Carter attempted to help Conrad Roy. -Highlight points where you would have said or done something differently than Michelle Carter did.
- May 2019
mcphs.blackboard.com mcphs.blackboard.com
To deter plagiarism and ensure appropriate use of resources in student research and learning, the university subscribes to a plagiarism prevention service (www.turnitin.com).
What is the acceptable percent of information that matches in TurnItIn? This is one of my biggest stressed when I submit a paper because I am always nervous that my percent match is too high. A former professor said that any number under 15%-20% is acceptable but I am curious as to what your thoughts are.