4 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. “By looking at the stats of, you know, how small the Muslim population is you’d think we would be winning the war against terror, but they’re infiltrating everywhere.”

      I just feel very sorry for middle eastern students during the time of 9/11. It must of been so difficult getting looks from every single person you walk by as a student. Thinking further about it, the effects of 9/11 probably have a never ending effect on the way people view middle eastern individuals, not just during the time of 9/11.

    2. I guess they were my friends, yeah, they were my friends—would take my baseball hat and draw penises on my hat because, like, it was the whole Dong thing. And actually, most of the time I didn’t mind it. But eventually, after a while it just kind of like, they would escalate things, thinking they were funny

      It is difficult to navigate school as a minority wanting to fit in. You are not sure where the line is between a funny joke and something being seriously wrong. As a young kid, you strive to fit in, to feel like you belong to a group, and you may dimiss many rude things people and even your friends say to you.

  2. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Basham concludes that the prohibition against speaking for others may have caused these students considerable difficulty in trying to capture in their own words the ideas of another. Because they had been taught to always speak for themselves, they found doing so much more com-fortable and culturally compatible. STEREOTYPING There is a widespread belief that Asian-American children are the "perfect" students, that they will do well regardless of che academic setting in which they are placed. This stereotype has led to a negative backlash in which the academic needs of the majority of Asian-American students are overlooked. I recall one five-year-old Asian-American girl in a Montessori kinder-

      This was so interesting. I think this is the first time I've heard a specific example of someones cultural backround affecting their ability to do work in the classroom. It actually goes against Native American culture to talk for other authors.

  3. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. t just in test-taking situations but in daily life, like being the only Black student in an advanced math or science class, for example. The student in such a circumstance is likely to have a heightened awareness of being "the only one."

      I experienced this when I was in elementary school. I was the only asian kid in my 1st and 2nd grade class. When I was younger, I didn't even realize this I guess because I was focusing on other things than race. I do think as I got older, I am thankful that I had other asian people to communicate with other than my family. It was important for me to have those familiar peer connections.