- Sep 2019
io9.gizmodo.com io9.gizmodo.com
On average, white students outperform black students when it comes to grades in college classes - even when the students are equally capable.
This is a bold statement that may be accurate. I believe this is true because white students receive more support than the black students. Black students can have the same things and still feel like the odds are against them.
women score better on math tests when they are told beforehand that they're likely to perform just as well as men do
The comments people make impacts someone's mindset because it feels like the odds are against them and they do not have any support.
www.huffpost.com www.huffpost.com
So this is where you come in, my dear student. Please try on your test, we need you.
This made the biggest impact on me because it was straight forward and related to my family background. Coming from a low income school, students felt like they were not enough for a four year institution and said it was only for people with money. Being told that you are needed pushes you to try harder and gives you the reassurance.
If education is a meritocracy, the best students should be the ones to succeed. But these findings disrupt any illusion that success stems from talent if the mediocre rich have a better chance at graduating than the intelligent poor.
Once again, this does not shock me. When it comes to a person's education, everything reverts back to money. The rich will continue to succeed, while the poor will continue to try and fail. Why is it that knowledge is not enough?
www.edglossary.org www.edglossary.org
School structures: The way that a school or academic program is organized and operated can convey messages to students. For example, if non-English-speaking students are largely separated from their peers for most of the school day, or students with physical or learning disabilities are enrolled in specialized programs that are relegated to windowless classrooms in the basement, these organizational decisions may have unintended effects on the students’ sense of cultural belonging, self-worth, or academic potential. In addition, the structure of a school program can also mirror or reinforce cultural biases or prejudices. For example, students of color and students from lower-income households are often disproportionately represented in lower-level courses, and special-education programs may inadvertently reinforce some of the social stigmas that children and adults with disabilities experience outside of school.
I can agree to disagree. I believe students who need more help should be given it. I do not understand how exactly this affects their self-worth if they are given the materials to be able to prosper with their disabilities or setbacks.
Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school.
I honestly believe I have benefited more from "hidden curriculum" in my daily life than the actual information my teachers have had to teach. Some of the unintended lessons have helped me to go get where I am today and have helped me make those difficult decisions.
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
After every test, every paper, every major problem set, ask yourself: what worked and what could I do to be better (and faster) the next time around?
I think this is important because we, as students, never reflect on the things we do. We need to try new problem solving skills as well as keep what is working best for us.We need to keep growth mindsets and continue to grow our strategies.
plan each day what hours you’ll dedicate to work and what you will accomplish in these hours. In the long-term: break up large projects into smaller pieces and identify on what days you will work on each. Do not allow any work to exist outside of a carefully considered schedule.
I did not try this until my senior year in high school and it helped so much. I used to procrastinate and try to get everything done the night before. It helps with stress levels and gives you time to do other things. I would definitely recommend this.
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
This principle asserts that the correct time to learn something is when you first approach it, either in your readings or lectures. Waiting until the end to study results in a lot of wasted effort and poor grades.
This is definitely true. People who first approach material and try to grasp it learn faster because they pay attention over time. People who wait until last minute do not pass exams because they do not show interest in it.
The biggest difference I noticed between people who learned easily and those who struggled wasn’t being organized, study location or any of the common advice given to struggling students. It was how they learned the material. Slow learners memorized, while rapid learners made connections between ideas.
Students who struggle, it is because they have not found the right way for them to succeed. As a person who has succeeded throughout my four years of high school, I have noticed that too it is easier to make connections or use acronyms to retain the information.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Other parents — parents who have gone to college themselves — might have known at that point to encourage their kid to go to office hours, or to the writing center, or to ask for help. But my mom thought I was as alone as I feared.
It's something all first generation parents go through. They want to help their children, but do not have the knowledge to do so.
when you’re the first in your family to go to college, you never truly feel like they’ve let you go.
As a first generation student, it is hard for parents to let you go because they have been there every step of the way and do not understand how to let go. My parents still ask, "do you have homework?" "Have you ate?" "Did you get enough sleep?"
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Many colleges will give admissions preference to these students for overcoming obstacles, or use the status to mitigate poor test scores.
Colleges only do this to make themselves look good on. paper, but do not really benefit the students. They do not give them enough money to pay for the schooling and depend on them to pay for some of it. Are they truly benefiting the low-income/ first generation?
It’s the same as the one used by the engineering school that Ms. Weingarten called — neither parent can have a bachelor’s, even if they didn’t raise the child.
It is hard for students who do not have both parents around, whether it be because of death or because your parents are not together. Some students have never meet a father before or a mother before, but still get judged based off of their background.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“There is a real problem with the elite privates and flagship publics in not serving as many low-income students as they should,”
I agree with this statement because many elite privates do not fulfill the needs of low-income students. They give them some money, but not enough for these students to afford it. This is the reason why low-income students decide to go to community college first and transfer. It is cheaper and close to home so they are still able to help bring in income for their family. Elite schools try to help out the upper middle class and the rich instead of helping the ones who truly need it.