3 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2016
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50 Chrome Extensions That Will Boost Your Productivity Today you can find Google Chrome extensions for almost anything that you can think about. In the sea of available extensions, it can be a hustle to choose which one are the best for your type of the business. Google Chrome extensions can be a great productivity tool if you use them wisely.
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A while back I shared a post with a list of 20 great YouTube channels for Social Studies that I curated for a teacher inservice I was leading. Recently I had the chance to do the same thing again for a group of elementary math teachers
In today’s changing world, students need to leave school with a set of technological skills that can help them compete in the world’s job market. For teachers, there’s a free fantastic resource that can help us give students those skills: Google Classroom.
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In today’s changing world, students need to leave school with a set of technological skills that can help them compete in the world’s job market. For teachers, there’s a free fantastic resource that can help us give students those skills: Google Classroom.
In today’s changing world, students need to leave school with a set of technological skills that can help them compete in the world’s job market. For teachers, there’s a free fantastic resource that can help us give students those skills: Google Classroom.