33 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022

      Overall, this project has a solid outline. I think that you explore your chosen material (the film and the novel) quite successfully. I would suggest using SCALAR's functionalities/ tools a little more, connecting back to Braidotti's text and class discussions of Ishiguro's novel, and presenting detailed personal reflections/ your evolving understanding of Becoming-machine.

    2. sun in front of it, thinking to itself the energy and life it must provide

      I recognize that you used 'it' pronouns to talk about Klara on this page while in the conversation page, Klara's talked about as 'her'. In the novel, Klara is a girl AF, but I wonder how you'd like Klara to be called - and whether your choice will have anything to do with Klara's existence with/in different lives/multiplicities?

    3. that they have but each other as company

      Did you mean to say "that they have no-one/ nobody but each other as company"?

    4. In space, floating far from earth, hanging almost still between the sun

      I think it is interesting that the conversation takes place in space and that the names of earth and sun are not capitalized. I wonder whether you'd like to elaborate more on setting and time? Or, is it a stylistic choice to blur these concepts - to make the viewer fully focus on the conversing of the two AI?

    5. 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY

      Could you maybe think of a title that also mentions Klara and the 'conversation' aspect of the project?

    1. The protagonist of "2001: A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick as well as our protagonist.

      Again, I think a discussion of this image could provide better insights on the AI's character - and more importantly, how you understand/ connect with it.

    2. The humanizing concept of feeling conflicted curses HAL 9000

      Some comments on emotion and posthumanism would be interesting here. We can ask questions like: - Why do we strictly associate emotion with humans? - What does 'feeling' entail for a machine?

    3. his brain, or program

      Maybe I am just too concerned about the details, but an explanation/note on the use of pronouns would be helpful. I wonder for which effect you interchangeably use it, her, and his.

    1. Glossary

      Could you try to use one of SCALAR's functionalities to make this page a bit interactive or unconventional?

    1. there bodies

      Did you mean to say "more than mere bodies?

    2. displacement of machine within the eco-system is inevitable.

      Why is it inevitable?

    3. Displacement

      This image really conveys the notion of displacement/ chaos. I would name the artist in the description and include a brief analysis.

    1. one should focus on building a playful and mutual benefiting relationship between human and machine

      It would be interesting to talk about 'cyborgs' here. Do we really need the human-machine binary to exist - even when it's peaceful and playful?

    2. This means that our existence transcends that of just our body,

      Maybe connect this phrase with Braidotti's idea of Becoming-imperceptible?

    3. how we view humans first

      In the conversation page, you might consider including couple more lines about HAL 9000 and Klara's view of humans as species, and whether they realize/ feel/ calculate the aspect of 'the Otherness'.

    1. No description available.

      Again, interesting image! I wonder what the scales symbolize; some kind of justice, or an unequal equity?

    2. Machine, similar to animals, are exploited

      Would you consider talking more about commercialization?

    3. human's moral code must be mutual; humans must also abide to the machine's moral code. 

      I like the reciprocality here! Powerful final sentence!

    1. Asimov's Three Laws

      Would you consider talking about how Asimov's Three Laws are widely used in science-fiction, and the specificity of genre?

    2. Asimov's three laws 

      A citation could be useful here? Either Braidotti or Asimov as references.

    3. The rules were written through a humanist perspective, thus the laws were created based on a human's moral code. 

      Would you consider also presenting a complementary machine-ethics theory that is not humanist?

    1. Their wiring were on two different wavelengths

      I like this phrase - maybe could mention Braidotti's ideas of 'circularity' or 'life as flow' here.

    2. I...can't say.

      I remember our discussions about Klara's hope. Is that not emotion?

    3. for about 5 minutes.

      I like these gaps/ silences! I think they tell a lot as well.

    4. Hal 9000 is immobile by the humanoid AI’s side. 

      I like that the main visual of the page is dynamic! Definitely helps set the mood, and could use more of such media.

    5. A Conversation Between Two AI

      Use of sounds can be impactful to grasp the interest of the viewer.

    6. Klara appears pensive

      Unique adjective here! I think it is reflective of what we think, and Ishiguro imagines of Klara.

    1. It acts based on its feelings of fear and worry, leading it to commit actions that are irrational and spontaneous, both terms that do not fit in the category of calculating

      An interesting final sentence! After reading the page, I have questions: Can humans also calculate? Or, when you refer to calculating, is it exclusive to the machine - in the same way that thinking is exclusive to the human?

    2. The upbringing and background of an individual all play a part in the act of thinking, yet for a machine, there is no upbringing.

      Would you consider referring to the nature-culture continuum here?

    3. The Google definition states that thinking is "using thought or rational judgment; intelligent".

      I think the Google definitions are good for providing an overview of complex concepts, but it would be nice to incorporate Braidotti's definitions of 'consciousness' and 'rationality' here - or possibly some other critical theory.

    1. genuine in its mannerism, until the end.

      Maybe include a tag/link here to your Machine-Ethics page as the concepts of 'mannerism' and 'ethnics' can be interrelated.

    2. Kazuo Ishiguro's novel; "Klara and the Sun"

      It may be good to include the year of publication/ genre of the novel.

    3. From the novel "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro

      It could be nice to talk about your choice of this image. I really like that there are webs (of information?) on the AI; maybe you could provide a brief analysis about them? Also, what does the infrastructure symbolize, considering that the space is the setting?