2 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Post-literate reasoning jumps through a series ofhyperlinks, where instinct and gut reactions are powerful; while itgenerates enormous creativity, it is very dangerous. It is attentiondeficit disorder; it eviscerates history. Where associative reasoningprevails, the development of doctrine doesn’t matter very much.

      These few sentences got my attention most out of the entire article. Being a new law student, we are doing our best to learn how to read cases critically, but in often trying to learn the concepts, we lack the context behind the judges decisions. Thinking of cases more along a domino effect than as individual issues and answers is far clearer than trying to understand by grasping buzzwords and concepts through the dicta.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. particularly as to C.J.S.,constitute the most recent, definitivestatement of the law on a specific sub-ject.

      Thinking of encyclopedias, or C.J.S., as one of the most current resouces for information seems contrary to what one would assume. Having an accessible and quick way to learn about a research topic is a great short cut to noting which cases define the common law for the topic, and where to continue your research. This resource is especially great when a topic is new and you have a short timeframe to gather your necessary research.