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  1. Dec 2017
    1. 15th year of their age when they might go with more safety and contentment to that distance from their parents. Untill this preparatory provision shall be made, either the university will be overwhelmed with the Gr

      The American culture today has changed in that children at the present tend to be so much more dependent on their families compared to the past. Both kids and young adults depend on their families financially, for housing, for nutrition/ healthcare, and many other forms of aid. It is the norm in this age for young students to live at home until they finish their education, not to mention they commute from home to school through secondary education. In past periods in history young students would live away from their families while studying- allowing students to learn and growth outside of the classroom as well as inside of the classroom; making decisions for themselves without guidance, whether positive or negative, and having to care for themselves without help. Today many students leave the house for the first time to go to college experiencing a steep learning curve having to adjust to both college level academics and having to take care of themselves without any help. Learning how to care for oneself at an earlier age could prepare students to better adjust to living and learning on their own.

    2. To give to every citizen the information he needs for the transaction of his own business

      This sentence brings to mind a thought concerning the idea of the liberal arts education. Some argue that an all encompassing liberal arts education does not properly prepare students to be citizens of the world- in that they master the art of writing papers though they may not necessarily understand how to pay they taxes. I understand this argument, though I am not necessarily a proponent of it- though I do believe that it is important for students to learn how to master certain skills in order to be a successful and secure citizen of this world. Though every student should not study business they should gain a basic understanding of day to day economics and financial duties upon completing university when they are expected to enter the world as a contributing citizen.

  2. Sep 2017
    1. Hotels of a single room for a Refectory,

      Through the structure and implementation of hotels, the University from the start was influenced by outside business, just like it is today. Just like we have Chick-Fil-a or The Corner today, the students who attended the University in the Jeffersonian era were able to purchase commodities, such as food or necessities for daily life, from outside vendors who rented spaces in what are now the dormitories on the outside of the gardens.

    2. Spanish is highly interesting to us, as the language spoken by so great a portion of the inhabitants of our Continents, with whom we shall possibly have great intercourse ere long; and is that also in which is written the greater part of the early history of America.

      This sentence sticks out, because it seems to put down the Spanish Language, compared to other modern languages that are offered. They label it as less learned than French, Italian, or German, by mentioning well studied types or works of art in those languages and not in the Spanish language. This document refers Italian, French, and German respectively as a "distinguished...[and]...valuable", "the language of general intercourse among nations", and a language spoken by "the most learned nations in richness". Contrastingly Spanish is just referred to as "interesting", being spoken by our neighboring countries. Today, comparatively, according to the University of Dusseldorf, Spanish is tied as the third most common studied language, after Chinese and French and tied with German. Spanish language and culture is commonly referred to as the majority minority of our country. It is interesting to note that the globalization that our world has gone through up until now has lead to the introduction of Far Eastern languages, such as Chinese, which is not offered as a modern language in this document but is widely studied today at UVA and around the country.
