32 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2016
    1. The devaluation of the world of men is in direct proportion to the increasing value of the world of things. Labor produces not only commodities; it produces itself and the worker as a commodity – and this at the same rate at which it produces commodities in general. This fact exppresses merely that the object which labor produces – labor’s product – confronts it as something alien, as a power independent of the producer. The product of labor is labor which has been embodied in an object, which has become material: it is the objectification of labor. Labor’s realization is its objectification. Under these economic conditions this realization of labor appears as loss of realization for the workers; objectification as loss of the object and bondage to it; appropriation as estrangement, as alienation.

      page 28-29 last paragraph

      I chose not to paraphrase this passage because I thought Marx said this better than I could ever imagine to. Also in including a humorous Marx and Engels I thought it would make the character seem more like the Chorus of an old Greek play.

    1. ….

      It is strange that the main character of a novella can have such few words. Melville did not think he needed many and neither do I. There is strength in Bartleby's silence. It can be interpreted as a sort of passive resistance.

    2. hear

      This is not a typo or confusion of homophones. This is just a pun on words. This context of this message is from Public Enemy's song "fight the power." The song is about the struggle of blacks against systematic oppression; but it also works in a capitalistic setting as well.

      Just thought it would be funny, it is what I imagine Marx to have sung if he grew up in the epoch of hip hop.

    3. Related

      Up until this point Bartleby has said nothing. I would like to make it clear that this where I will be changing the story and adding my own creativity. Of course we know that Marx is not a character in this novella, but for the sake of my theme I have included him. I have included this move for Bartleby; implying that it was Marx's statements that sparked his refusal to work.

    4. …..

      I have intentionally left Bartleby speechless for this section. Melville's novella does not give Bartleby any words and it has proven right to do so. If all he does is work, no speaking and no eating, it will be more dramatic when he refuses to work.

    5. Yes, Sir

      It is important to keep Ginger Nut's statement as short as possible. The only mandatory inclusion for Ginger Nut's statements is "sir." This is a phrase that he so often repeats that and it greatly highlights how obedient he is to the Narrator.

    1. proliterian revolution

      The proletarian revolution is a revolution theorized by Marx and Engels. It is a revolution in which the working class come together and overthrow the bourgeoisie. This revolution is largely based on the French's unsuccessful February revolution in 1848. During this revolution the french attempted to overthrow the elected government of the Second Republic, which had begun to take a conservative path. This government was elected after France over threw King Louis Phillipe)

      https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Manifesto.pdf [Page 10-11]


    1. acquired capital; and in acquiring capital you have gained no political power, but instead have gained the power to purchase and command labor.

      This passage was taken from Karl Marx's earlier writing on Capitalism; it is stated on page 11 to be specific. The idea that capitalism isn't merely owning wealth but also owning power over others is one that persists today. It is with this idea that the upper class has driven a large wedge between them and all others.

    2. Bourgeoisie class, the strife between the aristocrats and proletarians have lessened; but for this new age that statement is sorely inaccurate


      This statement was made based on Marx's remarks on page 15 last two paragraphs. Historically the Bourgeoisie have made a revolutionary impact on the class issue, but today what was considered to be the bourgeoisie may now be considered to be upper class.

      This game is being written as if it were happening in the early 2000s and Marx were alive to comment on it. which is why Marx has claimed he was wrong about that statement. The modern Bourgeoisie is what spawned the #occupywallstreet movement.

    1. The late John Jacob Astor, a personage little given to poetic enthusiasm, had no hesitation in pronouncing my first grand point to be prudence; my next, method. I do not speak it in vanity, but simply record the fact, that I was not unemployed in my profession by the late John Jacob Astor; a name which, I admit, I love to repeat, for it hath a rounded and orbicular sound to it, and rings like unto bullion. I will freely add, that I was not insensible to the late John Jacob Astor’s good opinion.”

      Interesting thing about John Jacob Astor is that he was an actual person in history. He had his things in many of businesses; money was his passion. To say his name rings like bullion-gold is an accurate statement. Our narrator's continuous reference and association to him allows us to know that he is not part of the lower class like his workers. (http://titanic.wikia.com/wiki/John_Jacob_Astor_IV)

    1. Bartleby

      You may have not noticed but this "no image" image was purposely chosen for Bartleby. IT would only make sense since the narrator knew nothing of him and he preferred not to disclose that information to the reader.

    2. “I prefer not to”

      The much repeated phrase of Bartleby.

    1. Turkey, Nippers, and Ginger Nut

      For these particular characters I decided to describe them using only words from the narrator/boss. It is essential that the viewer of the game understands that the characters/workers are only measured by their worth. I was very careful of using parts of the descriptions that the narrator said pleased him or was beneficial to him.

    1. “…economic production, and the structure of society of every historical epoch necessarily arising therefrom, constitute the foundation for the political and intellectual history of that epoch; that consequently (ever since the dissolution of the primaeval [sic] communal ownership of land) all history has been a history of class struggles, of struggles between exploited and exploiting, between dominated and dominating classes at various stages of social evolution; that this struggle, however, has now reached a stage where the exploited and oppressed class (the proletariat) can no longer emancipate itself from the class which exploits and oppresses it (the bourgeoisie), without at the same time forever freeing the whole of society from exploitation, oppression, class struggles.”                                                                                                                                  -Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

      Taken from the 1883 Preface to the German Edition of the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Most of what will be said will be taken from the Communist Manifesto. Though it is said that only Part III of the Manifesto was Marx's actual words, Engel credits all of the ideas in the manifesto to Marx.

    1. understanding why a pattern occurs and determining whether it is one that offers insight into a text requires technologies of self-reflective inquiry.

      Uh obviously, was this even necessary to put in an article. Computers are only necessarily useful with quantitative data, I doubt a computer is reading and analyzing the data for figurative meaning.

      face palm

    2. Figure 1. Table of word frequencies from texts comparable in size or composition date to Stein’s The Making of Americans. The novels are arranged in the order that they were published, starting with the earliest at the bottom.

      Am I the only one completely confudled. (see that a unique word lol) what in the world is this graph conveying?

    3. The graph also makes visible the fact that the low number of unique words (or words that are used at least once in each text) and the high average frequency of words in The Making of Americans are almost exactly the inverse of the numbers for Joyce’s Finnegans Wake.

      I find this funny that this what our technology is going to. I am not sure what the importance of word counts or uniqueness. Count and Uniqueness does not change overall message.

    4. Yet electronic archives—the source materials of so much text analysis, data mining, and visualization methodologies—are always assembled behind very real stone walls, by very real people. Jerome McGann, in writing about the “categorical systems and subsystems (‘cross-references’)” used by archives, libraries, and museums, implies that any database is the result of an interface between a person and an archive:

      Knowing all of this gives technology a very human quality. As is, technology does not act on its own. Though we may think of google and certain things a magical technology all of these things have been compiled and ordered by human. Technology only creates access, it does not create material.

    5. digital tools seem to take the “human” (e.g., the significance of gender, race, class, religion, sexuality, and history) out of literary study.

      I think this statement is so inaccurate. In fact with the new digital technology today the "human" is more easily accessible. We are now more capable of interacting with said human and/or researching that human more efficiently.

  2. Apr 2016
    1. total sensory immersion in a self-contained alternative world.

      There is an anime that explores the idea of total sensory immersion. It's called Sword Art Online, basically the characters enter a RPG and are unable to get out. They sleep, eat and basically live their life in the game until they've beat it. It is possible to even die in real life if you die in the game. Anyways...I digress, back to reading.

    2. n April Fool’s Day 2008, the United States congressional Subcommittee on Telecommunica-tions and the Internet held a hearing on the topic of online virtual worlds, focused almost exclusively on Second Life. Simulcast inside Second Life, the hearing took up questions such as the possibility that Islamic militants could use avatars inside the virtual world to recruit and plan terrorist attacks.

      I'm starting to get the feeling that this article is nearly a decade old. Why is it so preposterous to think that terrorists would not use Second Life, or any digital world for that matter, as a platform? They use facebook don't they?

    3. academics have increasingly treated the proprietary platform Second Life as the end toward which the Web is evolving

      This is a funny statement only because technology, like people is ever evolving. How can this Second Life be an end to something that should be considered infinite. The possibilities are truly limitless when it comes to technology and digital interaction. When was this article written anyway? lol

    1. After much consideration and many changes to the manuscript it has finally been decided that instead of the Indomitable- the not tamable, this ship will be named the Bellipotent- war+power
    1. There just aren't enough high-quality games that also serve serious purposes effectively. Making games is hard. Making good games is even harder. Making good games that hope to serve some external purpose is even harder.

      I'd like to know exactly where he gets this thought from. There are plenty of games that are used to target external purposes. His statement then makes me question what does he mean by external purposes. Trivia games, LIfe replica games: SIMS, and even r playing games have benefits outside of the game.

  3. Mar 2016
    1. Some months after, dragged to the gibbet at the tail of a mule, the black met his voiceless end. The body was burned to ashes; but for many days, the head, that hive of subtlety, fixed on a pole in the Plaza, met, unabashed, the gaze of the whites;

      At first reading this I could not figure out the significant to the silent black man that met his end so I gave it a metaphorical meaning. I thought this was a representation of the black man's will. But now will some historical context and the original the man voiceless end takes on multiple meanings. Seems like a pun on his voicelessness. Firstly he was figuratively silenced because his revolt failed. He also showed his will because he did not beg. And lastly, historically Blacks were not capable of arguing/defending themselves in court against a white. So in this sense, Babo and his crew were figuratively and literally given a voiceless end. (American Slave Code pg. 1-2)


    2. “Yes, all is owing to Providence, I know: but the temper of my mind that morning was more than commonly pleasant, while the sight of so much suffering, more apparent than real, added to my good-nature, compassion, and charity, happily interweaving the three. Had it been otherwise, doubtless, as you hint, some of my interferences might have ended unhappily enough. Besides, those feelings I spoke of enabled me to get the better of momentary distrust, at times when acuteness might have cost me my life, without saving another’s. Only at the end did my suspicions get the better of me, and you know how wide of the mark they then proved.”

      It seems more often than not , when being taught about the "slave trade" historians forget to teach about the slave revolts that happened aboard ships. Yes, we learn about the slave revolts that happened decades/centuries after Africans landed in their intended country but what about the ships that never made it. After doing some research I've found out that between 15 and 20% of slave ships had a revolt. Some ships made it back to Senegal and some disappeared at sea. So why then, with 1 out of 5 ships being taken over, does Captain Delano not figure out the situation sooner. Historically crew members prepared for revolts and were aware that a mutiny may arise.


    3. First, the affair of the Spanish lad assailed with a knife by the slave boy; an act winked at by Don Benito. Second, the tyranny in Don Benito’s treatment of Atufal, the black; as if a child should lead a bull of the Nile by the ring in his nose. Third, the trampling of the sailor by the two negroes; a piece of insolence passed over without so much as a reprimand.

      The "negroes" of Benito's ships are strange characters in this sense. I am having a hard time understanding why at this time Captain Delano did not at first think that it time to question Benito alone or attack the ship. According to the American slave code, slaves were to be considered property, they were not to raise there voice or hand at any white. Just the act of raising its voice would result in 39 lashes or death. This should have been a direct indication that things upon the ship were awry. (American Slave Code pg. 1)


  4. Feb 2016
    1. The Kindle screen is a permanent dishwater gray, not exactly "just like paper," as promised by the ubiquitous Amazon ads.

      I actually feel this to be the biggest advantage of the Kindle. The paper simulating screen allows for long reads without headaches.

    2. on my iPhone was the eReader

      Random comment: I've always felt that the eReaders that exist on Iphones, Samsungs or any other phones for that matter ruin the experience of reading. They do not allow for long reads, because of the lighting and damage it causes to your eye.

    3. Do I love books or do I love reading?

      Though I find this to be the greatest question I have heard so far, regarding the argument about the lose of literature, I believe this question can only be asked when someone is reading literature for the "love" of it.

    1. "Counsel woven into the fabric of real life is wisdom. The art of story telling is reaching its ends because the epic side of the truth, wisdom, is dying out. This, however, is a process that has been going on for a long time and would be more fatuous than to want to see in it merely a "symptom of decay," let alone a "modern system."

      This modern system of decay can quite possibly be considered twitter, facebook, instagram or any other social media site. Story telling exists within these systems but rather than having the wandering features or varying details of an oral tale, social media allows for us to review a tale in text or video form over and over with no variation. From this article it seems that Benjamin may not approve of our modern day storytelling. I imagine that he'd say that it is without skill/craft...-_-

    1. I've heard this argument so many times and have often questioned how untrue it is? It is true that with the introduction of technology we (students and teachers) become more involved with the text and one another, but at the same time it assist in our laziness toward texts. Texts may lose beauty and innovation for the sake of involvement.