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- Nov 2020
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In this context, the objective of thisstudy is to increase knowledge of the motivations and patterns of behaviour of foodstagrammertourists and to contribute new insights about this phenomenon. In the first part of the article,therefore, we establish the framework for the characteristics and motivations of foodstagrammertourists. We then describe the ethnographic methodology employed in this study and presentour detailed fieldwork. Finally, we explain our findings and discuss the phenomenon of foodsta-grammer tourists and their managerial implications.
The research study, 'An Ethnographic Study of Motivations of Foodstagrammer tourists' highlights how a research question may be portrayed by using a broad research statement to identify their overarching focus of inquiry as opposed to directly stating a research question. In this study, it is found in the goals of the study and could be converted to a question format. Stating the purpose for the inquiry works as effectively as proposing a prompt research question.