22 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. purpose of a personal response assignment is to convey internal reflections and thoughts into a formal and organized piece of writing.

      purpose of the writing assignment

    2. response follows a summarization and/or examination of a text.

      Responses come after summaries. A response should be about how you feel about the text.

    1. Summarize. At the end of each section, pause to summarize the main points in a few sentences.

      Its important to convert text into the way you would phrase it. When you recall information in your own head, its easier to understand your own voice, rather than the writers.

    2. Textbooks often include comprehension questions in the margins or at the end of a section or chapter.

      Personally, I need to do better at answering the comprehension questions so I may better understand.

    1. Summarize the text in your own words (note your impressions, reactions, and what you learned) in an outline or in a short paragraph

      Rephrasing the information in your own words helps to convert it into a way you'll understand.

    2. Were any of your earlier questions answered within the text?

      If your questions were not answered through the text, it can be helpful to do some further research on the topic at hand.

    3. you may not remember why you highlighted that word or sentence in the first place.

      This is important to remember for studying purposes. You may forgot why you found a sentence helpful or important, which can lead to poor studying skills.

    4. main point gives you a framework to organize the details presented in the reading

      Hamburger essays. Identify the main point (buns) and analyze the details (bun, lettuce, cheese).

    5. stop periodically

      This is a great tip for those texts that are "boring".

    6. reviewing a text helps you better understand it, you will have better success analyzing it.

      I need to remember that skimming is helpful when trying to really retain information.

    7. Additionally, if you have a highly engaging reading assignment, such as a novel you cannot put down, you may be able to read lengthy passages in one sitting.

      Sometimes, I sit and read a book in one sitting when I am especially interested.

    8. If you are assigned a seventy-page chapter to read for next week’s class, try not to wait until the night before it’s due to get started. Give yourself at least a few days and tackle one section at a time.

      This is something I need to remember as an anxious procrastinator.

    9. Have you ever stayed up all night cramming just before an exam or found yourself skimming a detailed memo from your boss five minutes before a crucial meeting?


    10. active reading may even help you to develop an interest in the text even when you thought that you initially had none.

      When you ask questions and read critically, you may become more interested in a topic and be hungry to learn more. This is how we continue to be life long learners.

    11. I have no idea what I just read; I can’t remember any of it”?

      This usually happens because you are not thinking about the text in depth, or the writer did not clearly convey their message.

    1. thinking carefully about what we say is a necessity.

      This is a great reminder that what we say online can always be traced back to us and nothing is ever really "deleted".

    2. Finding an error in someone else’s argument can be the point of destabilization you need to make a worthy argument of your own,

      We can use other people's mistakes to create our own argument. Arguing for your perspective is made possible by recognizing the faults in other's opinions to construct our own and challenge their thinking.

    3. potential reliability as future sources.

      If we do not think critically about pieces of text, we can not decide if they are reliable sources.

    1. analyzing and understanding the overall composition of the writing

      This is an important reminder that you don't always need to relate to the text, as long as you understand what message is trying to be conveyed.

    2. persuade, inspire, provoke humor, or simply inform his audience?

      This is important because every piece of writing should have a clear goal.

    3. approaching a work as if you were a critic or commentator whose job it is to analyze a text beyond its surface.

      Reading between the lines

    4. writing has achieved its effect on the audience.

      As writers, we should always consider who our audience is.