20 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Their nervous systems are frequently less complex than human systems, which facilitates the research. It is much easier to learn from a system with thousands of neurons compared to one with billions of neurons like humans. Also, nonhuman animals may have other desirable characteristics such as shorter life cycles, larger neurons, and translucent embryos

      benefits to using animal subjects

    1. Structural imaging techniques with ASD have focused on which brain structures have physical differences. MRIs have found a thicker frontal cortex (Carper & Courchesne, 2005) and a thinner temporal cortex (Hardan et al., 2006) in patients with ASD. These areas are notable because the frontal cortex is linked to communication and language abilities and the temporal cortex is linked to auditory processing (ie. language input), both of which are issues that many with ASD struggle with.

      connection to Autism

    2. Drawbacks of MRI scans include their much higher cost, and patient discomfort with the procedure.

      disadvantages - tight space, noise, length of scanning time

    3. The main disadvantage of CT scanning is that it exposes patients to a dose of radiation many times higher than that of X-rays.


    4. X-rays are capable of damaging cells and initiating changes that can lead to cance

      negative for X -rays

    5. The X-ray is a form of high energy electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength capable of penetrating solids and ionizing gases.

      definition of x -ray

    6. X-rays are capable of damaging cells and initiating changes that can lead to cance


    1. In 1848, John Martyn Harlow treated Phineas Gage and documented his case. Gage, who was a railroad worker, had his frontal lobe pierced by an iron tamping rod in a blasting accident. He survived the trauma but suffered extensive damage to his left prefrontal cortex (Macmillan, 2001). Through Gage's case study, Harlow showed the connection between the prefrontal cortex damage, executive functioning, and personality changes.

      Phineas Cage

    1. the localization of function.  This principle means that specific psychological and behavioral processes are localized to specific regions and networks of the brain.

      localization of function

    2. The frequently repeated claim that humans use only 10% of their brains is false

      false myth

    3. Key areas of focus within the field include sensation and perception; motivated behavior (such as hunger, thirst, and sex); control of movement; learning and memory; sleep and biological rhythms; and emotion.

      Key areas

  2. Oct 2023
    1. kin selection) favors our altruistic side including prosocial behaviors such as caring, giving, sharing, and cooperation

      kin selection

    2. individual selection) favors the self-interested side of human nature

      individual selection

    3. The evolved behavioral and mental traits of an organism are its psychological adaptations

      psychological adaptations definition

    4. The heritable features which organisms use to solve problems of survival and reproduction are called adaptations.

      adaptations definition

    5. sexual selection--selection based on the "attractiveness" of potential sexual partners.

      sexual selection definiton

    6. the environment presents challenges to survival such as disease, predators, and insufficient supplies of resources such as energy (in the form of sunlight for plants, or food for animals), territory, and water.

      challenges brought by nature

    7. environmental selection--selection by the environment of which genetic variants in a population will survive long enough to have a chance to reproduce

      environmental selection definiton