1 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. For example, perhaps you have received an email with the hundreds of email addresses that were cc-ed on the original email, and you have to scroll through them to get to the message. It's annoying. If it's not necessary for the recipients to know who received the email—maybe it's just a reminder that the office is closing early today--and you want to avoid the scroll through the cc's, then you can bc all the recipients. That way, there's no cc scroll, and when someone replies, there's no chance that he or she will accidentally hit "reply all."

      I think the advantage of using "BCC" (Blind Carbon Copy) in emails. By using BCC, you can avoid the recipients from having to scroll through a long list of email addresses and it also eliminates the risk of accidentally hitting "reply all" when responding, which can result in unwanted and unnecessary emails being sent to multiple people. This makes BCC a useful tool for privacy and efficiency in email communication.